Search for video game may be why Colombia plane didn’t refuel

>The plane carrying a Brazilian soccer team that crashed in Colombia ran out of fuel because its crew searched for a player’s video game before takeoff — a delay that led to a skipped refueling stop en route to Medellin, according to a report.

>“The last message that was sent on the group was from Chinho, making fun of the fact one of the players was holding up the flight from Bolivia because he had forgotten to take his video game out of his bags before it had been dispatched. He said the flight had been delayed as they tried to retrieve it,” he added.

At long last, definitive proof that video games can kill and cause actual death and destruction!

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Some say they're doomed to spend eternity looking for a game for their PS4 that will never be found.


You might as well link to the onion

(((South Americans)))

user that's rude, please delete this.

video games is just code name for drugs


3rd world trash deserved it.


When will a plane crash due to the pilot playing Pokemon Go?

>Soccer has worldwide heritage
>American handegg is a made-up baby sport for "men" too wimpy for rugby

really makes me think...

who cares

Finally, the war on video games has started.

What a rotten way to die.



>>Soccer has worldwide heritage

It's British though, JF's just stole it

I agree. All sports that don't require mechanical or computational tools to play are boring as fuck.


So why the fuck didn't they just land anyway? Who cares if the airport is closed? "What? There is a perfectly good airport right there? Oh but the lights are off, well I guess I'll just kill everybody instead."

Wait, I'm legit confused - how did the delay cause them to miss their refueling stop exactly?

This guy is a fucking mass murderer.

this. delay just adds more time to fuel since theres no hurry

They were late so they decided to skip the refuel to arrive on time.

Don't act like that isn't logical.

>keeping a plane engine idling while searching for a videogame wasting fuel leading to you CRASHING THE PLANE WITH NO SURVIVORS

I bet it was a shitty Tectoy Master System thing

>we're late so we'll just never arrive
Fuel is sorta important.

ban this sick filth

They were supposed to stop at an airport to refuel, but apparently this airport doesn't operate after midnight. So instead of landing anyway and playing it safe, the pilot killed everyone instead.

user, they idled in the air while waiting for landing clearance. They needed to refuel at some point before that and they never did because the place closes before midnight.

They got delayed while on land because some 'tard couldn't go without his Nintendo shit.

The real question is... what game was it?

did they find the game

Obviously there are safety margins but someone miscalculated and fucked things up.

Why could the plane not be refueled during the delay?

>When you speedrunning a game and you skip checkpoints

according to the logic of then news, they werent refueling in the airport they were in, they were gonna stop in another airport to refuel but because the delay they couldnt make it in time to that other airport to refuel becuase it doesnt operate after midnite.

>Shit, we have MORE time than usual!
>Instead of using this delay to refuel, let's waste even MORE time

South Americans: Not even once.

why would you fucking skip refueling?

>when you crash the plane with no survivors to find fifa17

>hello I have no idea how planes land

>I swear this never happened before

No that's retarded. If your steel death machine needs fuel, you refuel.

There's no reason not to.

Read the fucking article. They searched for game at one stop, got delay, skipped another stop, a refueling one to catch up.
Someone fucked up the math or the fuel indicators were made in China and everyone died.
The End.

Nigga what the fuck kind of airport isn't working 24/7

It was already fueled during the delay. Presumably it was supposed to stop somewhere to refuel midflight. To save time, they skipped the stop, thinking they could make it. They were wrong.

You'd do the exact same thing in a car.

>Gonna head to the meeting and fill up the tank on the way
>Shit running late, hopefully I can make it without the pit stop
>Shit, I didn't make it. Now me and all the passengers are dead.

The Dark Knight Rises: The Video Game

South America is the shittiest place on earth

6 people survived.

>Brazilian airline pilot can't into additions and substractions
>it's because of that videogame

Stop fucking up good memes user.

brs don't count as people, user


>retardation might kill you

isn't it kind of good to know that you can still die of stupidity?

Why the fuck is the crew inside the plane responsible for refueling a plane?

>Shit, I didn't make it. Now me and all the passengers are dead.
Yeah, happens to me every weekend.



The refuel was at another airport. How is that hard to follow? On long flights, you have stop overs all the time for a variety of reasons. Refuelling is common. Because they were running behind (due to video games), they missed their chance to refuel and had to press on, assuming they would make it with what they had. They didn't.


So what was the video game?

It was a bolivian pilot.

Because they see the little numbers with label REMAINING FUEL and it's their responsibility to suck enough to get where they are going.

nice desu

At least the food's good.


So who's fault is it that the plane crashed? I blame the airport for not being staying open.

Well, most of the time, you make it to the meeting just fine because you weren't waiting until the last possible moment to refuel.




>had to

It was definitely Fifa


Also, the pilot had a supermodel as his co-pilot:

One of her responsibilities, some sources say, was to check the fuel gauge.



>assuming they would make it with what they had.

What kind of pilot would just assume that there's enough fuel to the next airport?


6 survived, idiot. You read the article.

>Also, the pilot had a supermodel as his co-pilot:
And now you know why they call the small pilot room COCK PIT.

Of fucking course.

And don't they have more than one person working in a fucking airport? Can't see how the couldn't look for the game and refuel at the same time, and fuel is kinda important.

Oh God

Brazil should seize Bolivia over this. Not like the rest of the world cares

Hah that showed them.

literally everybody in this thread is worng
holy fuck kill yourselves

Thanks, Bolivia.

wtf i hate videogames now

Nice save retard, at least you caught the unimportant shit when you missed the fucking first paragraph.

>current year
>blaming bad decision making on video games

hello 1990's i thought you were gone.

>its crew searched for a player’s video game before takeoff — a delay that led to a skipped refueling stop
No, what led to it was the incompetence of the crew.


That's even worse

They couldn't keep open the airport till later so they could at least land and not crash

Fucking Brazil

I'm so glad to have emigrated from South America.

wew lad

>This is what DEXfags actually believe
Speed is not everything, you fucking casuals.

Hm, so women attempting to do math caused this.

It was a bolivian pilot from a bolivian airline with

Brazil has 0 fault in this.

They're the victims here.

>Nintendo shit

Odds are, it's not a Nintendo console. Nintendo does not have a big presence in South America at all.

>is literally wrong about everything
usa usa usa

>Plane with a South American soccer team flown by a supermodel
>Crashes because some faggot took too long looking for his Gameboy and super-pilot-model wasn't checking the fuel gauge

Is this some IRL Airplane! 3?

why is south america such a massive shithole?