Final Fantasy XV

What would bring this game from a 7/10 to a 10/10?

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But it's an 8.5/10 already.

Story and actual dialog.


Luminous was a mistake
Tabata should've jumped ship to unreal like Nomura

A different writer.
Maybe somebody stopping Tabata from touching the story.

Is there lots of combat? More combat than ff13 at least? because that game was disappointing.

Making it Versus 13 & not Tabata's roadtrip

a more coherent plot

lower price tag
more content
being able to play this on PS3, 2DS and Iphones as well

a multiplayer mode with skins and esport scene

what are you talking about? the first 30 hours of FF13 is literally nothing but combat

Multiplayer mode with Team Deathmatch and Free For All.
AND I want to be able to prestige.

Replace Prompto and Ignis with Aranea and Gladio's sister

Rehash fighting system it's garbage.

DLC where Aranea becomes a permanent party member.

More outfits for Noctis and his men.

Permanent female ally that I can ogle and pretend the boys are taking turns fucking every night instead of this gay ass camping shit. Y'all know they fucking in that tent. Don't deny it.

Can I get an amen?

A good story and more fleshed out sidequests.


if it came to pc honestly

The future VR game where the player controls Noctis instead of Prompto.

The blonde guy is my least favorite.

Story is interesting but fails miserably in execution. Game would have good if there was actually a story to be told and actual character development/dialogues.

> fighting big ass enemies
> can break off parts
> giant enemies with parts broken off actually lose attack abilities that uses those parts

I like this game so far.

The paradigm system.

Yes i fucking said it.

I want another game that has it, but with less of 13's linearity. First in a long time ive felt so great at actually getting gud in combat.

remove the car and redo the story

make the whole cast recruitable even luna except for the obvious big bads

Oh yeah, make the chocobo the only method of long distance travel. It's way cooler than a fucking car anyways.

Needed 3 more hours of cutscenes, and a fucking playable Literally pull a KH2 and do a Roxas=Nyx shit.

Luna needed to be a temporary party member, and be a NPC you can go back and talk to do a side quest chain for. Redo the Leviathan fight mechanics and the Titan fight.

>hating Prompto
>being this gay

Yea that's fun. Breaking off the missile launchers on the magitek armors is really satisfying

Making an actual good game.

They did that.

I'm about 12 hours in and haven't gotten any new outfits. Are there any?

Make Noct edgy again, delete movie/anime and put invasion portion as the intro again, instead of faggot stand by me car pushing, and delete Tabata.

Make Magic great again.

Make Summons great again.

A better ending, less offscreen stuff, better background of the characters that matters.


I'm only 3 chapters in, but the story seems kind of bare bones right now. The main quests are quite exciting, but the side-quests are borderline MMO tier. Their only saving grace is that they give you an excuse to go out and explore the beautiful world.

Amen nigga

Didn't have Nomura touch it in the first place.

its objectively a 5/10 at best

Why all the Prompto hate?! He's easily the best developed character in the entire party and his voice actor is great. Is it just based around his look or the "let's hate the comic relief guy" meme?

Needs girl characters so #i can play as myself

They backload the vast majority of the plot in the last 30-40% of the game. Right now just enjoy the open world and continue the MSQ at your leisure. It helps if you've watched Kingsglaive/Brotherhood as well, they off-loaded a lot of the early plot and worldbuilding to those movies

even one monsters rape a teenage adventurer scene with them breaking down mentally afterwards and suiciding scene

like the monsters want you dead so why they shouldnt do much worse and destroy your ego first. killing isnt the most awful thing you can do :^)

At what point in the main story should I watch Kingsglaive? To avoid spoilers.

Some people don't like him because they hear his English voice actor and read/hear the localized script.
Others just hate him because he's the "funny guy"

before you start the game, honestly. They allude to the events of kingsglaive early on in 15, and it gives context to the overarching events of the story. It also fleshes out Lunas character a bit more. Highly recommend you check it out.

Decent story, decent gameplay. It's a 6 at best but these days anything that releases without being broken automatically gets a 7.

What about Brotherhood?

Watch it before the game too, it's your party members backstories

Most obnoxious and irritanting cunt to ever be in a videogame other than the chic from life is strange

Remove the gay characters from it. I mean look at this group of faggots who spend more time on their hair than a woman does.

Same. They both serve as a soft prologue of sorts, and gets you fimiliar with the characters before you jump into the game.

>Permanent female ally
Fuck off.

blame current gen consoles for not being able to handle Luminous hence all the downgrades just to get it to run at 30 fps

this. Having Iris tag along for a bit was fun, but I like the bro trip better.

>introduce 2 chicks and samurai mafia man
>only guests
No you.

Fix that horrible beginning segment.Boring carpushing into generic sidequest. It was especially bad after the opening cinematic started really strong only to fall off

Fix the long ass chapter near the end with forced stealth corridor segments that has backtracking

this shit was painful as fuck

>the nigger in hammeread was a street urchin once
What did Tabata mena by this? Is he wacist?

make Ignis the main character

That nigger literally was Forest Whitaker

even has the lazy eye

Who /erryday/ here?

How can I get the pictures Prompto takes while keeping some of the original quality?

anyone has the cup a noodle ending?

anime tiddies

Actually make 90% of the latter half that's missing?

I actually liked the final fights and ending a lot. It's just that all the stuff that's supposed to make us care, the story leading up to it, the character interactions, the backstory exposition, it's all absent.

Is Ardyn the only last boss in FF without multiple forms?

good combat
better story

>forcing your friends stay up at night in the rain so you can fish


> set course for auto drive
> listening to Calling for Rain
> browsing Sup Forums while game auto drives to your location

Max Comfy.

No invisible walls and hanging possibility.
let me climb mountains 'n' shit, especially those giant arches in the Duscae area.

to me, Prompto is basically the male version of FFX' Rikku.
So no hate here.

No driving on rails. Give me a GTA-STYLE open world game and not some outdated gameplay elements.

The final bosses from FF I-III only had one form

I have spent like 15 hours fishing in this game
it's not even that great of a fishing minigame compared to other fishing minigames, but I fucking love fishing minigames in every fucking game I play

I must have put like 200 hours in dark cloud 2's fishing

some sort of dialogue queue system for the things that people say so they will say something different more often
I fucking swear to god I hear someone talk about the fucking weather like every 2 minutes and it fucking pisses me off

I'm enjoying the game a lot more than I expected, the combat is growing on me and I like the stupid photos that prompto takes and stuff, I thought the stamina bar was going to piss me off but then I learned about the stamina trick and then I got chocobos so its not a problem anymore

What the fuck is the issue with PSN
Why on earth is downloading from PSN so slow? Why do I leave my PS4 for a few hours with "4 hours remaining" for the download and come back with 15 hours
What the FUCK

the whole party is a bunch of faggots that take dick so youre already playing as yourself

Also let the MP3 music play in battles instead of always the main battle theme.

No stamina meter for running, actual free-roaming with no invisible walls anywhere, characters that don't look and act like edgy teens in a boyband.

Good content on the open world. Not just 10 hours of filler in between story.

>Fire based dungeon
>you fight wyverns there
>You find a gigantic nest with huge eggs inside it
>Righy next to a open arena
>oh shit dragon boss fight
>There is nothing there, only a path to a royal tomb

Turn based combat
A good story

It's the Zu's nest

When I go to auto in my car it always just fast travels without driving. So how do I make it so it can do auto normally again and i can play music?

So turn it off.

That only happens in certain areas above ground on rocks.

They don't, you're just a fucking faggot.

>That Ending
What the fuck?
So wait your telling me that over the 10 fucking years they just did literally jack shit?
Also where the fuck did Cor go?
Where the fuck is that bitch that led a mercenary group?
Why the fuck is that Emperor and the old geezer general just fucking dead?
Wait why didn't Noctis just say hey to everyone that was still alive after he magically was back and was like "Hey follow me we can take back our world just fight with me maybe then all my friends won't die for literally no reason"
There are so many fucking problems with this game
I am literally having a fucking stroke right now
Someone fucking just help me to understand this awful fucking game
Also what kind of ending is that? Everyone just dies?
Who's the new king after Noctis?
Is there even a new king?
Why the fuck would you ever put a ending to this game that is supposed to bring back the series to life with everyone dying?
Like can anyone actually tell me right now that the ending is actually good in anyway?
This game has so many fucking problems with it
Someone just fucking shoot me already

No they didn't.

They did.

Confirmed for faggot


He is a level 4-5 hunt right? Were do you get it? Takka quests?

Remember that huge bird you saw twice early in the story?

Just say no the the fast travel prompt. It's only an offer, when you say no Ignis should drive you there.

Yep. You back and forth fucking baby.
nothing will

Better side quests

Better soundtrack

Better story

Characters being fleshed out

Sort out all the baffling design choices

A story, and cutscenes that tied it all together, such as Big Red doing all the evil shit he did in Galea capital instead of "oh, I guess its all night now, and demons, and I suppose everybody is dead?"

You can turn off the stamina meter. Noctis has a visual cue for when he's getting tired.

Where's a safe place to watch Kingsglaive? Heard all kinds of shit about Piratebay

Also is Brotherhood another full movie or what ?

>Multiplayer mode.
This could have been possible actually, up to 4 friends, join you at any time, take over your character and play with the stats you have set for them etc.

>420smokesweed joined your game as Prompto.

>better soundtrack
You can not listen to the cleigne battle theme and then tell me straight up that the OST in this game is even next to being somewhat decent at less.