tfw to smart for MOBAs
Tfw to smart for MOBAs
tfw to dumb for dwarf fortress
>smart enough for retail WoW
>to dumb for vanilla
tfw too smart for mgs2
You can't read?
>tfw to smart for MOBAs
>to smart for MOBAs
>to smart
>smart enough for retail WoW
basically click the bad guy, then press 1, 2 and then 3 with 1-2 second delays
>tfw to intelligent to play on PC
too intelegent for jrpg's
imagine if in a bizarro world someone actually were to believe this?
I hate this feel
Are you making fun of me?
thats fucking creepy. where did this ridiculous meme start from?
>tfw I love rpg's but too dyslexic to make any sense of numbers
>this image
Tfw to intelligence to play vidya
I first saw it on Sup Forums with >tfw to smart to vote for Trump
>tfw so intelligent you can't enjoy any games other than DS1 and Bloodborne
from my sheer intellect
>tfw 2 intligent 2 pley bidjogaems
girl is olivia dixon
I think you mean dyscalculia not dyslexia
How do I into DOTA 2?? Play with bots until I stop sucking dick?
>tfw to old to play Nintendo games
Isn't it sad that pretty much every meme on Sup Forums right now is some variant of Woman or Pepe?
It has its origins in Sup Forums and /sci/. Mostly /sci/.
>implying that's not how most classes played in pve back in vanilla
Oh yeah that's it. I always mix those up.
You on your phone user?
It was /r9k/ like most wojack memes.
and yet here we are - w/ the boring as hell (Ju)den-yagerring one-liner of a thread
Yeah, ducking auto-correct
You must be new here friendo
to be honest all of Sup Forums memes come from reddit. this is somewhat original.
>falling for the counter troll
What the fuck is /sci/? It seems like some frankenstein combination of /r9k/, actual smart people, and circlejerking.
>tfw too doomb to distenguesh too ad to
Yet too stupid to realize sitting on your brain would cause severe damage.
I worry for the MOBA audience
You're not smart, user. You have Terminal 7.
Man who comes up with this shit. I can feel some Morrowind vibes.
This. It's been around on r9k for a while now
>that feel tfw to intelligens 2 for playing real time games of strategy today
You've almost got it, except there are no "actual smart people" on /sci/, just very convincing dumb people.
>falling for the counter-counter-troll
>falling for the counter counter counter troll
>falling for the counter-counter-counter-counter-trol
>tfw too retarded to play memes
for fuck's sake
>tfw to intelligent to play video games
>tfw intlligent enough to shitpost on Sup Forums instead
The fact that people enjoy memes like this is a constant reminder of how much better I am than most of you. So thanks for the boost I guess.