Oh, hey, a new PaRappa The Rapper has been rated in Korea! I can't believe this! NOTHING could POSSIBLY ruin this mome-

>Oh, hey, a new PaRappa The Rapper has been rated in Korea! I can't believe this! NOTHING could POSSIBLY ruin this mome-

Other urls found in this thread:


>taking imdb as a fact
l m a o

She more than likely had a ghostwriter.
Sad her character will be a better rapper than she is irl

Tell me this is fake

Isn't her original VA dead?

I want to plow Iggy so fucking hard I explode into chunks.

What the hell are you talking about? Iggy Azalea has no voiceactor. She sings her own songs.

Can't blame you. She may be a terrible rapper, but damn does she have some hips.

He meant Katy Kat, you fucking imbecile.

Into the thrash it goes.

dat thiccness tho

what do you listen to user?

blah blah blah post her butt

Classical or orchestra mostly. Or folk, but not american. I prefer music to lyrics.

Same here

Remember that time Epona was voiced by 50 Cent?


That ending was hard to watch.

Don't get it.

>I prefer music with lyrics

>I prefer music to lyrics.
>doesn't realize lyrics are music
lol stay pleb

>tfw I have anime posters in my room, but because I like them, but because I hate my wall pain and its its easier than painting the whole wall.
>Never even heard of the damn anime either

music TO lyrics, user

Learn to read


I'm retarded.

>Tfw you actually share boards with clowns like this

I'm sure the grandfather is ashamed off-camera.

Is Randy the most assblasted developer ever?

holy shit, please tell me you're locked in a basement where you can't infect others with your terminal retardatio

whenever i see someone post a dg picture i just imagine a 13 year old sitting at his computer wearing an N.W.A hat and practicing saying 'nigga' to himself

i liked exmilitary when it dropped in 2010 but then i grew up and got some taste

>but then i grew up and got some taste
Thats sweet honey.

haha shit music taste confirmed
man it's going to be so embarassing to you when you look back on your teenage years

i think she is rather attractive
id fuck her in the ass

Yung Lean isn't vaporwave.

Also I'm pretty sure he was posting that to insult you by saying it's the kind of shit you'd listen too considering he's ironically terrible.

>Yung Lean isn't vaporwave.
i'm sure you think trap is still underground too

You really don't know anything about music do you?

now tell me about why the age of consent is ridiculous

The age at which you're posting is ridiculous

Trap has been mainstream for fucking years.

Also are you seriously retarded enough to call YL vaporwave? Just because someone uses a style on their cover doesn't mean that's what their music actually is.

>I fought in Iwo Jima for this?

>Just because someone uses a style on their cover doesn't mean that's what their music actually is.
i bet you don't even get post-avant jazzcore lol
confirmed for mainstream

>mfw spaniard and understanding the entire interview

>tfw in the "Will listen to anything that sounds good, regardless of genre and/or how mainstream it is" master race

Feels good, stay pleb

>hates rap
>listens to classical

I thought idra hated anime?


>Iggy is a bad rapper black twitter meme

And here we see the average no taste poster retreats to the shell of old ass Sup Forums memes to defend himself. He will later borrow his wifes boyfriend's bike to go up to 2 blocks to browse basic bitch jazz records at his local """"""""""record store"""""""""""""".

>people listen to this tasteless faggot
Still floors me. I feel bad for those that do.

It's exaggerated, but she really is fake as fuck desu

>women rappers
>white rappers

what's the matter, did somebody take your odd future hat?

I mean she's not the WORST rapper I've ever heard but I wouldn't listen to her on my own free will.

At least she's not Kitty Pryde.

Yolandi Visser is better than any """rapper"" that has put anything out in the past decade.

>Kitty Pryde
ties with Alice Glass for 'least talented person who makes money off of horny autists'
how can such shit taste be real
visser hasn't done anything worth talking about since Constructus Corporation

>gamergate, amirite?
That's it. I'm not being a smartass. Randy does some really weird shit thinking it's going to enrage what's left of GG (are they even still around? Serious question).


Fuck no, what drugs are you on?

That's a lot of Fiji.

What kind of store needs to keep that much fucking Fiji as backstock?

I think that's a costco

No but I have lost my Lolawolf hat for about a week and I'm a little tore up about it thanks for asking.
Ayyyyyyy fuck Alice Glass for real though.

Which has terrible water infrastructure ironically

gb2/tumblr/ sadboi
go share your shit taste with all the other depressed millenials

Costco has enough customers interested in outrageously priced bottled water that they keep a whole pallet as backstock?

I'd imagine the kinds of people poor/thrifty enough to shop there wouldn't fall be willing to waste their money in such a dumb way.

I guess so. I only say that because you can clearly see a pallet of paper towels or napkins in the background. So what else kind of store would it be

She's R&B so doesn't really fall into any of those camps tbqh fampi and you could have found that out in a single second google search.

>so doesn't really fall into any of those camps
how can you be so unself-aware
i mean i know most people are, hence tumblr and shit music like Lolawolf, but how? what's the difference in neurochemistry or physiology that blocks people like you from reviewing your actions?

why are you faggots still arguing about the most pleb hobby ever created

You're right it does look like a bulk store but none of the ones I've been in/worked at here in the states have kept that much of an expensive product on hand all the time, if they even carried it at all.

I'm guessing probably some russain chain or something that caters to people of all income levels or has such shitty infrastructure they keep massive amounts of everything in the back because they don't know when they'll be able to restock it again.

Lammy's VA always seemed cool. Plush she's the superior protagonist



Name me 5 """better"" modern rappers than her. Go on. Try.

You're aware that anyone can edit and add things to IMDb, right?

it's called autism you inconsiderate shit

she's not even as good as max.normal lol

is this the part where someone posts 5 people and you handwave it away like you were planning to the whole time

I like that you avoid any specific criticism of the music or prove how it would be tumblr (which I like out of the three groups you picked you've narrowed it down to because that's the easiest most vague one to bait about)

J cole
Action Bronson
Jay Z
Travis Scott

>Classical or orchestra


>top 40 pop rapper
>literally born in a dirt house
How does she have fans

So is parappa 3 happening or not

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

el-p/killa mike
Aesop Rock
Danny brown
fucking anyone else

*smacks lips*

I disagree with Aesop Rock actually he was pretty good at one point but I think he is sub iggy now.

Exmilitary dropped in 2011 you fucking poser

It bugs me that a$ap rocky also exists because every time I try to bring up Aesop faggots just assume I'm talking aobut a$ap


Nah. He had a dip in quality in the mid 2000s, but he's been back up to being pretty good since then. Skelethon and Impossible Kid are great albums, plus his Hail Mary Mallon stuff with Rob Sonic is fantastic.

i get it confused with 2010 because i was in high school

it was when mumuplayer just started getting popular

Hahahaha, oh wow, never have I ever been so disgusted at such shit """artists""".

>Jay Z

Literally the worst rapper ever. What a talentless fag. I'm surprised you post such a low brow, main stream hack. I bet you think Nickleback is good rock too.

Literally a no taste no knowledge smelly kid.

He changed the game. Despite what your contrarian opinion says.

The question is not if the artists are good its if they are better then iggy and even that list is.

>meme grips fan
>shits on other people's taste

every other person on The Ziggurat is better than Visser
give me a 3x3 right now bitch

>be spaniard in the 30's
>get conscripted at a really young age because civil war
>forced to kill my bros in a fight I don't understand that much
>war is finally over
>thank god I can settle down and raise a family
>WHOPS tough luck, I'm from the basque country
>years and years of bullshit terrorism
>at least things got a bit quieter after a while
>reach old age
>even manage to raise a grand kid
>he turns a immense turbo weeb and ends up sperging out and making a fool of himself and us all in an idol documentary from japanese national television
>mi cara cuando

You hate that which is good because its popular prove me wrong.

>nigger music
Only metal for me please.
