Why do you hate fanservice in games?
Why do you hate fanservice in games?
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Degenerate and focuses less on gameplay content.
What fanservice? There's barely any nowadays.
However, I prefer MANservice.
It's usually a sign they half-assed everything else and try to distract your from the flaws.
I have yet to meet a single example where this was not the case.
I don't mind it as long as it fits the tone of the game and doesn't get in the way of the gameplay.
Because why make an original and interesting game when you can slap anime girls on it and make a nice profit?
I only dislike it if it detracts from the game, either by being too in your face, or by it taking too much dev-time.
>there's barely any nowadays
That's because you only play western shit.
If I want to fap I'll just go to gelbooru and sapanda where I can see uncensored porn and loli cunny all I want.
Fan service games are blue balling trash that doesn't contain any nudity whatsoever and always have trash gameplay.
> Miku-sama's feet
Man fuck you. I didn't want to fap again today.
I'm a virgin and fanservice makes me uncomfortable.
shut up and post more feet
Footfags should be gassed
My issue with "fanservice" games is that they focus on the fan service first, and making a good game is just an afterthought.
That being said, not all games with fanservice are bad, but the ones with a focus on it usually are.
when its optional i dont mind but forcing that shit is wrong
>there's not enough foot fetish fanservice in games
>Literally blueballing yourself
Kill yourselves retards
Footfags are on the same level as diaper, vore, and scatfags
Because it never comes out good
Video game sex scenes are one of the most awkward things in existence
What kind of fanservice? Shit like Nep and Senran Kagura is garbage, but a game that's good with fan service in it doesn't bother me
I love fanservie, but only if its an addition to the game, not the main focus and selling point.
Foot fetish is a stupid fucking meme-tier fetish. There's nothing sexy about a fucking foot.
Because fanservice is always used to try to hide the fact that there's no gameplay to speak of.
Worse yet, weeaboos actually fall for that and become deluded into thinking they're playing decent games, when instead they're buying into mass produced trash.
>tfw diaper and scatfag
Sorry user
Well, they are definitely considered one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, and this goes in hand-in-hand with tickling fetishes.
because they are bad at everything. if i want to watch some lewd shit and jack off, regular porn is 1000x better. if i want to have fun playing a video game, non-fanservice games have significantly better gameplay.
fan service games are shit. go fap to whatever actual porn you want then play a real video game that is actually fun.
just post naturalton already
Am I just getting too old, or is fanservice == lewd shit only?
Not really, feet are pretty vanilla by now my man
diaper, actual pedos, scat and gore etc and literal bottom of the barrel
You know I was thinking about this the other day and I realized it's prevalent in all forms of media, not just games. Look at Game of Thrones that normies love so much. It's pretty much just a porno with a plot. At the very least r34 of vidya games is easier to find when the directors blue ball you. I donno why people whine about it so much.
yes because all other fetishes are completely understandable and rational.
Retards took control of the English language and will literally say anything and have it mean "something I don't like so it's bad".
It's fine if it's a bonus. Not when it becomes the only reason a series still exists.
Oh, hi Senran Kagura!
This image is nice and all but it bothers me that her toes aren't painted. Someone needs to fix it.
Yumi did nothing wrong.
Senran Kagura is actually fun though.
Go and suckle on Morrigan's tatas like a fucking baby, fagget!
I find it distracting usually. If it's minimal and makes sense then fine. But yeah, I tend to find it makes me want to stop playing and jerk off, which is bad.
It was. Once.
I know I saw the same picture on gelbooru with her toes painted light blue.
Sounds like a personal problem.
I don't.
I don't but most fanservice games are just garbage
t. thickposter
>My issue with "fanservice" games is that they focus on the fan service first, and making a good game is just an afterthought.
Nigger, if a game has shitty gameplay, then the abundance of fanservice won't magically turn it into a marvel either. Designing moddels, has nothing to do with the funamental game mechanics. All fanservice games such as Senran Kagura, which are fanservice first, do that because thats what it sells on.
You got it completely wrong. Its not like there's a decent game thats being dragged down by fanservice, no, fanservice is the sole reason these games exist.
>Oh our models are now fully and decently clothed?
>Well, guess we can turn this into a good game now, can't we?
Literally never happened and never will happen.
fanservice games are shit and for virgins. prove me wrong
post more
But I don't. I love fanservice.
I don´t because I don´t care about looking mature to strangers on the internet.
I love fanservice. Assuming it's not completely out of place.
I don't. In fact I wish devs were more ballsy doing it.
>tfw vidya devs still can't get feet right
>not even jap ones
Jesus. Footfags are worst then furries.
Wokada draw's the best, cutest, moist, smelliest, ticklable Mikufeets!
Mind control is the true patrician fetish
Shut up nerd
>draw a cute girl with nice legs
>put enormous feet in front of them
Feetfuckers ruin everything.
>tfw a legfag but not a footfag
Everything else is not as subtle to be honest.
scat, foot, diaper, ntr, and fart fetishists need to be rounded up and thrown into the ocean
>tfw been getting into light guro and choking
Is this where I really start going down the slippery slope?
>That fucking cameltoe
Feet is still a trash tier fetish.
people just need something to """hate"""
to gain a feeling of importance
whats so subtle about this shit
fuck off /e/
The lack of self-awareness makes it very cringey sometimes
>feet in the image but not as the main focus
>all the other images have "in-your-face" feet as the main focus
yeah... what could it be you fucking retard, what could it be?
>go to Sup Forums
>fetish thread
Literally every single time. Fuck off to your porn boards.
Cute flustered feets!
But these are videogame characters user. :^) Its videogame characters posted on an imageboard about videogames.
I follow this artist. He's great.
Too bad he's really slow. Not complaining though. He is fucking great.
It doesn't fucking mater when it's against the rules.
Tits are in real life, that doesn't give you the right to post them everywhere.
you are not wanted. go home and die.
The only good feets are loli feets.
Lolidom is my life.
But posting videogame characters isnt against the rules user...
Tits are against the rules. Do you see any tits here user?
...no, I really do not.
i got banned from just /d/ a few days ago, first time i got a non-global ban in years
Posting fetishes is against the rules.
True. Everything else is just a distraction.
Oh? Point to it~
Post a link to that rule
I dont see a fetish. Naked feet? ahaha whats so weird about naked feet user? Its just natural. ahaha dont be stupid now, its just a coincidence ;-)
>this thread
Well i didnt plan to but its time to fap.
It's patronizing.
Sup Forums.org/rules
global rule 5
pictures focusing on feet
Why the fuck does every cringe ass GTA clone gotta have a strip club in it? With underwear wearing strippers that you can't interact with? What is the point?
literally just a barefoot girl you mongo
Then why is the thread still up, even though one image has been removed by mods? Now stop derailing the thread, while we're trying to talk about fanservice in videogames.