Sup Forums BTFO

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Was there ever any doubt?

Provide source!

I want this to be true, OP! Show me the source!

>sales (shipped)
Absolutely hate this meme.

I helped with those numbers


PS4 version btw

> Sup Forums BTFO
>implying you won't be able to get the game secondhand for 10 bucks in two weeks
>somehow OP wants me to get angry about this

take THAT conan

They got their money from the retailers so they don't need to care anymore.

What? Do you even know how retail works?

it wasn't supposed to be this way!

Many products sold equel many returns in the second hand market.
Abbundance of a product lowers the price.
Look at FF13s track record.

actually retailers often ship copies back, and get their money back.
happened with FF13-2

i dont understand why people lie on the internet?
do you think you sound cool or something?

Happens when they keep there stock for 1 year or more. Usually at that point if they don't sell out they'll put it on clearance, because it's easier to sell and you don't have to pay for shipping back.

>they need to SELL 10 million copies to break even

I need a source for that

Sales marketing manager here, I'm gonna debunk this meme. Retailers are shipped units based on pre-orders and sales volume of other games. Retailers don't pay developers anything until a unit is sold and sales are finalized by the retailer. Square shipped 5m units in preparation of those mentioned pre-orders and based on past sales of games in various retail stores. A decent number, but that doesn't equate to sales at all.

This was debunked. They want to sell 10million for the game to feel successful.

I think it's good, I don't care about FF
but it means I will get hitman season 2, dxmd sequel and rotr sequel

>confirmed since APRIL that 10 million is not required to break even, but just the developer's goal to achieve
But I guess edgy neo Sup Forums will shitpost regardless of the facts
>also: 5 million shipped copies in a time where digital downloads dominate
Yet again Sup Forums closes its eyes to not accept the fact that a popular game was successful. Pathetic children.

If it's not shipped false flagging again, I'm not suprised really.
It's FF, it could be the most horrid game ever made yet sell well anyway (not saying XV is bad, it's ok)

Poster here. We do ship back units, but we don't get any money because we didn't pay for them. We ship back overstocked copies of games that weren't moving within a time period so that we don't have to waste space keeping them on shelves. Often we keep a fraction of those in case, but more often than not they end up clearanced.


Ironically versus-kun is now the new annoying FFXV thread cancer.

Then Atari's E.T. was a huge success.



>This was debunked.
no. It was damage controlled. by tabata, a biased source. That didn't say "not "but "we prefer to say it that way". Because if you count the credits people and give them a pay for 10 years you can't be happy with 5M sales.

With packaging and shipping though for Sun/Moon, just because it's $20 less, that means they both took in the same amount.

not him but the first interview specifically mentioned the 10 million being a personal goal.

The ps4 is definitely not as widespread as it was the ps2. Those data seems absurd to me, in just a day. Final fantasy 13 put years to get into 5 millions with xbox and ps3.

There was no damage control, read the interview with him that everyone is citing the '10m sold to make a profit' line from and he clearly states that he'd be happy if it sold 10million.

Wait... they have to do 10m to saves their ass? because 10 m it's a huge accomplishment for anyone. Not sure now, but it seems that not even Witcher 3 got high.

no they don't. it's a shitposting meme on Sup Forums.

I meant "not even Witcher 3 got so much".

You're fucking stupid. You're all fucking stupid. Packaged software is just like any other kind of retail stuff. When squeenix sells to retailers they get their money and the retailers assume the risk of the goods. There's nothing more to it. Squeenix already has their money and why do you try to separate "developers" and square enix as if they're different? Developers are already paid salaries you fucking moron

jesus fucking christ

So PSVR sold 6 million units the moment they were shipped out? Pokemon Sun and Moon sold 10 million. You've set a precedent, prepare for it to be used for things like Nintendo Switch in the furure. Don't you dare ever fucking day something has flopped if sales don't match shipments.

I saw DSP play some. It's not a good video game, it's just mediocre and as an FF game it is a disgrace.

I also like how the game thinks your retarded and marks everything on your map in an open world game instead of finding things yourself.

TLDR: Normies with incredible shit taste are the majority of video game people and this is not a new thing, we seen this happen with FF13 aswell. It seems only few games are left untouched nowadays like Dark Souls 3 which was quality game not ruined by fucking normies.

The fact alone they could not make proper running animations for 4 characters you apparently play the entire game with speaks volumes.

>your retarded
the irony

>It's not a good video game
Stopped reading. I love it. It's a worthy FF in my book.

sales dont determine a success. you cant tell if a games good or not without buying it, sure you can look on youtube but most people just buy a game, and all final fantasy need to do is ride their reputation. people will buy it out of interest

>it's a "retards don't understand the difference between shipped and sold" episode
will this shit ever end

b2b sales is not a sale? retard

>Bases his opinion of a game on a paid reviewer/let's play faggot.

>says that OTHER people are normies that have shit taste

Fucking pottery.

Wanna see some really bad running animation? Go run outside and have someone video record you. That would be good for a laugh.

>*over here are SE Entertainment, we swap the words "shipped" with "sales" and "registered accounts" with "subscribers"

>weebs are so mad that someone doesnt like their game that they instantly respond with personal insults, grammar correction and "you cant form opinion because xy"
>they keep making threads with headlines "Sup Forums BTFO" pointing out muh sales and muh positive shill reviews

No, what he said was accurate. Transactions aren't final until the retailers sells through the shipped supply.


>We shipped five millions copies, guys! I know two thirds of them are sitting on GameStop shelves, but we shipped FIVE million copies!