Makes RTS game

>makes RTS game
>dominates the entire RTS genre

>makes hack'n'slash game
>dominates the entire hack'n'slash genre

>makes MMORPG
>dominates the entire MMORPG genre

>makes card game
>dominates the entire card game genre

>makes class based FPS
>wins GOTY and is on track to become the best selling FPS game of all time

Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?

Not that I care, but they'll never take MOBA

>stop liking what i dont like!

>makes RTS game
>dominates the entire RTS genre
Then proceed to fuck up entire franchise.
>makes hack'n'slash game
>dominates the entire hack'n'slash genre
Then proceed to fuck up entire franchise.
>makes MMORPG
>dominates the entire MMORPG genre
Then proceed to fuck up entire franchise.
>makes card game
>dominates the entire card game genre
Into the trash it goes.
>makes class based FPS
>wins GOTY and is on track to become the best selling FPS game of all time
Underage Simulator. TF2 rip-off. Shilled to the oblivion.
Game is not even good.
>Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?
Good games.

You know this works in both ways, right?

Compete with league of legends

Heroes of the storm, while still a fun game in my own opinion, is not as well done nor as popular as other Mobas that have large playerbases.

>dominates entire card game market.
/tg/ reporting, what the fuck is the bait.

>Then proceed to fuck up entire franchise

>it's Blizzards fault other companies dont dare to compete with them

Too bad everyone disagrees with your shit opinion.

>Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?

Live up to the legacy of pre-merger Blizzard.

I don't. NeoBlizzard makes shitty popcorn games designed to appeal to fucking everyone and in the process truly pleasing none of them.

The entire genre was created inside one of blizzards games...

>Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?

make an actual good game


This. Overwatch fans clearly have no experience with real high speed or arena games like Team Fortress Classic, Quake III Arena, Unreal Tournament 99, Unreal Championship 2, or anything from StarSiege Tribes.

They already did with WC3.

>Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?
warcraft 4

>Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?


>makes card game
>dominates the entire card game genre

No one worth anything plays that pile of RNG shit. MTG still has many more players.

>make moba
>its an utter failure and one of the worst titles in the entire genre


Shills btfo

Hearthstone has more players than MTG has cards, and mtg is the only game that could even be considered competition. No matter how shit a game it is, it is popular.

oh fuck off with your arena based elitist shit. not everyone needs to be a super fast fps pro.

Talking about digital card game space.

because they made it


blizzard is dead and activision is the necromancer

they havent been good ever since blizzard north closed down

>muh old school fps's
>every fps not like them is shit

I love quake and unreal but not every single fucking fps needs to emulate them.

One could argue that Hearthstone dominates the ONLINE card game market, but that's mostly because Wizards gives zero shits about Magic Online.

They literally made MOBA Assfaggot

Sell a new IP without a monstrous advertising budget

Keep people playing your new game

because modders invented the whole genre using their system and made the best version already

Blizzard did not make mobas, what the fuck are you smoking?

not an argument(s)

Dota literally came from a warcraft 3 custom game.

It's called "fanbase" not "domination" idiot.

>wins GOTY and is on track to become the best selling FPS game of all time

People keep saying this but why are queues so long?

Overwatch is marketed as an arena shooter and it sucks at that role. Also if I was gonna get into super fast arena games I would have mention pic related as it was pretty much the pinnacle of insanity during it's run.

Fucking shame mtgo is such a buggy mess. Seriously fucking activating fetch and pain lands crashs the client.

And cockatrice is full of shitters that dont understand what an untap step is.

Fuck i just want to play cards through a client that isint hearthstone..

Quick play ques are long Ranked is literally 5 second ques.

So fucking what? Just because the game was made in the War3 engine doesn't mean Blizzard made it or owns it you stupid fucking child.

Warcraft didn't dominate the RTS genre, so it wasn't as simple as "makes RTS game" it's "makes RTS games". StarCraft dominated, but it wasn't their first.

They didn't dominate the action RPG genre until Diablo II.

WoW and Overwatch are legit, though. Their first entry into the genres and totally dominating.

>Into the trash it goes.
You could actually say that they started as a nice alternative to other card games, both digital and physical, but then fucked it up HARD and made it into the casino simulator: roll the dice to win or lose the game.

I agree to all other points tho.

Modders made a MOBA inside WarCraft III

>The queues arent actually long, theyre less than 1min
>They went from having 2 game modes to having 6 game modes

>Spawn out of their own game
>It didn't come from them!
You literal retard

Still spawned from their game MOBAs wouldn't exists without blizzard.

i doesnt mean blizzard made it

just like bethesda didnt make nehrim

Overwatch is a good game.
I am a redditor, Sup Forums.
What are you going to do?

>REEEEEEEE d-don't talk about B-Blizzard!
Another Stockholm Syndrome episode?

There is no way to know how many people actually play since the only thing Blizzard seems to keep track of is how many people have downloaded and that is no way a real indicator of active players.

why would I do anything about it?

you have shit taste, that much is evident.

It wouldn't exist without them.

>Blizzdrones are THIS retarded

A new low.

Hearthstone babies think their Random Number Generator with flashy lights counts as a card game

ignore them

during blizzard north = games for adults, who gives a shit about what kids want

after blizzard north = games for kids and teens, who gives a shit about what adults want


They pretty much did create the game, yes. everything about it is baseline Warcraft 3 gameplay. The only difference is you have just 1 hero, and the creeps all run on pre-determined paths.

The map makers don't deserve the credit for creating "MOBA". Blizzard created all the heroes, That have 4 abilities, one of them being an Ultimate you get at level 6. Inventory slot with six items, Etc etc.

It's like making a custom map for Counter-Strike where i only fight with Glocks and Knives and then claim I created my own genre with that.

HoTS didn't take over mobas. I dont think its a bad game, but just too shallow. I play it when my stack is too salty to continue with dota.

Really wish they would change the payment system. Not having every hero is a nightmare, and the gold progress is very slow. Wish it had an option like smite to just drop 30 and get them all forever.

>Dotashitters can't accept their game came from blizzard

>Seriously, is there anything Blizzard can't do?

Yes - innovate. They stole all their ideas, including their biggest cash cow, from the competition.

So fucking what? Just because someone uses someone else's tools to make something doesn't mean the toolmaker is responsible for the creation. You really are a stupid fuck.

>only thing Blizzard had any hand in making for DOTA was the low poly models
>this means they made the game

actually end yourself right now

Balance their games.

>games for adults

No such thing.


top kek

make good games
the only goods game they got is starcraft

WoW is since they got bought by activision the biggest casual shitfest ever

RNG mobile game

balanced by a retard named Kapplan. is fun for a few weeks then you realize how shity designed it is

Diablo 3
Top kek m8

make a good game

>let me say he has no argument, surelly will show him!

Because most people play the game for a few weeks and then quit it.
It's a fun game, but doesn't have much lasting appeal.

It's not like the Dota 2 heroes are based off their WC3 incarnations or anything either.

>assfaggots can't expect blizzard is king

Just play shadowverse then.
It's not as complex as mtg but i doubt something like that will ever work well online.

X Mage?

Not him, but you actually are the stupid fuck here. You're obviously a young kid who was still shitting himself in diapers at the time of WC3.






2 minute queues
>not long
>TF2 is literally instant

Pick one, I'm not saying TF2 is better or even that these games were meant to compete but 2 minute queues for quickplay, 1.5 for 3v3 and a maybe never going to pop 1v1 are really long for GOTYAY dominating fps

I'm 25 and what does my age have to do with knowing Blizzard didn't make DOTA?

i'd rather be raped by actbizz then sjw failures like EA AND UBI

Because no one fucking plays it


also the comp queues arent 2min

>>games for adults
>No such thing.

>oh fuck off with your arena based elitist shit
>literally it's what Overwatch is marketed as
My sides.

It's almost like you can search for servers, finding an random game is not instant.

Blizzard literally did not make Diablo 1, 2 or LoD

Replicate their successes.

That's like saying that the entirety of Call of Duty came from id software because their engine (idtech 3) was behind the original games and Modern Warfare's engine was modified from it.

A lot of bliz drones still maintain that blizzard made mobas because of the fan mad mod for WC3 called Defense Of The Ancients.

>makes RTS game
>dominates the entire RTS genre


>Instant play isn't instant because they have better features

Okay? Like I said I am not pro TF2, I am just asking why TF2 quick play is so much quicker than OW.

A lot of things wouldn't exist without Windows, but it doesn't mean Microsoft owns or has a part in creation of everything.

>creators shouldn't get credit for the things they create because the assets are reused

Alright I guess the only people who should get credit for mobas are cavemen for building the foundations of society that allowed electricty and metalworking and computing and level designing to exist.

I am well aware of that. The fan made mod was not made by Blizzard though.

Also it was AoS first.

"ok but every game Riot Games created dominated its genre?"

this is the argument youre using.

Because OW is suppose to be competitive and the main draw is ranked you dumb nigger. Quick play is advertised as a place to fuck around with friends and train.

>inb4 Ow isn;t comp meme

Well it does have a part. It charges a punitive to get your software windows certified. They take a big chunk out of any video game for windows.

Nope. A studio that they took over and renamed to Blizzard North did. Said studio was also working on Diablo III (not to be confused with that piece of shit Diablo 3), but Blizzard pulled the plug on it because they couldn't afford to keep that studio open. Members from said studio later found work at ArenaNet and now a handful of them are working for the studio who handles Path of Exile.

It's more like if the entirety of Modern Warfare was made using ID's characters and assets from Quake 3, and all of their code, and the only thing different was the maps were arranged differently

Live up to what they made in the last millenium.

if those games are so good why did nobody give a shit about them and they died naturally even before OW was released? lol

LoL is a way better moba than hots though, hots chars are all just ripoffs of other games

>hots chars are all just ripoffs of other games
>people will actually fall for this low tier bait