Is this the high point of his career?
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All fat people should die of cancer frankly
He won the same award last year too
Jesus christ. I dont understand how people get that fucking fat. I have a problem going over 140 pounds and I work out, just eating so much is fucking difficult. How the fuck can a person stuff their face so much to amass such a disgusting amount of weight.
Honestly. Guy clearly has enough money to buy stupid shit, he can afford a gym membership and healthy food. There should be a tax for obese people.
The more shit (fatty) food you eat the more you crave it.
He can't help it
I'd kill myself if I ever got that fat.
You work out. Therefore, someone who eats the same amount of food as you, and then doesn't work out, will probably be fat. It's not like people get fat just by eating until they literally can't swallow any more food.
I don't eat a lot, and I'm still getting fat, because I don't have time to exercise unless I stop playing video games.
Personally I have way too much social anxiety to be able to go to a gym and not enough money to get the equipment for home. I'm not defending fat fucks like him but it's not always as simple as that
>chugging straight from a 2 liter
Fucking hell. Thats beyond disgusting. Imagine it, hes probably drinking his fat filled backwash filled with soggg dorito crumbs.
I never got this either. How can people drink so much soda. It dehydrates you to hell. Water, tea, coffee, and alcohol is all a man should drink
holy fuck you are retarded. Push ups and sit-ups don't cost anything you fucking degenerate.
Yes i know its bait, you got me.
Look you're fat, I can sort of get it, you have low willpower or whatever.
But there is no excuse for that fucking beard. He can lift his arms to stuff a burger in his mouth so he can reach his chin to shave that disgusting public-tier hair.
you can't do sport when you are above a certain weight, the fat weight itself dangerous for your joints and your clogged veins might just pop.
You need to start slowly, by just moving normally and reducing the intake.
>I don't get fat unless I stop playing video games
You could always get an adjustable bench on amazon for like 50$ ans a set of dumbbells. Cheap and efficient
>that whole fucking video
T-REX arm having.
I used to weigh 300 lbs and lost weight just by eating a bowl of cereal for lunch and whatever my mom made for dinner with nothing in-between but water and black coffee
I lost the weight so quickly (and have kept it off for years) that I felt like an idiot for being fat for so long. Best part was how salty all my fat female family members got, constantly telling me how it can't be healthy even though I look and feel better than I ever have
Yeah push ups and sit ups are enough to lose massive amounts of weight. Not everyone has a fast metabolism you retard
>giving him some arbitrary award before he dies soon so he feels like he did something with his life
If you HAVE to choose between social anxiety and going to a gym, what would you fucking pick? Of course going to the gym.
Alcohol dehydrates you, even more so than soda.
You're confusing building muscle with losing weight
losing weight should cost less than it does to get fat in the first place
>Society now glorifies someone who has mental health problems
>Video Game Awards
>Push ups and sit-ups don't cost anything you fucking degenerate.
They aren't good exercise to lose weight at all. Better just masturbate, it has greater calorie consumption.
Did you know you can loose weight by simply not eating as much and maybe taking short walks everyday?
Wow, amazing, right?
>amerilards in charge of having common sense
Should have explained it better. Alcohol at times, having a beer here and there etc. A good beer is still much healthier than soda
You look like a skeleton now. Better than being fat I guess kek
>is a self professed living parody of fat people / gamers
>people take him seriously
>literally worked my ass off for 10 months to lose 100lbs with cardio and eating right
>assholes like you
Reminder that this guy had DDP helping him with his weight problem for free and didn't even bother to do the program after the first session
>Best part was how salty all my fat female family members got
spoken like a true weight loss story. All my friends and family were ecstatic as fuck when I kept coming to reunions in better shape than the last. All of them except for a few fat friends who were, like yours, jealous and tried to justify their fat fuckedness by saying that this was unhealthy (implying that's why they weren't improving their weight.
Yeah dude, you can totally just CHOOSE not to have social anxiety
someone with mental health problems is president elect of the USA.
>A good beer is still much healthier than soda
it's not. At all. Especially not beer.
you dont need to work out to lose weight
just eat less, you'll save money
and you can work out without any equipment
A good quality beer has actual nutrients in it
>weight loss
you're working hard, not smart. Weight loss is 99% diet
>He's the aggressive nazi guys this is why I had to bite someone with my politics against him in a random Vietnamese happiness festival forum. You are either with HER or against her ok.
> It dehydrates you to hell. Water, tea, coffee, and alcohol
are you retarded
alcohol and caffeinated drinks dehydrate you
Good job, user. I was in a similar place, used to weigh 380 and now I weigh 160 and feel fucking great. Worst thing about it all is that I have a lot of loose skin from being such a fat fuck for so long. I think you look good, don't worry about what your family says. Also no homo but I'd kiss you on the dick.
But Pence is only vice president
If it's a matter of not dying because you're a fatass (which I assume you are) then sometimes you just have to man up, social anxiety or not.
isn't a real thing.
Just because I'm in such a good mood.
I drink on average 4 beers a day. Sometimes only one, sometimes twelve. I balance it by exclusively drinking water the rest of the day. Occasionally when I start gaining weight I go completely sober for a couple weeks to get back down.
Can you just fuck off or google the answer? Obviously it's a mental illness and he eats to cope with other mental disorders
As a teen, I was close to 300 pounds, It's really not that hard, Now I lost weight and fill those voids with booze and drugs. I still find myself having a shitty day and binging food though.
Not only that but growing up in a fat household will FUCK you up,My parents are fat and my younger siblings are starting to get fat too. When you grow up in this environment, you will have your eating habits absolutely fucked.
Good job, my nigga.
>tfw went to community high school halfway through my sophomore year.
>Shut myself in
>Worked out every day,dieted and finished High School in a couple months online
>Two years later go to afterprom at my HS and all the girls are all over my dick and even managed to have my first kiss/makeout with one of my crushes who never gave me the time of day from HS on my 18th birthday a week later after talking to her at the afterprom.
Never got the jealous family members though, At least I never noticed
never said anything like that faggot.
only people with mental issues rant on twitter like he does in the middle of the night.
get triggered faggot.
Not fat yet, slowly getting there if I don't do something though. My diet is probably the thing I need to prioritize anyway
It isn't even about getting >swole , it's about losing fucking weight and you know damn well there is almost no excuse.
For fucks sake, running outside for a little while every day (or walking if you're too much of a disgusting fatbody hambeast/too old to run), cutting down your portion size, and eating healthy will lose you weight easily.
t. Lost over 50 lbs pretty fast by doing that and stepping in a gym only a few times
People like this who have mental issues with food, and feel the need to sooth themselves with it when depressed need their ability to choose what to eat taken away from them. There seriously needs to be rehab clinics for them to go to for a few months where their food is controlled while they get help.
DDP isn't going to help him much, because he's still free to go out, or yell at his girlfriend till she does, and get 10 big macs any time he' sad. He has no self-control, and needs to get that before he can think about getting fit.
beer has as much calories as soda
Does boogie do his own shopping? It isn't possible for someone to be his size without an enabler buying the food for him.
>Personally I have way too much social anxiety
It's only going to get better if you confront it. Believe me I used to have it so bad I lurked on Sup Forums for at least 2 years before my first post because I was that fucking nerve wracked about being judged on a fucking anonymous imageboard.
>fat tripfag getting triggered
Go away
No, not as far as walking around a supermarket and buying things. He has an enabler girlfriend who does that. He can still drive I think and goes to get fast food, but has said he has her go get him fast food too.
how I lost 30 pounds despite being a lazy faggot NEET
1. Fucking look at the calories of everything you eat. You look up the comments on torrents before downloading them to check if there are viruses, right? So how about looking at the food that goes into your body. You will be surprised at how much calories some foods have (try looking up raisins). I remember making muffins one morning and eating three of them. I was about to eat the fourth, but I decided to look at the box. Each of those fuckers was 250 calories. I could have eaten all twelve if I put my mind to it.
2. Easy modo: 1500 calories per day. Normal modo: 1250 calories per day. Hard modo: 1000 calories per day. Don't be a pussy, aim for hard mode.
3. Eat filling foods. Oatmeal is top tier and cheap as shit too. Rice is even cheaper. It's hilarious seeing these fat SJWs whine about "food deserts" when the best foods for losing weight are common and cheap as shit.
4. Don't drink soda. Even the zero calorie garbage will rot you teeth. If you hate water so much then drink flavored water or tea.
5. Speaking of tea. Whenever I got the munchies I boiled a pot of tea. Not only does it have zero calories, but it takes some time to make, and then some more time to cool down before you can drink it. It staves off your munchies. Green tea is really good for you, too.
6. If you have junk food in the house, keep it out of sight. Out of sight is out of mind. Hide it in drawers or some shit.
it's not that hard faggots
>tripfag used to be overweight as fuck
>lost weight, now consumes drugs and alcohol
loling at your life m8
Like how you rant on Sup Forums in the middle of the night?
Hmm relly make me fink
I lose 30lbs when i take a shit in the morning.
30lbs is not a large amount of weight for anyone to lose.
I just don't get how people can eat more than 1000-1500 calories a day.
I can easily drink a 2 litre of dew in a sitting, and I only weight 130. Its not hard
You're probably malnourished. Enjoy your hair loss.
>Says balding fat cunt
Does drinking too much soda make your sinuses/allergies go crazy? I feel like it does.
Go ahead, Life has literally no meaning, We're simply distracting ourselves with pointless shit until we die
time to hit the gym
you'll see easy results
>it's only about food
nigga you lazy as fuck, walk 30 minutes everyday and do physical exercise 1 hour every 3 days
that and your diet will be gold
well he cant exactly hang himself now can he?
the difference?
this is a anonymous image board.
Not very difficult, I do sometimes because I'm either really hungry that day or just wanna eat garbage and don't care. But there's no way to eat more than 2,000 without forcing tons of shit down your throat.
maybe with the cable they use for tow trucks KEK
>tfw 160lbs
Im slowly getting fat.
Unless you're cutting to lose weight you aren't eating enough.
>life is nothing but distraction hurr we just gun die erf derf
why don't you just kill yourself then ?
That's even more telling of mental illness, you fucking retard.
>Hiroyuki's Shillchan
Get real, Little Johnny, The FBI is on their fucking way right now
>drink a pot of black coffee then run milez on milez on milez
Easy weight loss. I love running because not only does it keep me slim and trim, but I also get to eat whatever the fuck I want, including shit that fatasses like Boogie eat (excluding soda).
Get fucked non-running plebs
death flag
weight control starts at home, not in the fucking gym man
L I T E R A L L Y all boogie would have to do is eat less and he'd start seeing results within fucking weeks
>hit 160
>reduce beer intake significantly
>back down to 155
That was close. Should probably start doing any exercise at all to offset my probable alcoholism.
the difference?
im not running for office.
He defends the mad rantings of a 70 year old back who acts like a 13 year old girl on twitter. Sad.
The second you resort to the old hurf durf is the second you lose the argument, although, you lost it long before you ever started.
Besides, what the fuck do you think I'm doing?
>Too scared to do it so these pills will be the rifle
I miss being able to jog around for exercise. I live in Arizona and nature would fucking destroy me.
>Have IBS
>Forever stuck weighing like a skeleton because I shit out everything I eat
>tfw 230~ lbs
>tfw have manboobs
>tfw have beer gut
>but my arms and legs are normal
>not sure if its because i have hormonal issues (i do) or if its because im always hungry and crave shitty junkfood all the time
thank god i'm 6'2" or else i'd kill myself
Arizona would be hell to run in. Louisiana's bad enough during the summer.
I always get diarrhea 20 minutes after drinking coffee. Is it a caffeine tolerance thing or do you go running after the liquid shits?
I have pretty high caffeine tolerance since I drink about 2 large pots of coffee every day, for the most part I just have to piss like a racehorse before I run and once I get back I shit out lightning.
You'd think his wife would be able to keep food away from him if his sob stories about being all but immobile are true.
I don't even know what the fuck you're arguing about.
Yeah, Trump is a ridiculous xenophobic retard celebrity idolized by edgy followers who can't think for themselves. I'm just saying there is no difference between late night twitter rants and late night Sup Forums rants. Late night Sup Forums rants are arguably a worse indicator of mental health, I'd know because I do both and I'm suicidal nutcase