It's official: FFXV is the fastest selling title in franchise HISTORY. Sells out of 5 million copies IN A SINGLE DAY...

It's official: FFXV is the fastest selling title in franchise HISTORY. Sells out of 5 million copies IN A SINGLE DAY. HATERS BTFO.

Sales isn't gonna make that shit of a game any good. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>this backpedaling goal post moving

holy shit

Not shocking this game is actually quite good.

isn't that because people had it pre-ordered from like 5 years ago?

The article you linked mentions sales, but the source in it mentions shipment instead

Damn you OP, for bringing my hopes up.

I just want this game to succeed really well

I like FFXV but you gotta admit everything would sell like hotcakes after hyping it up for 10 years.

*cough* last *cough* guardian *cough*

That was clearly not the case with Too Human and Duke Nukem For(n)ever

What the hell is even the point of this thread? Why are you throwing a fit over a stupid weeb game? Also total sales =/= amount shipped

The game is actually not a hot pile of shit like Sup Forums thinks it is. Its also not the ff7 killer. Its very good strong 8 to light 9.

>millennials want to roleplay feminine boy band with magic spells and swords that wear all black

Not surprised one bit desu

>Too Human
Nobody cared about that in the first place

>Duke Nukem For(n)ever
That sold well enough for the pile of shit it was

because some talk show host hurt my hikikomori ways

>ship lots of copies
>pretend they're sales
Wow, never seen this before.

>but you gotta admit EVERYTHING would sell like hotcakes after hyping it up for 10 years

That's the key part you missed, son.

You missed the part about hyping it though.
No one was hyped for too human.

>sonypony fantasy sells well
Well yeah, people are idiots. Pokemon sold 3 mil and that's amazing for a niche game but surprise surprise you don't hear Sup Forums talking about that.

Yes, it was hyped.

That game took up to 100 million dollars to finally be made. It was a nasty flop.

shipped =/= sales

>every dev / publisher releases same numbers
>somehow this time they don't count because it doesn't lineup with your shitposting agenda

>first game with a worldwide release sells fast
>they only shipped 5 million copies and it's already warming shelves all over the place

At least FFXV has more manly characters than all the previous FF games combines.

>every dev / publisher releases same numbers
>somehow this time they don't count because it doesn't lineup with your shitposting agenda
quoted since it's so retarded that you will probably delete your post later.

>This game that shipped 10 million in one day didn't sell as much as this one that shipped 4 million in almost one month.
>I swear guys
>please listen to me

>bargaining already
>with lies
This is getting utterly pathetic.

>>This game that shipped 10 million in one day didn't sell as much as this one that shipped 4 million in almost one month.
You literally went full retard. take a breath between your sobs, are reread that sentence, slowly. And try to understand it.

The story being vague and borderline shit + chapter 13 makes it a strong 7 light 9.

why do you autists hate this game so much? Is it cause your cult leader Conan told you to hate it?




I literally haven't ever played a Final Fantasy game. I'm not starting with Royal Road Trip: The Game.

>shipments now = sales

It's funny how quick you guys were to disagree with this before, so long as it was a game you were shitposting about.

Well, I say youtube views mean sales too. Nintendo Switch confirmed for smashing success in March

More like strong 6, light 7. Don't kid yourself.

You have to agree Conan went really hard into this game. None of his other reviews bash a game this hard.

here we can see the shitposter in its natural habitat, attempting to damage control as much as possible

Rather stay on a solid 7 then.
The game is perfectly playable as is, it's only the story and chapter 13 that's killing the game.

He doesn't care about the Final Fantasy brand, gaming sites are stuck in the tradition of always giving Final Fantasy favourable reviews. Even XIII got good reviews.

This game has 9 more chapters than MGS V yet is shit. I hope MGS fags shut the fuck up about how more chapters = a better game.

Haven't played it, just watched a couple streams of it for 5-10 minutes. I can't tell if the streamers are fucking retarded and don't know how to play or if the combat is really that clunky and bad.

Either way, I can't play it until it gets a pc port. and then I'd torrent it, not buy.

Thank you! I agree.

Why the fuck are you children replying to obvious bait for multiple days in a row?
If you really have to reply, atleast use fucking sage

I wish the mods would come down hard on Sup Forums

Okay, so the Conan thing. I really hope people post him ironically in regards to FFXV because if not that makes you an actual fucking retarded person.

He's a comedian and talk show host, not a game reviewer and part of the reason he reviews games is because it's funny how little he is actually qualified to do it.

Please kill yourselves all who took his review seriously.

maybe because its leagues worse than anything else he's played

XIII is nowhere near as bad as people make out. I honestly believe more people would like it if it didn't have Final Fantasy in the title

While I'm inclined to agree with you, we have to first agree that MGSV dropped the ball WAY harder than FFXV.

Even the Japanese think this game is mediocre at best.

He liked Fallout 4 user that tells you how retarded he is.

just report the thread, if you get the feeling the thread is obvious bait, regardless of how you feel towards the game, then the threads only purpose is for shitposting.

did you really have to resort to amazon reviews to berate a videogame

>Amazon JP reviews

Because it was a shitty fucking demo and he didn't have fun with it. Blame Square Enix for putting out such a shit demo that has you doing fuck all the entire time.

Can somebody make a "Clueless Game was a mistake" pics with Conan?

Shipped is for all intents and purposes a sale you dumb nigger

Square Enix has their cut, it's up to gamestop and Walmart to get the game into consumers hands

So when Pokemon Sun and Moon shipped 10 million units, it means it sold 10 million units?

It is the literal definition of linear, to the point where your character progression is tightly controlled. Final Fantasy on aggressive rails isn't a game I want, Final Fantasy used to mean an adventure, not a mediocre movie experience.

30 hours later doesn't mean jack shit.

They are just pissed that Luna got the same treatment as Alisha.


Get this through your heads you dumb shits. Squaresoft sold 5 million copies. It's out of their hands. They made that profit. Thats it. They accomplished this in like 2 days. Now they have all the time in the world to get 5 million more to break even. They will be fine.

>ET was a success.

Who the ducks says strong 7 light 9. Thats an 8. That's literally what the concept of 8 is for

While I have no interest in playing Final Fantasy 15 at all which has mostly to do with the art direction, gameplay decisions and story/world of the game, nobody interested in games should hope for it to fail

the sad fact is that there just aren´t many companies left that invest in big budget games so Square taking a huge lose would reduce the amount of possible big games even further

Well fuck. So when Sony says the PSVR will sell over 700k units, we should just not listen to them and pay attention to shipments.

I'm going to remember this in the future. If Nintendo Switch flops in sales I'll just point out the shipments to everyone here and say it was a rousing success.

>I can tell people what they think of the game

you think its a 6-7, and are most likely causal scum

Still better than using shipped numbers to rationalise your bad purchase.

At least one is not corporate dick sucking, although I doubt either would count as dick sucking since Japan doesn't meet the minimum required length.

I only saw the typo after I posted, But yet again have I underestimated the autism of Sup Forums.

>it. Blame Square Enix for putting out such a
That was the actual game they were playing, not a demo. What the fuck are you on about?

I dunno, I'm like 25 hours in and just did Titan and Ramuh, games pretty bad so far. It has good points but this is just another JRPG, nothing special.

You can't die. You can't control other party members. It's mash circle and QTE square if you feel like it.

>Big Empty World
Aside from a few random world bosses there doesn't seem to be anything worth finding in the game. And the world bosses may as well not exist since combat is anus.

... It's not bad, but it's not great either.

I can handle noct and gladio for the most part. Prompto is weeb cringe trash and iggy is just poorly written and acted.

Plot holes. The game disregards the events of kingsglaive while also not managing to advance the plot AT ALL halfway thru the fucking game.

Top notch here, can't argue this is where all the money went. What a fucking shame.

XV is a solid 6.5~7/10. It's medicore and unmemorable. Zestiria was a better game.

>this game is going to bomb they said
>it will never even sell a million copies, they said
>no way they will hit the 5 million they need to make a profit



Everything after the 8th chapter was completely uninteresting.
Almost every review has something along these lines. Hmmm

Seeing as companies can just get their money, no strings attached, they should all ship 100 million units of everything to Gamestop. They'll be rich in no time.

Why the fuck didn't Nintendo think of this when the Wii U was flopping? It's fucking genius.

Good. The fate of the franchise depends on it.

The Wii U will sell through every unit it shipped, too.

I don't know what's so difficult to understand here. Retailers buy those units.

SE can't even tell you how many copies are sold because they don't have those numbers. They don't go out to all the retailers and mom and pop stores to ask them how much of their shipment moved off the shelves.

>10 million they need to make a profit
Not sure where you got 5 friendo, the number is 10 million. Whether it makes it or not doesn't change the fact it's trash. Most of my friends are playing it, there are two whom are remotely enjoying it. 7 or 8 (myself included) whom fucking hate it.

At least we're getting Nier in a couple months.

So... It's casual?

Yes, because store have NEVER sold a game back to the publishers.


>shipped = / sold

fallout 4 is not even that bad of a game. people who had an issue with it just hates that its not more NV. its decent as a far cry like game with tons of RPG elements

Really makes you think.


extremely. you cant lose if you keep phoenix downs in your inventory. literally impossible to lose any fight in the game unless you have the downs

So even though PSVR shipped 6 million units, and Sony is projecting it to sell only around 700k, it will still sell 6 million? How does this work?

>shipped = sold

this is honestly surprising tbqh. Does the average 13-18 year old today even know what Final Fantasy is?

There needs to be a fucking projected demand retard.
If Nintendo just shipped GameStop a bunch of consoles and expected to be paid, chances are all they'd get back are a bunch of consoles in the shittiest shipping circumstances possible

>Using the one outlier from 30 years ago that was an entirely different context in a still new console industry

yeah no fuck off, you just want to meme the game into being a failure so you can pretend you're superior to the normies so you can make up for your own failures in life, lmao

>projecting this hard

Well so far the projected demand isn't matching the shipments. They're predicting around 2 million sales instead of 5 million.

I swear, no one on Sup Forums actually fucking knows what projecting means

yeah there's a bunch of final fantasy games for like $20 on their iphones

You sound upset, user. Don't feel bad, at least you lived long enough to see FFXV get released.

>Shipped ≠ sold

Stop shilling mediocre games.

Not him. And i am excited for it.
But how is that shit posting? Sales a good game do not make.
It can sell shit and be GOTY. it can sell millions and be rich.

Just moving of the goalposts
>please only look at shipped units guys
>don't look at sales otherwise my worldview may fall apart

I don't even give a shit about FF.

ofc because it's been turned into "NO U XD"

Every FF game is casual

The same way the Wii U sold.

It's "projected demand" guys. PSVR will sell 6 million units............... 20 years from now. So you see we weren't wrong technically, it was a long time in the making but it was a good investment.

Projection is an unconscious fantasy that we are able to rid ourselves of some part of our psyche by splitting it off and putting it outside ourselves, usually into somebody else.

>you just want to meme the game into being a failure so you can pretend you're superior to the normies so you can make up for your own failures in life, lmao

How is this not projecting?

>le corporations r bad
>post amazon reviews