This is the super saiyan these days

>This is the super saiyan these days

What went wrong?

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post more from this artist

what do you mean, there is nothing wrong with that picture

artwork is the last thing wrong with the game, I imagine.

>western release
never ever



I thought the west wanted more strong female characters.

I'm loving it.

that's rude

>black people
>transfer students to Japan

>implying japan would let black people into their schools

Japan is racist as fuck

Yeah, they should have been speaking French.

>super saiyan
You mean Sailor Moon?

>Sacre bleu! Zis Japanese girl is, how you say, tres sexy! Hold her down, sil vous plait, Jamal
>Hon hon! I have, how you say, ze jaune fever!

There's that meme again.

New EXA_PICO never is what's wrong.

Trump was a meme, and yet he got elected president.

Funny how 'memes' and things that are repeated consistently tend to be true, isn't it?

>m-my utopia isnt racist! t-they'd accept me
weebs are the worst. japan is one of the most racist countries on this planet.
>racist against other asians
>racist against blacks
>racist against browns
>racist against whites
that shithole needs another two bombs

>that one country that has a ridiculously high standard of living compared to the rest of the world
>better nuke them

It really doesn't, it's basically like America where you're a slave to your employer

yet it is infested with muslims

This is not ok

oh fucks yes

I want to watch while I call the entire alumni. DO NOT DO THIS NEAR ME, I AM SO TOXIC I WILL LET IT HAPPEN AND ENJOY IT.

She's not rubbing cunnies with another cute girl RIGHT NOW
