Kojima literally kidnapped by Konami

>"The fact that he finished that game under those circumstances is just amazing. He was locked in a separate room on a different floor than his development team for the final six months of development. He couldn't even talk to them - he had to talk through someone else. That's how that game was finished."

Source: pcgamesn.com/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/mgsv-kojima-locked-in-room-six-months

Would you put a Kojima under house arrest Sup Forums?

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So what the fuck did he do to deserve this

I thought Konami was just done with him and gave him the boot

Kojima/Geoff = Miller/Venom


So he's following Heath Ledgers footsteps to becoming the joker?

Based Kojima. No wonder Geoff was so sad.

Bullying is fucking real in Japan. In regards to Konami there are stories where they called potential future employers of ex-employees to shittalk about them.

There's also this one documentary on the subject, but I forgot the title now. But basically, if you fall out with the higher ups, everyone will turn their back on you and mock you and literally tell you to kill yourself already.
I guess Team Kojima didnt do that, so Konami seperated them.

In Japan it's a big no no to fire someone, especially someone who has influence or has name recognition value

They probably wanted him to be a good little jap and quit like you're supposed to, but he decided to tought it out for his game so they did everything in their power to demoralize him into quitting and avoid firing him.

There are stories of employees being sent to count pixels on screens or being told that they're new job is to find a new job.

Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

That's how japanese treat people they want to retire. They put them in incredibly mundane jobs or places away from everyone else until the person folds and quits.

Its a very common practice, in fact, I wish they would already do it to Miyamoto.

He wasted all their money and took his time making a game that he couldn't even finish, because he thought he was hot shit and no one could tell him what to do.

If your read between the lines in his tweets and stuff in the six months leading up to the whole debacle, it sounds like he was attempting a hostile takeover of the company. The nut wanted to make Konami his Outer Heaven or some shit. Clearly he was BTFO because life isn't a fucking video game and you can't just do that shit without serious legal repercussions.

They realized that Kojima was a more recognizable name than Konami. So they did what they could to put him in the hot seat to ruin his reputation, and stress him out in whatever way they could while getting rid of him so he would hopefully quit the industry so his fans would not follow.

That would be my guess.

>the death standing baby is the joker baby

Venom would beat up small black children for Quiet

>count pixels on screens or being told that they're new job is to find a new job.
This is just asinine and brilliant at the same time.
So what's the plan when the person you need to get rid of is a filthy white piggu gaijin?

>not trying to stop a retard

This is how they fire people in Japan. It's both a social reason (passive agressive) and practical (they can screw you out of paying you properly). What they do is assign you to a shitty job, give you nothing to do, etc all to force you to quit.

SH when

Just report him to the government it's not like gaikokujin have any rights anyway.

Kinda reminds me of Lucas. Started making some good shit but got so full of himself that nobody told him what he was fucking up and thus we got MGSV and the prequels


Looks like they are doing fine on money if they can afford to blow it on that fucking zombie game

Do they honestly think people are going to accept that shit besides the retards on Sup Forums and the small, uninformed pockets everywhere else?


so forever?

these companies are probably connected to yakuza too

anyone sane person would do this for their own amusement

>Japanese companies are this retarded

And whats stopping the bullied nip from just playing his vita at work all day instead?

You could say that. As long as Sup Forums exists, and if I die before it does, I made sure that my predecessor will continue my work and fulfill the truth.

>People bought MGSV despite already knowing this
I hope he shits in all your mouths with DS.

But people didn't already know this

They're making the zombie game with MGSV's engine and assets because they need to try to get some more money out of that shit.

Konami made everyone a favor in the end
The MGS series needed to end already and Kojima can now make new stuff

Manga artists and animators sometimes get locked in rooms forced into finishing deadline work. Maybe a similar thing with Kojima.

Wow. Really makes you think.

hopefully Tomm Hulet will take over PT

Yeah, like how desperate people are for demonizing someone they dislike, even a little.

Kojima is innocent fuckers, he didnt have money problems, konami just wanted to boot him to make their pachinkos, MGSV Would have better if konami didnt fucked him over.

Get over it.

They are both at fault, konami didnt start bullying kojima for the lolz

Kuntnami shill pls go

So I'm posting it since nobody did youtube.com/watch?v=55NjoQXln5s

Then they can say you're slacking on the job and just fire you.

The whole point of bullying your employees like that is to make them want to quit instead.

>it's a poor Kojima getting bullied by big bad Konami episode

I'm so sick of this shit. Let's not pretend Kojima hasn't been shitting up MGS since 4 and that TPP wouldn't still be trash even if it had that last cut chapter. Every time we get a story like this, aspires and drones immediately flock to it and use it to prop Kojima up like some misunderstood genius with absolutely no faults.

I'm not saying Konami is blameless here because they sure as hell aren't, but it says a lot that no one cared about them until they started fucking with MGS even though Silent Hill fans have been warning everybody about their scumminess for years.

mgsv made 3 times its budget back you mongoloid

It's like Hitler's last days in here.

Cause vita got no games

Last I checked, Konami didn't take a big steaming shit on the story, nor were they responsible for a completely empty, boring "open world".

It's a well known fact that Kojima went over budget on TPP. I hate Konami too, but can you fucking blame them for flipping out when their biggest title was hemorrhaging money before it was even released?

>the company literally saying that they want out of games as a mainbusiness
>not to blame
stop making shit up in your head. your personal dislike or like for a certain developer doesnt matter

>He wasted all their money

There was never any evidence of this at all. It's just shitposter's words.

In fact, Kojima IS THE MONEY maker of Konami vidya.

I can't wait til DS is released and it turns out to be every bit the pretentious vanity project it looks like. People are going to be tripping over themselves to justify Kojima's insane rambling story as genius and artistic.

(citation needed)

>implying i at any point said Konami wasn't shitty

Did you fucking read what I said or did you just stop at the part where I disagreed about sucking Kojima's cock like you are so clearly doing?

Sounds like just another one of Kojima's elaborate "I didn't even want to do it" scenarios that he builds up in his fucking head, the man is a god damn hack, I stopped believing what he said after MGS3, the constant whining how he didn't want to do it but couldn't leave it to other people, the countless fuckin Kojimavision statements, I'm so fucking tired of his bullshit, I can't wait for him to kick the bucket so people can just fuck off with his literally every day drama.

>wasted all their money
How can you be so fucking stupid?

>Its real
>There are stories

Everyone check the fuck out of this weeb.


It's an unspoken fact that Konami, the market leader for "legal" gambling machines is in cahoots with the Yakuza who are in control of all illegal gambling in Japan. Both parties were actively trying to get gambling legalized.

Business in Japan is fucking rotten to its core. But unfortunately they're part of the system and the country doesn't work without them anymore.

This is what happened to Gunpei Yokai after the failure of the Virtual Boy after Japanese investors put pressure on Yamauchi to find someone to blame and get rid of (As corporate culture in Japan is so fucked that even if you create a revolutionary product like the Game Boy, one single failure is enough for termination).

Yokai was smart enough to leave quickly and go to Bandai but he was killed in a car accident before Yamauchi ever had the chance to talk to him (as he was planning on rehiring him once the investors realized how badly they fucked up and the heat died down).

Sad, but that's Japan's corporate culture for you. Sega's management beat up employees and employees were expected to take it, even. That was the real reason Yuji Naka wanted to move Sonic Team to the US so they could be away from Sega's insane corporate culture.

except there is evidence of it.

One of his autismo fits:
Make konami pay 750k dollar to aquire some licensed music
A day later throw it all away because "it doesnt fit with the game after all"

Anyone else that pulled something like that would be fired and lynched on the spot

No, user, don't you see, this was part of Kojima's plan all along. Just like how MGS4 was purposely bad because Kojima was mad at the fans who dared to want more of his games, MGS5 is a carefully constructed protest against Konami and their oppressive behavior. There's a reason why everything is the way it is. I wouldn't expect a retard like you to understand an auteur's vision,

>mentions evidence
>doesn't post any kind of evidence
really makes ME think

I saw that on Shirobako


>a lot of money


About three fiddy.

>It's a well known fact that Kojima went over budget on TPP.
It cost $80 million to make, which is modest by AAA standards, considering GTAV cost $265m. MGS4 cost $70m+ by 2005-8 standards and that was only on PS3.


>it sounds like he was attempting a hostile takeover of the company

That's bullshit. You'd have to buy out the majority of the stocks to do shit like that and I doubt Kojimbo had that kind of money.

>give you nothing to do
>Getting paid for coming into the office and shitposting on your imageboard/BBS of choice all day

The Japanese are a very strange people.

Nobody gives a fuck of your definition of how much money 750k is you literally penniless motherfucker.

Around 45 anons in this thread alone, which is more people that will care about your sorry ass.

You still don't understand.
If you don't do your job, you get fired. If your job is to do nothing, you better fucking be doing nothing. Not just something that's not work.

Why is it a big nono? Sounds like they're all passive aggressive cunts

>It cost $80 million to make,
It cost OVER $80 million to make.

>which is modest by AAA standards,
According to whom? You for the sake of this argument?

>considering GTAV cost $265m.
GTAV isn't a gaming standard. its also about four times the size and content of Phantom Pain so yeah.

that's illegal, if you literally believe that bullshit and don't see it as an hyperbole you're an idiot

Start around 1 hour 45
>She said they paid for her to write 30-40 songs that ended up not being used, and he'd tell her to write another one, then another one, then another one, because he settles for what he likes and has a good mind for what people want to see and what people want to hear.

Bawwww, looks like Kojima is just a piece of shit wasting everyones time and money after all


>being told that they're new job is to find a new job.

Japs are fucking cartoon villains

First up you're a liar. You claimed it was licensed music, not a commission.

Secondly that is literally concept art. Thousands of drawings, painting, scripts and levels get discarded too. Refinement. It's part of all development.

ITT: Armchair gaming analysts pretend they know anything about how a game's budget is spent.

>Job is staring at dust
>Boss comes in
>I'm fixing the printer
>Get fired

Same shit autismo.

He wasted money to aquire music, only to throw it away

bawww, looks like hideous kojimbo is just a fucking moneywasting retard after all.

Kojima might be a pain to work with, but I'm not hearing anything about licensed music or 750k here bub.

No. That's a false equivalence. Not an argument.

I don't even like this dude's games, but Konami can fucking burn down already.

They're long past the days of contributing anything to society.

You missed the part about getting enough severance pay to live a full other life from birth to death without ever working.

>It cost $80 million to make, which is modest by AAA standards.
Its not, actually, the "standard" is around 50 million.

considering GTAV cost $265m.
GTAV is actually one of the most expensive production costs in gaming history, and nowhere near the standard.
(You'll also notice Phantom Pain on there)
Not to mention it completely overshadows the amount of content and variety present in Phantom Pain.
In the future try to refrain from calling something a standard if you don't actually know whether it is or not, making basless claims that "sound right" just for the sake of giving your argument more credibilty is a quick way to lose all credibility.

>considering GTAV cost $265m.
Yeah but it's $265m when you mix the development and the marketing.

>Not an argument.
Molymeme, what are you doing here?
I agree with you though. I would rather Kojima be a perfectionist and commission the best music than just go with whatever he was handed first.

>people will still try to defend Konami and blame the mess that was MGSV on Kojima

Define "finished".

Also, its his own fault. He had 5 years and infinite amounts of money to make the game. Kojima as we are all aware by now works better with higher ups that CAN and SHOULD say NO to stupid things. He cant be allowed full freedom and a room full of yes men.

Lots of really talented people need to be supervised and managed properly. Nothing wrong with it.

Why the fuck you telling me? Tell the moron that said it


>He had 5 years and infinite amounts of money to make the game
[citation needed]

He wasted half of those years making an engine when we could have used any other one.

Plus, while its incredibly optimized the final game doesnt have that much interaction and TECHNOLOGY in levels. Pretty much any other engine but Rage could have done the same job.

TPP did take 5 years of development.

And he was the vice president of Konami. How would he NOT have access to their funds?
The board kicked his gook ass to the curb where he belongs.

A Director
Robbed of his voice

>He wasted half of those years making an engine when we could have used any other one.
Maybe because he wanted to ensure Konami's game development future by creating an engine they own so they don't have to pay licensing fees.

The FOX Engine wasn't meant solely for MGSV. Zone of the Enders 3 and Silent Hills, both which were canceled, were supposed to run on it as well. It's not Kojima's fault that his company decided to cancel all those projects and waste the engine on soccer shit only.

This new wave of appreciation for Kojima really seems suspicious. Its either newfags riding the ebin new train, never ever shitposters or paid shills.

MGS3 > MGS4 > PW > V

It all went downhill, no one should trust this man at this point after so many lies and bullshit. And guess what was the breaking point between 1,2,3 and 4,pw,V? Him having too much power. 4,pw and V are pure Kojima. The first 3 are a product of a team in which Kojima took part.

>And he was the vice president of Konami.
He was a Vice President, not The Vice President. The Digital Entertainment division he worked for has more than one VP position.

over 80 mil, but not 85.
Still over 200% for 5 years investment at the higher end. was 80 mil at April 2016. Release was September 1st. By that point in cycle, Kojima was probably QAing like a mofo.

We also know it made $175mil in the first 24 hours of release, and had 6 million sales by Jan 1st 2016.

It's safe to assume it made more than 200% return for 5 years investment not even including Ground Zeros revenue.



Granted, upper management had changed for a guy who headed phone games. He was probably expecting lower costs, to which Kojima probably spit in his face in some way. Kojima would do it however he pleased.

so even with the 200%+ return for 5 years investment, I could imagine upper management getting iffy with the $80mil+ expenditure up to that point... even though market analysis should've shown them they'd make significantly more back that they put in.

>Im just gonna ignore the facts here
THe interview with the woman that made the music explicitly states that he used konami's money to pay her to create 40 songs
And then he threw them out because "i did no rike it"

I'm sure you're a big boi and can google for yourself how much it costs to create one song, now multiply that by 40