Fem Ryder is actually pretty cute. Where were you when Sup Forums was actually wrong

Fem Ryder is actually pretty cute. Where were you when Sup Forums was actually wrong.

Sup Forums is usually wrong about everything.

Fem Ryder is actually pretty retarded*

>mouth breather

She has the lips of the girl from the latest blacked.com update

PLEASE NOTE: I am black, not a lame whiteboy who wants to be "cucked-on"

She's only "cute" because the typical western made female character looks like a man.



who cares, they use same shitty me2/3 pistol models
me1 pistols looked the best

She looks like your run of the mill puffy cheeked Latina girl.

5/10 seen too many.
-1 because queer ass black "girl" in the preview

Holy shit, she's actually pretty adorable. Is Bioware brainwashing me into finding basic girls attractive?!

>western games


That anime was awful.

>black people enjoy blacked

wow really makes u think....

Looks like a retard

Butter face.

>I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit!

she looks semi-retarded and has fugly features like her off-putting nose

and you can bet your ass that bioware made her look that specific way very deliberately

what games do niggers like?

Looks like that ugly elven girl in dragon age

>poo in loo potato nose

kek, nu-bioware won't model attractive females.

Only white girls are allowed to call me nigger, and only when I'm fucking them.


I wouldn't be surprised if you were the largest demographic of that site.

nice buzzwords

Is this bait? I mean I'm not trying to be an asshole to people with downs syndrome but her face looks like she literally has downs syndrome

OK that was a pretty mean thing about people with downs syndrome, so I apologize, but my statement remains

so... about those games?

She looks like an unsuccessful boxer


A female of indian ethnicity with a relatively big and round nose.

She looks pretty cute for a default character.

That said, we'll probably be able to make some pretty cute femshep clones with character creation

She isn't too bad, I can see why someone would find her attractive. But in general she's just gross.

why is she so smug?

She knows that because she is the protagonist she can't die.

No. I accept a lot of memes and opinions, and let them be. But this character, is without doubt, a fucking ugly fucker. And I would rather fuck Madsen than this shemale goat with downs.


Also black, but help me out here. Why the fuck do you watch Blacked? Is the most boring shit ever. Same positions, same setups, removes lingeries during after one third of the video, weak ass humping, and small dicks (in porn).

Did everyone forget femShep suddenly? You should never make the character in the sequel less attractive.

Best poast itt.

She's alright

But too fucking young

Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to let a fucking 19 year old to search for a planet for humanity to move to?

>mfw Urkel watches Blacked.com
Huh, really makes you think.



That's a man baby

Because we want JRPG audience.

I guess those Animators had to find work somewhere. Bit of a downgrade to go from CDi Zelda games to EA.

Beautiful girls, great lighting and camera-work, and the dicks aren't small, the update I referred to stars Joss LeCaf who has a 10-incher.