You are so mad right now
You are so mad right now
yea it's disappointing how bad this year was
I play overwatch everyday and this fucking baffles me
I'm annoyed. It proves that this year was terrible for games and that people were so bored with what came out that they spent all their time this year playing OW.
Nope. It really was GOTY, nothing has been as fun. DaS III might have taken it, but From kinda fucked up.
>inb4 butthurt Doomfags
Why play that garbage when you can play the original on a toaster and have twice the fun?
>giving a shit a normalfags american awards
Call me when Sup Forumsidya awards will be on.
It was between Doom and this. One left the story on a cliffhander, one had a company take a ballsy risk. Which deserved it more?
So this just proves that 2016 was the shittiest year for gaming ever.
>inb4 poorfag
I do own the game, you fucking Blizzshits.
Its a mindless shooter like TF2, I prefer Hitman and Titanfall 2 over it this year, but Blizzard always gets blown by the gaming industry so meh whatever.
DOOM deserved this award 10x more than shitty flashy-color multiplayer FPS #204
Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 3, Overwatch
>tfw you don't like any goty at all
>GW2 has a shitload more content than Overwatch and actually requires aim
>Literally zero discussion ever
I don't care, only babbies care.
Not really, I don't care
GOTY is simply a popularity contest for whoever's game is the trendiest and seeing as girls like this game for some reason of course it will win.
2016 has been one of the worst year for videogames
If you're talking about Garden Warfare 2, I highly agree. But Sup Forums is for shitting on games, not talking good about them.
Doom was my game of the year, but why would I be mad over this?
more like curious
I played it during the free weekend and found it extremely bland, I don't understand the hype for it
>Brown-color FPS #1031 deserves it more than flashy-color multiplayer FPS #204
Keep shitting yourself, neet
>kinda fucked up
On what, exactly?
rigged circlejerk industry giving rigged prices to members of the jew club
yeah that´s new. they should´ve given it to indie devs instead of these forced memes
its for casuals and has a shit ton of porn
>You are so mad right now
>this projection and implication
nah bro I'm fine
>in any way generic
how to spot someone who hasn't played it
A little mad, yes.
But not at Overwatch or the VGA, but at this shitty fucking year with all its shitty games.
It's silver and red actually try playing it
It's just an award show. The guys with the deepest pockets usually win.
what a terrible year
This guy speaks the truth, awards ain't worth shit.
I refuse to consider a game good if game journalists like it. For them to enjoy a game, it has to be dumbed down to the umpth degree, and be pandering 24/7. Usually the only game I'll consider good is one hated and reviled by game journalists, since they hate anything that's too videogamey (aka good).
Did gamergate teach you nothing?
So you only like things to be a contrarian?
It's more so that I refuse to listen to popularity contests and instead judge a game by it's quality.
And games without singleplayer have no quality.
Actually I'm happy. Being given GOTY by TGA means that in actually your game was probably one of the worst games released that year. There's only been one exception to this rule.
5 games won the goty, how can I be mad?
It's an absolutely pointless award if there's more than one.
>giving a fuck about modern gaming
>tfw forgot it was on and missed shitposting
That's fair.
as long as uncharted didnt get it im happy...
PC won both years in a row and PS4 has never ever won once
Why did they already give a game of the year award when the actual game of the year isn't even out?
What about MMO's?
Watching the awards is like watching a 5 year judge how good games are.
Should just change it to "Hype" awards since all the winners are games that just came out.
You mean the genre known for grinding, padding, filler areas, empty environments devoid of life, and costly DLC that can run up to 500 dollars, that doesn't factor in the monthly fee you have to usually pay (WOW being an example)?
i think my point still stands.
Only sonycucks are crying bitch tears
>caring about platform wars
Please grow up.
> awards since all the winners are games that just came out.
its awards from the last year, thats the point.
>PC won
Neckbeard-kun pls.
>implying anybody actually plays overwatch on anything other than pc
ok, nobody in their right mind plays FPS on console, stop being delusional
Same. I mean...yeah, this year was absolute unapologetic dog shit in terms of releases, but fuck, man. This is not a game of the year title. It's good. Don't get me wrong. It's really good. But no.
I wouldn't be surprised if more people play Overwatch on console, it's pretty dead on PC
>it's pretty dead on PC
classic case of delusion
The other nominees might as well not exist. Why the fuck were some of them in there? A Limbo sequel as GOTY? Are you serious? Respawn, who's made ONE FUCKING GAME SERIES, is in the running for Best Studio? What the fuck even is Oxenfree? THREE actors from a PS4 movie in Best Performance
No I'm not. Why would I give a shit about this award show?
>It's just an award show. The guys with the deepest pockets usually win.
>Which is why EA lost
>it's pretty dead on PC
It's really not but it's cute how wrong you are.
DaS3 is worst by far.
Nice try sonycuck it actually has more players on pc than the dead overwatch community on ps4
From what I know a lot of normies play memewatch so I wouldn't be surprised if they played on consoles.
Yes I'm mad, it wasn't even the best multi-player
I would be ok with this if not for the loot crate horse shit.
I have played a lot of both. I'm not saying DOOM should be game of the year, but between it and Overwatch, DOOM felt more deserving of it.
haha i love console wars
If it had a campaign covering all the characters through an omnic crisis story i would agree.
greatness keeps waiting
it'll go f2p any second!
>it's pretty dead on PC
Kill yourself, Sonygger.
It got sound design of the year, which meant Mick Gordon and an member of Sonic Mayhem of all things got to play a decent suite live. That's pretty good by me.
I played this game a lot for 2 weeks after launch and haven't played it since. It's fucking baffling people thought this deserves GOTY, especially with Blizzard constantly fucking with the balance and actively making the game less sustainable.
This. It's honestly all the game needs, apart from continuous updates and balancing and what not. In terms of core gameplay, it needs a story. They've got so much emphasis on story already but they pussyfoot and dance around it without just pulling their pants down and ramming it home like we all know they can.
Dragon quest builders far better than shitwatch
>Sup Forums last year
>overwatch wins this year
>wtf I hate video games now
>different games win
>Results in different reactions
I beg your pardon?
Because it doesn't deserve to win. I play Overwatch literally every single day usually for hours on end. It's fun as hell, but it's not GOTY material. It'd be like CS GO winning.
Because it's a fucking meme game for redditors and TF2 babbies
Shame that its still not a good game.
Neither is nuDoom or Witcher or Uncharted.
Best shooter as well.
Crowd going apeshit when BFG Division kicked in during the suite was awesome though
if you have friends overwatch is one of the best games in a long time
if you don't then you post on Sup Forums about how overwatch sucks
Why would I? I don't play mainstream games anymore but what everyone else is doing is not my concern. IDGAF and all that.
Any game can be fun with friends you sperg, that's not an argument
Like why build this world and characters if you arent going to use them? I wanna give the evil monkeys who took over Horizon Winston's hot monkey dick in a story mission on the moon. The story and characters are wasted potential.
Wow, it's almost like Sup Forums is angry because they wanted this game to fail and it didn't. Funny that.
>i play every single day
Yeah I really don't believe you. This is something a lot of shitposters say to try and relate to the person their shitposting with.
>u-uh I play it to, guys! See? I hate it to! I'm one of you guys, right?
Now that Sup Forums has gotten the most epic FPS ever GOTY, the true question is now...
Who is character of the year?
That's not his point, idiot. He's saying Sup Forums suddenly laps up the game awards when it's a game they like. When it's a game they don't like suddenly it's rigged.
Invasion mechanics are a step back from Ds1. A huge amount of weapons share identical move sets and damage types, making many of them useless. The game tries to compensate for its sped up pace by reducing stamina consumption of rolls and making enemy's attack frames far faster than the player can react. Bloodborne is by all means the "faster" game yet most of the enemies are as fast or slower than the player character which makes the combat more engaging.
Ds3 is still a good game and fun to play, but it suffers from sequelitis and identity issues
It was easily the most notable game this year, and will continue to be relevant in years to come.
>caring about game awards
What makes their opinion more definitive than yours? My GOTY was AM2R, but I'm not about to throw a bitch fit over the fact that not everybody likes it. It doesn't need to be fun for everybody, just for you.
bearded ryu
Someone's going to reply and say "none of the overwatch characters are good" because they're hot edgy memers.
Trending Gamer: Boogie2988
did fatso attend the show?
Please don't be rude user
Because it's an annual marketing stunt made to try to convince people the industry isn't shit now, not an awards show.
Here's an award that will actually matter, voted for by millions of people who play videogames instead of the dorito pope and a few dozen bribed SJW cucks
Coming this winter sale
Only one guy claimed it's rigged.
>people need to be convinced a thing they like isn't actually good.
Are you literally shaking user?
>majority of the awards are just like steam reviews: neets who think they're funny
boy i sure can't wait
yeah, but not on stage
probably couldnt get there
You seem to have it in reverse.
They need to be convinced a thing they don't like is actually good. Otherwise they'll stop buying vidya.