Will they announce something new tomorrow?

Will they announce something new tomorrow?

Make your bets:

1 - a new soulslike game without ties to the old ones (like Bloodborne was to Dark Souls and Dark Souls was to Demon's Souls)

2 - a new Mecha game (not a direct sequel to Armored Core as we all think)

3 - something completelly different

4 - Lost Kingdoms 3 for Switch

Other urls found in this thread:


2.Next year
3.Soon along with the firt
4.Not in our plans

Why don't you want to accept Nintendo again...

By the way, do you communicate with people from Passion Republic? Are they working on a new soulslike?

their new dark fantasy arpg is not soulslike already confirmed.
Miyazaki said new one is still dark fantasy rpg, but different concept from dark souls

Metal Wolf Chaos

Screenshot this, because it's happening.

>their new dark fantasy arpg is not soulslike already confirmed.
If there will be no character creation and no souls multiplayer it will be shit.

New Armored Core announcement tomorrow. Get ready!

Are they going to do Bloodborne 2 ever?

Maybe, but not with Miyazaki, maybe even Sony will do it without Fromsoft at all

I hate unnecessary sequels, but a final Bloodborne which ends the franchise would be nice.

I guess we're all From Software employees now

We TOTALLY should go out in Shinjuku and eat sushi and sing at karaoke!

Shinji stop it, we all know it's you, get off Sup Forums and get back to work

I agree

Dark Souls 3 DLC, dumbass.

Fuck you, Kyosuke, you fat retard, you always kill the mood

hello i am a from software employee *trademark* too my friends!
get this funnny joke?

I'm your superior Minako, now prease get off this silly tapestry board or I'm docking your pay!

Never in my life I have seen such a desperate attempt to fit in...

Never in my life I have seen such a desperate attempt at grammar...


e3 2017

How about a new Soulslike game with mecha?

Fuck off user, don't get my hopes up.

Can't imagine a good level design other than "big city were you can destroy buildings"
No place for shortcuts, no feel of danger - doesn't fit soulslike at all.

Mecha == mission based game




>(not a direct sequel to Armored Core as we all think)
But we literally know they're working on a new Armored Core you stupid nigger.
They've already said so.

No they didn't. Link it.

I swear you people don't give a shit really, because if you did you'd keep up on the news.


I only want them to make soulslike games~~~~

They ought to make a Blame! game

No, they must make a game "inspired" by Blame!, like they did with Berserk

Yes please

No we won't

Kings Field VR

DaS3 DLC2: Featuring Chalice Dungeons 2.0

New PS4 exclusive

Switch exclusive

hoping they announced a massive layoff or studio closure desu senpai

>call it

>The Blame! Game


I might get shit for saying this but I think that Fromsoft, specifically the team behind Bloodborne would be the best devs to make a new Silent Hill game. Get Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka on board and it could be as good as 1-4. The Souls games already look to have definitely took inspiration, I'd jizz myself to see them try legit survival horror.

Team behind Bloodborne is great at making games that tells the story of a world, while SIlent Hill games are about stories of the characters. In souls games you control a depersonified character and through the character you learn the story of the world. Is SH games you control a certain character with unique traits and such, and unique role in the game world.

Also, Miyazaki is like to create a new worlds. Even if he will make a survival horror game, it won't be based on any existing franchise.

What are the chances they make a cyberpunk souls-like?

It took me reading it a read times to realize that 猫 was intended to be pussy. Use better translation software.

I actually agree

Silent Hill game with your kind of souls esque gameplay systems instead of SH's trash systems would be insane

But, no boss health bars or any of that. You just suddenly happen upon some fucking scary as shit encounter like you would in SH

You choose a female or male, can character create them how you want, but it's heavily story involved, but you still RPG your stats, they record all dialogue twice and make sure they get good voice actors they usually use in the souls games, not your nathan drake shit other games use

Make it really modern themed, the weapons are conventional stuff you 'd find today, guns work about as good as BB, where they do damage, but it's kind of like shit doesn't care and keeps powering through them, making melee still often more viable

Also I checked reversed translation in the google and in the end it says Cocktail instead of cock. I was hoping someone will notice it...

>You choose a female or male, can character create them how you want, but it's heavily story involved
Nah, after Souls games I can't stand the shallow player character personality. So far souls games have the best player characters - no words, little to no dialogue decisions, very small impact on story, etc.

Anything more than that will ruin the game.

Well, that's kind of what I was thinking, but your character will need to speak at times

Make it not overbearing and very light, use emotion and stance to convey messaging most of the time


Sasuga, Miyazaki-san!

They could make an "all you need is kill" / " edge of tomorrow" kind of game in wich you are trapped in a time loop until you beat the area boss

I disagree, the SH games do tell a personal story but 1 and 4 have largely blank protagonists that give rich lore through stuff you find and see.

I really think the Souls games took more inspiration from SH than people realize, especially Dark Souls 1. The game and level design philosophies are exactly the same, the atmosphere is very similar (a lot of silent moments and spooky monsters) and even the combat is reminiscent (it's a bit slow and clunky, and designed to make you feel weak against a world of horrific monsters). Hell, the title screen and menu sounds of DaS and DeS are exactly the same as Silent Hills.

I hope we get a Bloodborne port for PC

Didn't they make 3D Dot Game Heroes?

Or was that just publish?

I don't care. I want another 3D Dot Game Heroes.

that would be stupid considering All You Need Is Kill is just meant to mirror the feeling of a video game. Making "dying and then respawning before you died" a plot point would be redundant.

>non modern times, more like 19th century
>a medium-sized city shrouded in fog, where people were burning witches from all over the land. It was a cleansing city.
>someday they burned a wrong witch
>tens years later
>the city is abandoned, something bad happened there
>people believe that this town can grant a wish
>people go to this town and they lost forever
>we play as one of them

Here we go, a souls-like horror game with equipment, monsters and bosses. More like Bloodborne than Dark Souls (fast combat, firearms)

Isn't dying then respawning a plot point in dark souls?

vaguely, but it's never explained how it works and it never says that time resets. My point was just that Souls games are already like AYNIK, so it would be redundant to suddenly focus on that.


This still won't give developers a place for interesting level design and cohesive world

A new Amored Core.


>Bloodborne was to Dark Souls and Dark Souls was to Demon's Souls

Bloodborne wasn't anything to Dark Souls if anything it would be:

>[Announced game] was to Bloodborne as Dark Souls is to Demon's Souls

Dark Souls have far less unique things compared to Demon's Souls, its basically Demon's Souls 2.0 (mechanic-wise)

Bloodborne introduced a lot of new conceptions, it's a new word in soulslike subgenre.

Probably an AC reboot.

>people want an actual BLAME! game
>hours and hours wandering alone with no enemies, just staring at scenery
>even more time spent hunting down your GBE after it blows your arm off from an overcharge
>technical implications of actually making a loyal rendition of the GBE's effects on the environment - when we know FromSoft likes to be minimal as fuck

I'm all for a futuristic adventure game, but BLAME itself isn't really going to make a good game unless you change nearly everything that makes it BLAME.

I wouldn't mind an ABARA game though, by Platinum

Blame, dear blame!

>Dorohedoro-inspred game by Fromsoftware
>focused on magic
>sorcerers versus demons

idk about Soulslike, it seems like something Atlus can pull off though.

>wow this first person dark souls mod is great
>we should make a game like that!
>"we did"
>what the fuck are you talking about naotoshi
unfortunately souls has completely superseded it at this point

I was refering more to the futuristic batle armor and alien invasion setting with an integrated respawing mechanic explained inside of the setting instead of being just there for gameplay reasons, i think it would be an intetesting break from the medieval/victorian dark fantasy

We know that they're currently working on

>The second and final DLC pack for DaS 3
>What is currently a new instalment of Armored Core, but might get turned into its own thing down the line, depending on how development goes
>A new dark fantasy ARPG, but one that's apparently quite different in approach to the Souls formula
>Something entirely new, which is apparently "very different and quite weird" according to Miyazaki

With one of these three new projects being a PS4/Xbone/PC multiplat with VR support currently scheduled for release late next year, and another being another the first of two post-Bloodborne PS4 collaborations with Sony Japan Studio. They've also pledged support for the Switch in some capacity, but it's far too early to tell what the story there will be.

>Lost Kingdoms 3

My boner is ready.

Soulslike armored core calling it now

>something new that is very different and quite weird
PLEASE be survival horror, my soul is broken without Silent Hills

I got you bro

Obviously take it with a grain of salt, but there's been rumours floating around since late last year that the first of the two Sony collabs is sci-fi horror taking heavy influence from Giger.

Fuck Giger, I don't want a game filled with dicks.
Beksinski is much better and has more interesting imagery

CliffySouls, you say?


Fuck I'd love anything Giger influenced made by from



Man it even doesn't have broad flat nails