I just had a great TiTS related dream

I just had a great TiTS related dream.
>Never really cared much for Kloe
>Somehow manage to pull her royal ass anyway
>Dream is filled with us having our tongues down each others throats every few minutes like we're horny teenagers
Huh, it was actually set in my old school now that I think about it, so I suppose that makes sense.
>She calls me into the girls toilets
>Oh shit, the naughty princess wants to get it on in here of all places
>Some dumb loli comes in and gets mad that I'm in there, have to abandon plan
>Bringing her back to my place
>End up white knighting her by making some hench looking fucker who was trying to abduct her turn around and walk away
>Bring her home
>She dives on me halfway up the stairs, holding my arms down while kissing and straddling me
>Oh fuck, I can see where this is going, time to truly taste this royal flower
>Wake up
Why is this fucking allowed? I tried to get back asleep for an hour and a half just to get back into that dream and it didn't fucking work. It's not fucking fair.

>Tfw I'm an Estellefag

I don't know why the fuck Kloe showed up in my dream in the first place, I can't say I'm disappointed but I am confused as fuck.
Clearly even my subconscious knows that Estelle is too into Joshua for me to have her.
Yet royalty picking up some random NEET is not out of the question, clearly.

Dreams, how do they work?

>Implying anybody cares about a Trails / Falcom thread right now with all this Zelda and Sony shit being talked about.
I'm posting this anyway, fuck you.

calvard game when?

Is it possible that the Calvard games (when they do come) could be the last in the series?
I mean where else could they actually base any other games?

The Calvard games will be the last setup/worldbuilding entries in the series where you play as some sissy getting cockblocked by Ouroboros and ultimately having only a minor impact on the world, if that.

The LAST in the series will be where you play as Cassius Bright as he rounds up the badassest dudes in the planet to travel the whole continent and take every Enforcer and Anguis head-on. And then the obligatory reveal that Ouroboros was never evil and they band together to fight a greater evil, because it's Falcom.

I'd estimate that one will come out around 2030, at the earliest

>Playing as Cassius
Would Japs actually make a JRPG in which you don't play as a group of fresh faced youths?

Nobody wants to join in with us apparently, as I suspected. Shitty game awards have stole most peoples attention.

I'll probably have to try again some other time.

It's been proven that the way to have a successful Trails thread is to have a big angry-sounding OP shitting on the whole series, to make actual fans come and post in its defense

>Yet royalty picking up some random NEET is not out of the question, clearly.
going through the 3rd now, that may not be as far-fetched as you'd think

Kloe getting cucked even in user's dreams

is the combat in sc changed or improved in any way from fc or is it exactly the same?

>going through the 3rd now, that may not be as far-fetched as you'd think
Oh fuck, no way. Don't tell me there's some element of truth to that?

I keep hearing she gets cucked, when the hell do I get to see what people are talking about. Is it the third game like the other user just said or?

At its core, the combat is basically the same, however SC definitely feels much better than FC in terms of combat purely because you have much more options in terms of arts available.

Actually though, speaking of the combat system in SC. Did anybody actually use Chain attacks much? I'm basically at the end now and I never really use them. Maybe it's because I started on hard mode, but the chain attacks just don't do any worthwhile damage.

>Don't tell me there's some element of truth to that?
no, I just thought it was cute

>I keep hearing she gets cucked, when the hell do I get to see what people are talking about.
Did you actually pay attention to the dialogue in the games at all?
She has feelings for Joshua through FC and SC, but it's clear the whole time that she never stood a chance against Estelle

>Did you actually pay attention to the dialogue in the games at all?
Oh, is that what people are referring too. I was expecting something a little heavier.
I mean really, she was way out of her depth to begin with thinking she had even a remote chance with Joshua when Estelle had him on lockdown from the beginning.

>At its core, the combat is basically the same, however SC definitely feels much better than FC in terms of combat purely because you have much more options in terms of arts available.
that's great, the arts always felt kind of bland. i would kind of forget they were there until i realized it would be necessary to kill certain enemies or when i could squeeze a bit more damage out of certain characters with them than i was getting with attacks or crafts. the weaknesses felt like an afterthought, they only seemed to be important in the mid game.

how about crafts? i was disappointed at the end of fc that all the characters from the first half of the game only had their 2 or so crafts i left them with, so it seemed to make sense to use the characters that had been around recently for more variety...

i loved everything about fc except for the combat really, felt like such a slog at the end i decided to put off going right into sc

waiting for her to take back Joshua

Characters usually have around 4-5 crafts, give or take to use, besides a few characters who only have like 2.
I definitely found myself using crafts more in SC than I did in FC (I basically just spammed AoE arts throughout the entirety of FC and that's all), so that's a plus.

Overall, the best way I can describe SC combat is just a more fleshed out version of FC's honestly. I did get somewhat tired of battling towards the very end chapter, but considering how long the game is I wouldn't say that's a completely bad thing.

There are still like, 3 or 4 other regions that haven't gotten a game yet. I can't see Kiseki ending without at least visiting Leman State.

Why is everyone talking about TiTS all of a sudden?

Shit's ancient.

>High Schoolers
Calvard games should have military characters as the MCs. Bonus if MC doesn't know Taito.

His game is getting localized

More English speakers are laying through the series now that the release gap is closing

I know exactly why this scene is in the game.

Cold Steel

Well the games just got released on Steam (with the 3rd coming too) and we have been getting Cold Steel lately. Waiting for that sweet Falcom Winter Festival see if they share info if not then their shareholder meeting is around the corner too so no worries.

B-But this is our chance to finally have the mandatory Taito character as the MC

>Well the games just got released on Steam

Ahhhh, the normies discovered it then, that makes sense.

Well, you did visit Leman in SC.

Cassius is already a developed character. There are no story in that. Rean is the closest you can get with the One-blade style lead.

I'm glad there have been so many lately but I'm worried that something will be missing from my life once I finish 3rd and need to wait again for something new.

>And then the obligatory reveal that Ouroboros was never evil and they band together to fight a greater evil, because it's Falcom.
Well, aside form certain individuals, they don't do particularly evil stuff beyond deaths, they just activate ancient artifacts and let people decide what to do with them.
The problem is people being garbage in general Aureole was A-OK because the queen actually has a head on her shoulders and Demiurgue was extremely effective at defending Crossbell.

>with the One-blade style lead.
But he's so fucking boring, the least inspired MC in the series by some margin.


I just want a character with a rifle + bayonet


I'm still shocked that japan never realized the rule of cool potential that weapon has for games

I had the same feeling after finishing CS2 except I didn't played SC
So, I had something to look forward.
Well he is all we have for the time being so get used to it or not. I doubt you will miss much anyway. That or you can just read a summary.


Is that in Bareahard?

When is fast arts guy getting his own game?

You're right, but he's a likable character- If Falcom does go full powerlevels, hopefully he'll AT LEAST be a party member

Yeah, but they still take an antagonistic role story-wise, so I guess it's less 'reveal' and more 'the protagonists realize that they aren't the villains'
whomever the protagonists may be this time

But they did; Falcom just used it in Ys VIII instead of Trails

So how exactly did that dream work? How do you interact with a 2D girl in a dream?

crap I now remember why I don't use spoilers tags.
Falcom has a long way to go in 3D modeling but they have done a better job than most other companies.


Because he got his own book
yup right after you arrest duke albarea


Why is Hummel so perfect

Falcom isn't capable of making non-perfection

Cassius is the only known S rank bracer from what I learned. I heard only 5 people in total have it.

It would have made more sense in in a Trails game.

Well as much as I'd have liked it to fully be a 2D sort of dream, I don't know how that would work out.
In mine, she was as 1 to 1 from 2D to 3D as you could get. So basically, think of a cosplayer except not as tacky looking. She blended in with the world seamlessly.

Is cold steel as boring as the PSP one?

>tfw Fie will never ride you
why even live?

Finished Zero like month ago. Lloyd is easily shittiest Trails protag I've seen. And I thought Rean was boring as fuck. Might still play Ao to see more of those girls.

all of them before cold steel are on the psp, you're gonna have to be more specific

but the answer is yes anyway, CS1 is a snorefest and just a 70-hour buildup to an actual good game, like sky FC

it's more fast paced and the combat itself is better done. Note however that the game relies on your modern anime cliches so if they bother you a lot then you are not going to have a good time. Also just like the first game there will be a lot of world building and it might drag on for a bit. The pay however is pretty worthy and so much more when you move to Cold Steel II.



Cold Steel is the most streamlined rpg I've ever played. Tons of short cut keys, skip and fast forward features.


Man Vivi is such a cock tease
it's a feature most peps asked for honestly. Especially since the games put emphasis on second play throughs. Kinda wish there was a way to let dialogue run automatically.

>>I keep hearing she gets cucked, when the hell do I get to see what people are talking about.
>Did you actually pay attention to the dialogue in the games at all?
>She has feelings for Joshua through FC and SC, but it's clear the whole time that she never stood a chance against Estelle

The biggest scene which could easily be missed is when you're in the academy in SC where her Estelle had a girl chat.

>B-But this is our chance to finally have the mandatory Taito character as the MC

I want a Chinese-like girl fighter similar to Kilika

There's more in the 3rd