I want to make money playing video games

I want to make money playing video games.

I've had a normal job for the past two years. I'm 22.

I don't want this. There's no way I could live like this.

>Get up
>Go to work
>Come home
>Go to bed
>Get up
>Go to work
>Come home
>Go to bed
>Repeat until dead.

No. Fuck that. I'd rather be homeless.

I'm going to put myself into a sink or swim situation and quit my job come the first of the year. After that, I either make streaming/youtube work or be homeless within six months. (I have six months worth of expenses saved.)

How do I make this happen, Sup Forums?

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im 28 and have never held a job
i'd give anything to have a sense of purpose

How have you made it?

I'm living with my grandparents. That's pretty much the only reason I'm not homeless.

32 years old here who've been working since a young age.
>Get up
>Go to work
>Come home
>Go to bed

That's what life is for everyone. If you can't handle it, you should commit suicide.
I'm serious.

live with parents
i could collect disability if i wanted to but i feel like that would confine me to the neet life forever

im currently trying to get a job via a disability employment service but im terrified of ending up like you, no offense

Here's a better idea, make a living out of your own video games. Funds are important bro.

>tfw enough passive income to sustain yourself
>tfw you're freed from the chains

this desu

it's almost impossible to make money playing video games, it's a very unrealistic goal.
if you really can't stand a 9-5 job then your best bet is to work on developing some kind of marketable skill that involves doing something you don't hate, and work online at your own pace or something. if you can't do that then your second best bet is to kill yourself

How do people not just say "Fuck it, I'm out" and walk out their front doors never to live a "Real" life again?

Seriously. I've always said I would just walk out the front door, pick a direction, and start walking if it came to that point. If I die, oh well. I had a good run and I wasn't depressed in the end.

No offense taken. My life is shitty.

That's why I want to stream/youtube for a living. Even if it's just 30K a year, that's still SOMETHING. I could just have fun for the rest of my life. Interact with people for the rest of my life.

You have no idea how much I want that.

I want to be the guy you come to when YOUR day has been shitty. I want to be the guy you pull up, send a message to through some form of chat, and we talk some shit out.


I'm diabetic. If it came to it, I could get put on disability, but I keep everything super well controlled because I don't want that. (A1C is 5.3 as of last week.)

just got my first job famalaman
>get up
>go to work
>come home
>can't relax, because you need to get up early tomorrow
>go to sleep
the circle never ends
i don't even know what will i do with the money, because i have a fucking huge backlog on PC and 3DS
>That's what life is for everyone. If you can't handle it, you should commit suicide.
>I'm serious
i would, but i'm scared and there is family who cares about me

I have a question related to this one, can you earn money creating mods for games?

>just 30K a year
I dunno if you noticed but that's not that small an amount, it's twice the annual income of someone working a fulltime minimum wage job.

>Seriously. I've always said I would just walk out the front door, pick a direction, and start walking if it came to that point.
Do it then, pussy. Stop blogging on Sup Forums, no one gives a shit.

Just go to school dummy. 5+ years of continued semi-childhood and everyone thinks you're a big success because you're studying something.

At least be thankful you dont live in a shithole country making 3K dollars a year

Life's hard, if you wanna get by doing something you love at least have something to safely return to if shit goes wrong.

>quit my job come the first of the year
>After that, I either make streaming/youtube work
Dumbass. If that is really what you plan to do then why don't you start now while you still have a job. If it doesn't pan out then you at least still have your job.

>that's not that small an amount
Don't lie to people.

I did that.

>Getting a degree is Psychology because I want to be a therapist
>Thought that would grant me my dream of "Talking to people for a living."
>Shitty for profit college
>They close down my campus
>Credits don't transfer over
>Have to pick a new major
>New major sucks
>Drop it
>Go to work
>Now I'm here

>Dumbass. If that is really what you plan to do then why don't you start now while you still have a job. If it doesn't pan out then you at least still have your job.

I make $8 an hour and my job allocates 20 hours a week to me. That makes my average bi-weekly paycheck about $300.

Fuck that.

If it doesn't pan out, I'll work at a fucking gas station again.

>How do people not just say "Fuck it, I'm out" and walk out their front doors never to live a "Real" life again?
People need to feed their families and themselves.

What about those of us that don't have families?

If we're talking video games or streaming or something, that's equivalent to making 2.5k after taxes a month on patreon, which not a ton of people are currently doing.

You sound like a whiny cunt, and unfortunately, streaming/youtube is 90% PERSONALITY. You lack the biggest portion of what would make your "Job" sustainable.

You honestly don't stand a chance, dude.

You still need an income so you don't starve to death. Even if you don't have a family you still have basic needs.

Anyone else /NEET/ but want to work

Where do I get employed bros? No college degree because I didn't want to go in debt. I have no money or transportation.
>inb4 mcdonalds
not trying to work with a bunch of drugged out teenagers

start off slow. it's perfectly possible to run a twitch and youtube channel and work at the same time, and then if you get yourself established you'll be able to quit your job

That is exactly the kind of thing you would be doing if you played video games for money. Don't kid yourself out of that.

If you want to start playing/streaming video games and put them up on Youtube, what's stopping you from doing that right now? There's nothing preventing you from playing a game for an hour after work and then editing the footage afterwards.

What would I use to edit? (I don't know what software is good other than $600 Sony Vegas)

>$8 at 20 hours a week
>Claims to have no time for anything


I work 35 to 40 hours a week and still have all the time in the world to do shit and play video games.

If you think 20 hours a week is "SLEEP WORK REPEAT" then holy fuck, you're a lazy shit.

picking a shitty min wage meme job is a good way to get your feet off the ground, literally no pressure to perform well and it gets you used to the idea of working. in the meantime try community college if it's free/affordable where you live

>Turning a hobby into a job

You'll soon hate it, user.

Living the Youtuber life isn't impossible, but you need to offer something that the other thousands of streamers don't, or at least be more charismatic to them.

Popular streamers like the ones Sup Forums worship in a daily basis got lucky or were the first ones. Now every NEET is trying to become the next (insert popular streamer's nickname here).

>Claims to have no time for anything
Never once have I said I have no time

>Where do I get employed bros?
Where do you live? Around here there are help wanted ads all over the place.

Go visit an employment agency in town, if your town has one. Those are places which take your application info and then find you a job somewhere, generally office work or warehouse work. You then go in and do the job like normal, up until they don't need the extra people anymore. Then, you're back to the employment agency to get another job.

Or just walk up to the place and ask for an application/ask how to get a job. There are plenty of restaurants, warehouses, and retail stores looking for workers.

A low wage job is the first step for everyone. Unless you're a rich kid with connections who finished uni, you need to start from the bottom.

Are you not OP?
Because your entire post is whining about "Work, Sleep, Repeat"

That implies you have no time for gaming unless you quit your 20 hour a week job.

If you aren't OP, disregard my post.

>No. Fuck that. I'd rather be homeless.
Nope, you absolutely don't you fucking retard.
t. guy who used to be homeless.

If you've got time to relax after work, your life isn't bad at all.
Basically, fuck you, this is a horrible idea. But who am I to stop you ruining your life if you want, you dumbass.

Consider pirating $600 Sony Vegas.

Staffing agency

Most likely to get job and faster too if you can do manual laboring. Random companies always need laborers and staffing agencies are growing in popularity. I've worked 3-4 places in one month through an agency with varying wages.I spent three days making stupid metal racks for an Amazon warehouse at 13/hr. Made some nice money.

Will that get me into shit?

Like is there a way to tell its Pirated?

>people who are not self-employed

I'm my own boss. I work whenever I want to, and I get the money I need.

Pic related is literally you.

>I make $8 an hour and my job allocates 20 hours a week to me. That makes my average bi-weekly paycheck about $300.
>Fuck that.

20 hours a week leaves a lot of time to make youtube videos.

>If it doesn't pan out, I'll work at a fucking gas station again.
Yeah, noone has ever had trouble finding work. They all just work in gas stations.

You sound like me at 22.
ie. Fucking retarded.

Save this page and re read it in a week or two. When you're not salty about all the personal attacks.

How hard is it to make money on twitch?

Are you a hot girl?

That's true, probably my best option. I wouldn't mind doing physical labor. I have some other plans but I need a backup if shit doesn't go well.

I'm actually working at a fast food and considering what people said online i thought it was going to be hell.
Turns out the pay is decent, my coworkers are nice and i'm not treated like shit.
Where did this meme come from?

>When you're not salty about all the personal attacks.

I'm not salty at all. Honestly didn't even know there were that many "attacks" here.

I've only edited 2 videos in my life but I'm pretty sure there's no way to tell from the end result whether or not it's pirated. If you start making money with that you might want to buy it just to be safe but for the beginning you shouldn't worry.

Super easy, it's a license to print money. That's why the entire planet has quit their jobs and streams for a living. All streamers are succesful, noonr fails and sarcasm isn't used to belittle idiots on taiwanese yoga instruction forums.

It's what you do with your spare time that makes your life good. If you use it stuck inside playing video games, you will live an empty life full of regret and no fond memories. If you spend it socialising and doing activities you enjoy, you will create memories, bonds and enjoy yourself.

>didn't want to go in debt
dont they offer scholarships or something?

>No. Fuck that. I'd rather be homeless.

No you wouldn't

Get challenger/master at league of legends
Elo boost silvers
Get moneys

>If you spend it socialising and doing activities you enjoy, you will create memories, bonds and enjoy yourself.

So... streaming and playing with subs?

>>Get up
>>Go to work
>>Come home
>>Go to bed
>That's what life is for everyone.

>been working since a young age

Ladies and gentlemen, the most cucked man alive.

Enjoy deluding yourself as i continue to enjoy myself.

You'll need more than 6 months.

>Enjoy deluding yourself as i continue to enjoy myself
What do you do?

if vidya became your job it would no longer be escapism. be careful what you wish for.

stream games.
4 hours of 'work' a day.
sometimes some video editing for compilations.
no commute.
$3000 a month.

It's not escapism for me. It's more "I do this because I've always done it."

I mean, it's fun. I like video games. I just don't really use them to escape from my life.

If that's what you believe constitutes a healthy, social existence

Not a ton, but you can probably get a decent bit through patreon if you make good ones depending on the game.

would you like them if you were playing them for 8+ hours a day every day?

>36k a year

That's EXACTLY what I want.

Well, granted I'd rather do it for 8 hours a day so I can interact with more people each day. But you're basiclly living my end goal right now.

How'd you pull it off?

As of now, my plan is just "Stream everyday at 9:00PM every night and slowly build an audience over a few months time."

>implying that's bad

Don't quit your job, get fired by being lazy and get free unemployment money.

I want a Yuki.

That's a fucking killing considering what he's doing.

>He thinks that's good

Nigga I make that a week from cams. All I have to do is stay fit, fuck a flashlight on cam like it's a twink and shot some cum on myself.

on the off chance he lives in a slavic shithole like me that's loadsamoney

A part of me wants to save up just like 150k, then leave for some remote part of the world and never work again because I can survive off like $1000 a year there.

>told all through his formative years that he needs to prepare himself for the sole purpose of getting a job he wants to have
>retarded kids, destined to be trash collectors and roofers, just do whatever they want 100% of the time instead of setting aside maybe 30% of it to study
>they're surprised when they have to get a mcjob and hate their life

i'd rather be a neet than have a job in retail or service so i dedicated a relatively small amount of my free time to make sure i got a job i liked. wow so hard guys. thankfully i've always been fascinated by industrial machines and i get to work with them everyday. i won't get rich doing it at the level i'm currently at but, fuck me, i love working with automation, welding, machining and all that stuff at a small family owned business.

>being proud of his degeneracy

>tfw wanna get a job

>keep sending resumes but no one calls back

wat do

That's what I do already. I play the shit out of Titanfall 2 right now. I'm also running through DarkSiders (Both,) and I also regularly hop on Rocket League, H1Z1, and Elite Dangerous.

Like I said. I only work 20 hours a week, so it's not like I don't have time for gaming. I just don't want the shitty life I have right now.

For fucks sake, I work in a god damn Pizza Hut.

Do you want to know how long my boss has been working at this EXACT fucking hell hole? SEVEN YEARS!

I'd sooner nuke my surrounding area from orbit using a satellite launched missile before I stay there another month and risk becoming her.

Fucking millennials.

Minimum wage is ~$1000 a month if you're lucky with hours.

You sound like a snowflake.

Where I live you can easily support yourself on that.

If you work at a McJob over the age of 20 you're retarded. If you expected minimum wage food or retail jobs to blossom into a career it's your own fault.

Seven years is nothing you pathetic retard. If you hate that place so much find another job. Millennials are so fucking retarded.

>How'd you pull it off?
He didn't.
I can tell because I'm a CIA agent and I checked the world meme database for his data and he's actually an unemployed shitposter from Romania.

>If you hate that place so much find another job
What do you think I'm trying to do with streaming?

>get fired by being lazy and get free unemployment money.
>welfare giving you anything if you get fired

What kinda ass backward system is that, how do they expect to keep people in work. What kind of commie shithole do you live in?

I hope you're saving because videogame streaming is more of a fad than anything.

A real job, not a millennial's idea of a job which could literally fall apart at any second.

Besides, you can't collect unemployment if you were fired for incompetency reasons. I should know, I tried.

Actually the way unemployment works is you can collect it if you were let go for reasons beyond your control (like layoffs). If you were fired because of your actions, or if you quit, you're out of luck.

>20 hours a week
You don't know shit. Try working an actual full-time job getting 60+ hours a week before bitching about having no free time

Only works if you're an average/good looking woman.

>My life is shitty.
>That's why I want to stream/youtube for a living.


Find a career you want to do. Really, anyone who does a job they hate all their life is basically just staving off suicide at that point.

60 hours?
Lol try doing 80 hours a week like a real man and then complain.

Sorry senpai I don't work in a sweat shop

>Watch as two grown fucking men argue about who has the shittier situation

Grow the fuck up and find something that makes you happy you dumb asses.

>my job allocates 20 hours a week to me

the fucking horrors. how will you break the cycle of work, sleep, relax, go to bed? maybe try sleeping for less than 16 hours a day?

But I do enjoy what I do but that faggot shouldn't complain about having no free time when he isn't even getting part time hours

user I don't even have a full time job, I was just shitposting. Though I was trying to make a point about how you having a shitty situation doesn't make another person complaining about his less shitty situation any less valid.

I am that faggot. Not once have I said I have no free time.

Actually, I've said the exact opposite: