About to buy FFXV even though I'm convinced I'll regret it

About to buy FFXV even though I'm convinced I'll regret it.

My nostalgia often overrides my logic and I need assistance to help me make a good decision.

Some background:

>I hate nomura
>Don't know much about Tabata
>Type 0 was a disappointment though
>FFXIII was awful

Should I buy, yes or no?

Other urls found in this thread:


You're probably going to buy it anyway, so here's a few hints.
-Do everything you want to do within the game before Chapter 9, because after that you can't go back
-There's a chapter near the end wich has forced stealth sections and corridors with backtracking that puts XIII to shame, but the last parts of the game after that make up for it
-It takes a couple hours before you start enjoying the game, but it has some moments that make it worthwhile
-some of the battle music is godlike
-be ready for a couple of QTE easymode mindnumbing bossfights
-don't try to compare it to GTA or other FF's, it's something of its own

No, ill save for last guardian or finally pick up twilight princess hd and xenoblade 2 if I dont think I'll like it

This game is worse than anything Nomura has ever done.

Tabata is a fucking shite director.

It's arguably worse than FF13.

You will guaranteed enjoy those a lot more than this. Every one of those games is better.

This game is better than anything Nomura has ever done.

Tabata is a fucking great director.

It's definitely better than FF13.

You will guaranteed enjoy those a lot less than this. Every one of those games is worse.

>better than twilight princess

Opinion discarded

Its in a weird, yet very understandable middle ground in which:

>Most people who were incredibly hyped for it feel a little let down, as its not the masterpiece they were expecting
>Most people who wrote it off as garbage before it came out but decided to still get it for whatever reason were pleasantly surprised as it wasn't the pile of garbage they were expecting

Its a very unique and enjoyable game. Its designed specifically to address criticisms that people had of XIII, and most of Sup Forums is complaining that it isn't "Nomura enough".

You'll probably like it.

>Its a very unique and enjoyable game. Its designed specifically to address criticisms that people had of XIII, and most of Sup Forums is complaining that it isn't "Nomura enough".
This doesn't even make sense. It had no vision it was just made to be sold. Game is literally rushed out.

It's fine.


It's kind of like the MGSV of Final Fantasy. Doesn't even feel like an FF game to me, but maybe some people prefer it that way.

Holy hell is that real?

Are they,complaining about seller issues, game day bugs, or the actual game itself?

I've been playing about 10 hours and I'm in the middle of chapter 3. I'd recommend it, but only if you're prepared to watch the companion pieces - Brotherhood, Kingsglaive, etc.

They make the story a lot more rounded. Voice acting in nip is really good, and I find the combat a lot of fun, even if sometimes you can't quite see what's going on.

Also the chocobos are perfect.

MGSV was a good game putting aside how it ruined that franchise though. FFXV isn't, you have to have really shit taste to like it.

The game itself. Japan fucking hates it.

Well this is the most unenthusiastic, unhelpful post ever.

Did you think this would convince me to buy the game?

Given the game plays like a watered down WRPG rather than their cookie cutter JRPG they were expecting, you can see why.

Why do the japs not like it? I'm assuming because its Shakespearean.

Or it's just shit

It plays like an MMO without the good parts.

>I'm assuming because its Shakespearean.
What the fuck why would you assume that?

It's just shit, where have you been?


Five star review:

"This is good! Because the disk acts as a frisbee, you can play with your dog."

A lot of the other people are complaining about chapter 13 of it and how the game is an inferior product to what was originally advertised.

was on the fence but the cup noodle thing was a dealbreaker. what the fuck is the matter with you, square?

>and how the game is an inferior product to what was originally advertised.
Because Japanese people are sensible and have standards, yeah. Meanwhile, fanboys here rating the game well haven't even Seen Luna die yet and are doing mindless fetch quests having fun. Sperglords, actual sperglords.

Thanks for make me like a retard. I'm alone at a bar and bursted in laughter.

>I'm assuming because its Shakespearean.
No, where did you get that idea?


The only people still trashing the game at this point are literally butthurt Nomuracucks who will be waiting for years on end for their precious KH3 after it constantly gets delayed over and over again because Nomura isn't competent enough to give his projects any real focus.

>look like


Cup noodle thing?

xv-kun didn't you kill yourself yet?

Just an educated guess. From what i gather, japs just dont tend to like that type of atmosphere.

Evidently I'm wrong though


That's fucking great. Product placement so forced like that is funny as hell.

This actually makes me want to buy it,

>waaaah everyone who disagrees with me is obviously xvkun

Enjoy waiting forever for Nomura's next game while everyone is enjoying this one, fag.


Holy FUCK that is awful. Who thought this was a good idea?

>that voice acting
>that dialogue
>that QUEST

thanks user. You convinced me.

Screw this garbage.

square(enix) hasn't created anything good for home consoles since sakaguchi left

prove me wrong, faggots.

A lot of games have product placement quests. Monster Hunter had some uniqlo ones iirc

Yeah it's not got a Shakespearean atmosphere, at all. If you're looking for something like that, you won't find it with this game.

Nips hate open world games so this is hardly surprising. Just read their reviews of other games.

>From what i gather, japs just dont tend to like that type of atmosphere.
Wha the fuck are you talking about, nips love shit like that. That's why they hate XV.

Educate yourself.

This is on the same level as those posts where Snake suddenly starts telling Raiden about Mcdonalds.

>I don't know shit about japan:the post

nintendo hasn't made anything good since the wii.

They love Oblivion, Skyrim, Witcher 3, GTA, Yakuza, and Xenoblade.

OP just wait for Nioh and Nier Automata

No matter what anyone says, this game is not worth more than $20

TP sucked

If I was 11 years old I might enjoy the characters.

Or autistic.