>he doesn't always choose the British in WW2 games
>he doesn't want to fight them on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets
friendly reminder that the brits are the best boys in all ww2 games
>he doesn't always choose the British in WW2 games
>he doesn't want to fight them on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets
friendly reminder that the brits are the best boys in all ww2 games
Other urls found in this thread:
>anything but American
>history is written by the winner
All soldiers of WW2 should be treated with equal amount of respect or what ever you want to call it
I like playing all nations in WW2 games but nazis seem to have the coolest guns and uniforms
>picking Brits in WW2
Fuck off you chest-beating, self-glorifying failures.
If I'd want to pick a faction who couldn't get the job done I'd pick Brits.
>not choosing the based Canadians
Literally always the best missions
Not really sure what's worse of those two. It's like picking between cholera and the plague.
The Brits were always lost...
Is there a wallpaper sized version of this
We are still waiting for those supplies you were sending.
And those troops you've promised.
And for not being sold to Stalin in Yalta.
>nazis seem to have the coolest guns and uniforms
Hugo Boss made the uniforms. Of course they were the most stylish.
I can't sauce everything man
no problem my man, here's another one
>get pounded into oblivion in France
>almost invaded
>begged the US and USSR for help
>didn't do shit, compared on a global scale
>proceed to wank off to own image
Christ, there can't be a more delusional and narcissistic country in the world than England.
>be kraut
>"muh Luftwaffe!"
>get BTFO by the RAF
>anything but Russia
Why can't we have a CoD campaign as good as 2's anymore?
Brits have some pretty badass heroes, like Jack Chruchill. Dude fought WWII with a bow and broadsword.
>All soldiers of WW2 should be treated with equal amount of respect or what ever you want to call it
>the raping-soviets should be treated with equal amount of respect as nazis, muricans and brits
Will there ever be an opening speech as good as Not One Step Back? It was too much for my 10 year old brain.
Playing as USSR or Germany is way better, they had god teir aesthetics
>Faced the entire axis forces completely alone for over a year
>broke the 'unbreakable' German codes, inventing the FREAKING COMPUTER in the process
>reinvented the idea of special forces for modern war
>invented massive innovations in radar and sonar
>t-those wussie brits!
>he doesn't always choose the Germans in WW2 games
No excuse.
>inventing the FREAKING COMPUTER
It's wasn't the case.
>reinvented the idea of special forces for modern war
>invented massive innovations in radar and sonar
>invented massive innovations
You just like the word.
He's right though about the special forces. British raiders and saboteurs really gave Jerry hell.
Yeah man, because Einsatzgruppen and the Dirlewanger brigade were such great guys. Totally not comparable to commies. Not at all.
Yeah because soviet boogeymen were the only people doing bad things during the war, I can guarantee that muricans and british soldiers also raped civilians
Its just that they were smart enaugh to deny all of that information to make themseles look like the good goyim
>traitors and cowards will be shot
>British raiders and saboteurs really gave Jerry hell.
I can't argue with that. But it's clearly not invention or reinvention of some sort.
>and the Dirlewanger brigade
Funny though: another unit which "worked" with Dirlewanger in Warsaw, was leaded by polack.
>broke the 'unbreakable' German codes, inventing the FREAKING COMPUTER in the process
>a fucking faggot
>tfw no epic WW2 game, heavily focused on single player with hours of missions, as you slowly make your way through France and Germany
>You are about to begin the greatest moment of your life
That always gets me. Almost makes you WANT to die for your country.
When the war broke out Britain had a fully operational radar network for detecting incoming aircraft whereas Germany's was super shitty.
The resonant cavity magnetron was also invented in Britain, which was 100x more powerful than other radar systems of the time and could even be mounted inside of individual fighter planes instead of needing huge antenna arrays.
Company of Heroes, and COD 1 through 3.
>faced the luftwaffe over your own territory after they wasted a huge chunk of fuel crossing the channel
>STILL lost more fighters than they did
uhhhhhhhh why aren't those soldiers black????
>invented massive innovations
>STILL lost more fighters than they did
>after they wasted a huge chunk of fuel crossing the channel
The channel is 20 miles across
Invented (verb)
Innovations (noun)
The phrase works
CoD1 had the better Soviet levels.
Why is this a thing? Soviet to German military loss ratio is 1.5 to 1. Doesn't sound like a zerg rush to me.
It's still not well constructed phrase.
>It's another pissant little kiddies become nationalistic and fight over the great achievements of other men of which no one shitposting had any contribution towards thread.
No one indivdual country could have won WW2. It was a joint effort you cunts. As for inventions and who did what first or better :
>It's still not well constructed phrase
>source: my anus
OK bub.
I just thought those words sound good together.
Not really, only the first and the last one were really good. And the Pavlov's house.
>playing as an American
>British armoured regiments in 1940 had no money, almost entirely obsolete vehicles, officers who didn't even know what tanks were for, and one if the spottiest training regimes known to man
>still considered by German tank crews who fought them to have put up a better fight than the incredibly well funded French armour
Literally how do they do it?
its either germans or british.
americlaps, stop stealing the spotlight and making the same D-Day games over and over. slavboos are still pathertic tho
Russians did use human wave tactics, its just not Enemy at the Gates tier.
The French are a bunch of wet flannels
Their tanks were made of stale baguettes stuck together with fagends
We still have yet to receive a good Pacific campaign game. World at War tried, but was pretty uninteresting.
>human wave tactics
You really understand how infantry attack supposed to look in 30's?
>pacific campaign as a jap
would be interesting
Try MoH: Pacific Assault
>not maining russians...
Moh: rising sun was fun when I was 15.
I replayed it a couple of years ago and it sucks
I'd play the shit out of it, but it would never fly in the US.
>there will never be a D-Day level about the British assault on Sword Beach
>squadrons of Sherman DD tanks swimming ashore and blasting apart enemy defences
>Hobart's Funnies rolling up the beach and doing all the things they do
>infantry actually getting up the beach without getting BTFO instantly
>motherfucking Bill Millin leading the way with his bagpipes
>fighting off German counterattacks after taking the beach and wondering what the hell is taking the Americans so long
They used human waves in the opening days of Barbarossa and cut that shit out quick once they realized it was a great way to lose quickly.
Yeah I do. I mean the Russians used human wave tactics like how we would imagine them. It didn't happen nearly as often as we think it did.
A normal Soviet assault would've been to swarm an enemy with infantry anyways, but ideally backed up with armour and artillery. You are right people can't tell the difference.
Yeah, but that Pearl Harbor intro really gets your patriot juices flowing.
>posts anime
>World War game
>Pick the British
>It's Englishmen only
>tfw no Swiss WW2 campaign
>A normal Soviet assault would've been to swarm an enemy with infantry anyways, but ideally backed up with armour and artillery
Which nation had a different tactic in WW2? This was the only way of advancing in the Eastern European plains.
>the Swiss
>doing anything ever
l o l
>Rising Storm
>Get bonus points for kamikazing yourself with a grenade
Japs are too much fun
that never happens, the roles are always stereotyped
engineers and armoured units are usually scottish
I am pretty sure this was a common reoccurence mostly with penatly battalions (shtrafbat), and not the regular infantry.
Same like that bullshit myth of "1 rifle for 2 soldiers" which sounds more plausible in the said PB.
>get pounded into oblivion in France
BEF was a small force compared to what the French and Germans were bringing and the BEF was under the command of the senior French generals who managed to get shit so fantastically wrong that it wouldnt have mattered what size of army you had
>almost invaded
Aha no. The Battle Of Britain so completely blunted all German efforts that the German command abandoned the idea indefinately and instead wanted to seek armistice.
>begged US and USSR
US was already providing aid to a sworn ally and Roosevelt wanted to jump in as soon as things kicked off in Poland but was denied by the isolationist-mode of thought that had spread through the population
And it was the USSR that begged the UK for help. Stalin at one point told Churchill that Russia needed even more help and support from the UK or it would buckle under the german advance
>Didnt do shit
It fucked both Vichy France and utterly savaged the Italians on land and sea. Hitler was relying on the Italians to defend the southen axis territory and the oil depots in Africa whilst Germany focused soley on Russia. Italy getting utterly BTFO by the UK meant that Germany had to fight a war on two fronts by heavily reenforcing the italians which meant that the Russians were able to overpower them.
And this was all before any concrete American assistance
American "education" everyone.
>tfw no Swiss WW2 campaign
>Scottish character
>not a pathetic cuck like all irl scots
>Yeah I do.
No, you don't. "Human wave tactics" it's for example japanese "banzai" charges: frontal attack which end with melee. It's wasn't even remotely look alike as soviet infantry doctrine.
>>he doesn't always choose the Chinese in WW2 games
>>he doesn't want to lose thousands of people in every minor firefight
They didnt lose more fighters in any direct comparison though.
And they lost barely any pilots compared to the Germans. And also managed to utterly fuck the Luftwaffe's bomber capabilities.
Pick up a fucking history book, nigger.
>tfw no Swiss WW2 campaign
>Scottish character
>Always brave warrior like all Scots
at least when they do it they do it right
Now I will pick them always
At least, if the patch comes in current form
Are there any games where you can play as the brigades of Australian bushwackers and Canadian bumpkins who were reversed as psychotic, torturous monstermen?
Good tactics and good training. Matilda 1 tanks did a good job and were surprisingly effective.
The Char B1 was considered the most formiddible tank in its day but it was extremely pooly designed in crew layout and a complete fucking enigma to opperate. And it also had the same issue as later German heavy tanks in its unreliability. It was made for static, entrenched warfare and was designed to fit in well with Maginot-Line tactics.
When the Germans subverted these tactics it was a lame duck.
that guy in CoD 2 was pretty gud
>there will never be a D-Day level about the British assault on Sword Beach
The most successful beach landing doesnt really inspire as much "drama" as the ones that went fantastically wrong like Omaha
>Playing the bagpipes while all his mates have their intestines hanging out their arse
Typical lazy scot
Friendly reminder that the wrong side won, and you should only play as the Axis powers.
Bomber harris do it again!
>Playing the bagpipes while his own intestines were hanging out his arse
pretty sure some Scot actually got a post mortem Cross for that
>Crossing the river.
>See the boat next to yours get blown to smithereens.
>Get handed one clip of ammunition.
>Climbing up the hill to get to the square.
>See your comrades get obliterated as they attempt the charge.
Holy shit we truly did not deserve early CoD games.
>still no game where you play as Jack Churchill
I just want to play as the single most badass and balls to the wall insane man to fight in WW2. Is that so much to ask?
>Brits are still taking the credit for breaking the enigma code
I fucking hate every single one of you
>luftwaffe bomb London for 4 months straight
>city still functions mostly normally
>1 night of allied bombing in dresden
>majority of city destroyed
brits have the best voice acting in vidya
>what is Commandos
Poles broke it but the Brits inturpreted it and ultimately figured it out.
It was a collaborative effort. I agree that history often overlooks the Poles in this regard though
>And they lost barely any pilots compared to the Germans.
This right here is what won the Battle of Britain. RAF Fighter Command lost just 544 aircrew with 422 wounded (including Coastal and Bomber Commands, who played different roles), while the Luftwaffe lost 2585 aircrew killed and missing with a further 925 captured and 735 wounded.
Planes were ultimately expendable because you could always build more, but pilots are a precious commodity that are difficult to replace. Fighting over Britain gave the RAF a tremendous advantage as their pilots could bail out and be returned to their squadron no matter where they were, whereas if a Luftwaffe pilot bailed out he was as good as captured.
>wobbly pops
>a huge chunk of fuel crossing the channel
>about a 5 minute flight