Risk of rain

does anyone want to play this faggot game

I do.
Now where the host at.

it might not work 2bh

it works


no anime allowed kthx


There's no reason to beat around the bush user. If you want more anime you simply have to ask.





Open when?

From the look of things

@sometime1209 forgot to give her an ass in that pic

having too much fun on this run atm nerds

get fucked

Sad trombone.


gg ez

RIP host?


nah ill play 1 more

It's open again GET IN HERE

Still open?

Ah, guess not, oh well.



bump for my rorfriends


Thanks Hopoo.

>its an everyone dies and or leaves the game episode

shit episode im burned out so im done hosting anyway

Remember that ropes crashes the game when you activate the teleporter you you double baka

i literally didnt know this until now and ive played this game for 2 years

Well, I guess I'll host then.

Port: 11100

Server closed.

Thanks Metrid.

Snail why.

It disconnected me from your server.


Oh yeah, time to waste some time being useless shit again.

Post when open




hi ive never played multiplayer before can someone post the guide on the shit that crashes the game?

>can't decide between fap or RoR

Come on guys, you can't loop forever.

fap when you die.

a recent beta you could opt into became the main game. Now I believe only getting on ropes at the end of the level crashes the game

ok thanks

Not just ropes, Worms can crash too, but in general there are much fewer crashes overall.


Single player is open.

No animeposters allowed

What are the Sup Forums rules?
I like this game but I don't want to come into a lobby like a retard and ruin everyone else's time.

Get clovers until the party has 8
cc = clover count, say how many you have
Don't get infusion
Don't get dagger

Already closed? Fuck.

Type r when ready to port. w means wait.
Don't be on a rope when teleporting

The chaos fun I had with Sup Forums a few times was pretty good, but I'm kinda done with the game.
Didn't expect it to last me 28h.

I am sorry to annoy you with another question but also no one I know wants to play this so I don't play multiplayer.

I know item sharing has to be off because it's retarded, but even with it off, do one person's items affect everyone else? It seems that way based on your post.

It's open, nigga. Get on it.

Long live host

OPEN 6/10

Monster Tooth and Clover are the only items that help teammates

Weird, what version are you using? Did you rangeban that one guy?

Risk 2 when

Danger of Deluge.

This might sound stupid but, how do i join a server in RoR? This is the first time i would play in a server in this game.

Just type in the hosts IP and the port they're using.

How much is the average time in the connecting screen?

3 seconds
If it takes longer than that you either screwed up the server info or they are ingame

Good game tonight. Thanks for hosting.

Well that was a fun round, thanks for playing Dimp and Metal(rest in pieces tim and DeSu)
Server closed for the night

Probability of Torrent

To add to this. If everything freezes for like a minute then something is wrong (IP/Port or no one hosting), but if it just says connecting without anything happening then they're ingame.

Every single item that triggers on monster deaths (except Hitlist sort of) helps all players, as do all money items.

Percentage of Precipitation


>not P > 0 of Preciptiation


Still open? If its still open, ingame?

Just opened, got rekt by cremators

pls respond

tfw no server

tfw "select until none are left"

Internet just went and dropped.


>risk of rain
>plus Sup Forums
and that´s how game crashed

which server?

New server?

Dunno, I was referencing the thread.

Baka fairy please fuck off


Oh. Well the one that has already been posted is still playing, and it's shit

What's wrong with it?

i am not there

Avoiding < Tanking
Fight me, motherfuckers

>When you recover yourself so quickly by stacking so many syringes, scythes, teeth, bears, first aid packs, etc, that you can easily get comfy on the lava holding your main attack to whatever drops into it because health literally flies into your mouth like a big green bukkake.

>when lifesteal doesn't work because you get one-shot anyways

Server closed for the night.

>Getting comfy on the lava and relying on teeth
>Not the literal definition of avoiding
3/10 attempt

>Server closed for the night.

inb4 fuukanon saves the day

We've had a good run, but it's time to let go.
I'm totally not bumping the thread to increase the chances of someone setting up a server