What are some games besides Dark Souls 2 that allow you to change your gender after making a character?

What are some games besides Dark Souls 2 that allow you to change your gender after making a character?

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Saints Row

>SotFS locked this under a fucking stone statue like a fuckton of other cool things
>also added a pursuer for good measure
Fuck it, really.

Dragon's Dogma

Ragnarok Online

You are a faggot

Prove it, queer.

I feel like it highlights the area as a whole. You see the statue with an option to examine it, which tells the player they can eventually get through there with the right item. If they get past it, they see the coffin on the lake highlighted by moonlight, signifying it as something important. They try to head over there, and immediately get blindsided by two ogres, and THEN a pursuer on top of everything else. All this to make the player think the coffin is important, and then it turns out to just be a joke sex change option.


Where? I've played through it a few times and I've never been able to go back to character creation.

>What are some games besides Dark Souls 2 that allow you to change your gender after making a character?


I think there was this guy at the encampment, or actually he's a pawn. Sells stuff after a certain point, including an item to customize your appearance. Also potions to change your pawn's inclination

Try again a few hundred years down the road.

Xenoblade X
Fable 2


OP said gender, not sex


They are the same thing

Gender has 0 biological basis though

My native language doesn't even have a separate word for those two, what are the differences supposed to be

That is not true at all.

Are you fucking retarded or delusional?

The differences between male and female brains are infinitesimal.

Mine doesn't either.

That doesn't make it an incomprehensible subject, though.

What are the differences?

Sex = Biologi. Males, females, etc.

Gender = Society's view on your role in it based on your gender and how you view it, etc.

Basically, all females are born with vaginas but not all females call themselves girls, some call themselves boys, even though they still are females.


All of them.

All you need to do to change gender is just say you're a different gender.

Thread's getting off topic.

What are some games where the character can change genders/sex/whatever the fuck you want to call it?

>Basically, all females are born with vaginas but not all females call themselves girls, some call themselves boys, even though they still are females.
So basically LARPING as the opposite sex?

Biology* Based on your sex*
I do still hope you get my point, even though my explanation wasn't the best. Basically women's studies and queer theory 101.

That's fucking stupid how can anyone pretend that is a real thing

Same way adults pretend to be toddlers to get attention, by being dysfunctional and retarded.

no, gender and sex have always been synonymous, sjws just twisted the wording to normalize trannies.

It's a grammatical concept. In some languages nouns are gendered.
For example in French the word for chair, "chaise" is feminine.
You'd say "une chaise" for "a chair" as opposed to "un chaise" since "un" would mean the gender of chair is masculine.

Latin for example had three genders, masculine for words like "dominus", feminine for words like "rosa" and neutral for words like "iteris".

Gendered nouns also affect other things.
For example in English when somebody has a sister it's his sister or her sister, depending on the sex of the person the sister belongs to.

But in French it is always "sa soeur" (her sister) because the word "soeur" (sister) in French is of the feminine gender. This trips up French speakers trying to learn English and vice-versa.

Varies on language too. Russian has gendered nouns but they distinguish between his and her sister like English does.

Basically, words have a gender, living things have a sex.

Again, the key concept here is that gender, not sex, is a social construct built around norms and all that and that it shapes us throughout our lives. Hence why some things which are considered masculine in some cultures/countries are considered feminine in others.

Compared to being a noob, getting destroyed by ogres and coming back later on with more weapons only to discover the joke.
It added nothing but prove how awful some of the changes were.

becoming a cute girl is no joke

Is this the gender bender thread?

That's an entirely different thing, we're talking about those people who put on a skirt and think their gender is now female

In the Oxford English Dictionary, gender is defined as, "[i]n mod. (esp. feminist) use, a euphemism for the sex of a human being, often intended to emphasize the social and cultural, as opposed to the biological, distinctions between the sexes."

Stop lying, user.

Kingdom of Loathing

So they're opposing gender labels by putting gender labels on things, 10/10 perfect logic. I mean if gender doesn't matter then why do they insist on identifying by a certain gender, trannies are a massive contradiction

He's just gonna say Oxford is part of the SJW conspiracy.

Such as?

You are aware that what you call gender norms is actual just sex norms. Women being home makers and taking care of children isn't something made up, it's what their bodies are driving them to do.

They are not opposing it automatically. It's more like deconstructing it, observing it, trying to explain it and from all that, you know.

And trannies aren't a contradiction.

>why are you being so close-minded, ugh
>meanwhile, let me cut off my dick so I don't feel weird wearing this skirt

>It's more like deconstructing it, observing it, trying to explain it and from all that, you know.
Why do that?

Yeah man it's society that's injecting men with more testosterone to make them more aggressive and competitive. A sneak jew comes up at night and puts a heavy dose right up your butt, fucking patriarchy.

>in modern use

I agree about the distinction but it has not always been that way

Fable 2.

>tfw you will never be a cute girl

The classical example is nurses. There are a lot more women working as nurses than men in most countries, I think, on the globe. The profession also has a feminine sounding name in English. (Whether that's due to it being a "feminine" job or because a lot of women are employed as it, I can't really say for sure).

And yeah, you could explain it like that, but we live in a society today in which manual labor isn't in such a great a demand as before so we really need don't to make that distinction. I think that's their point, at least.

That's very true, if this site is true, but it has been for as long as you and I have lived, at least.


dictionaries don't deny the meaning of words, only record them as they change over time. liberals tried to change the meaning of gender and oxford took a side.


i meant define, thanks autocorrect

That's thing.

No one really tells you only girls can wear skirts, that's something you're taught. Then again, it does look rather weird when a guy wears a skirt but the Scots make it work, maybe because they view it differently or maybe because they are Scots, that I can't tell you for sure.

To explain how our society works and how it came to be this way? To try and see how it'll develop it certain areas, to explain changes in trends and views? You tell me.

buy secret of metamorphosis or start NG+

>men have more testosterone, are generally stronger but worse in social situations and taking care of others
>women have more estrogen, are generally weaker but are a lot more social and better at looking after others (children or patients)

>these two creatures with differing traits choose different jobs
>it's society's fault

Really fires my neural synapses...

I'm not saying they aren't different, but the differences, first off, aren't that big to begin with and second off no one is blaming society. You're the one assuming I am. It's just a way of explaining a bit more in-depth from a social and cultural point of view why these differences and "gaps" of sort occur.

> but the differences, first off, aren't that big to begin with

Sure, males (or females) aren't 3x larger than their counterpart like you see in some species. But the difference is big enough to give us jobs that are compromised of 99% men and jobs made out of 99% women.

The difference doesn't have to be "big", it just has to subtly push people in a different direction, and that's what it does.

>You're the one assuming I am
No, YOU said that "gender roles" are "social constructs" and not biological.

But in humans the differences aren't that great*

Sorry for not being clear enough about that. And yeah, we do have jobs in which things look like that, definitely. I'm just explaining how gender is tied to social and cultural definitions rather than biological ones. I'm not blaming anyone or anything or damning it for that matter. I'm just explaining to someone who was wondering what the difference was.

Really activates the almonds

>this fucking shit again

Fuck you OP you knew this would happen
And fuck you retarded shitposter regardless if you're serious or not
And especially fuck all you moronic cunts that took the bait

Anyone who wants to be a disgusting female is a joke desu. Men are cuter and better.

How can one man be so right?