Sup Forums, I'm having trouble getting Rise of the
Tomb Raider to work on my rig. This error just appears when I press play. I know for a fact that my card runs directx 11, I have a Radeon 6900 card. I downloaded the latest drivers and when I enter dxdiag it says directx version: directx 11. I've tried googling the problem and can't find a fix anywhere. Can I get a hand, please?
Sup Forums, I'm having trouble getting Rise of the
I'm trying m8
Buy it. Then it'll work.
This game requires a DirectX11 capable graphics card. Your card or driver does not support DirectX11 3D Acceleration
I hate when pirated graphics cards don't work.
Some free advice, stop playing a shitty game. You are welcome.
Buy a ps4 pcfag
Install windows 10
Buy a PS4 pro and you have 4 graphical options.
I've seen posts about this problem from people who did buy the game too
Is this the first DX11 game you've had trouble with? Can you run other DX11 games?
If windows can't even run games what fucking good is it?
I'm not entirely sure desu m80, I rarely game. The last game I played through was Fallout 4
Try learning some reading comprehension, retard. Just because your card can use DirectX11 doesn't mean it supports DirectX11 3D Acceleration.
FO4 is a DX11 game.
According to the Steam page the minimum card required is HD7770. It's possible that the game uses some custom instruction set or shader that the 6xxx series doesn't have.
Right, that makes sense. This card is pretty old, I don't play enough games to warrant upgrading.
Yeah, if you want something cheap that's at least guaranteed to run new games then buy an Rx 460 or GTX 1050. if you don't game much then it's up to you though.