More realistic human models

>more realistic human models
>even in the overworld
>trainers visible in combat
>have to keep grinding random encounters to get what you want
>blonde that railroads you into the plot
>villain wants extra dimensional beings to rule the world
>semen demons
>intrusive cutscenes and fake choice
Pokémon has become a discount Digimon.

Other urls found in this thread:émon_world

>pokemon is digimon maymay

Still found it better than a lot of previous games. Found it refreshing than what I had played recently (being Pokemon White and Crystal). Also Team Skull is best villain group

best as in competent or best as in lovable


me too

Lovable. They're laughably incompetent. One of their masterplan was stealing a bus stop so the bus driver could chill.

>>semen demons
Have been a staple of the series since gen 1

[spoilers]Lovable as in I want to hug and fug Plumeria[/spoilers]

Team plasma Templars are the best.

>team tryhard

try again

Does the new digimon game that is out on the vita has multiple endings?, or is it linear?.

They created the genre.

Over the years stuff like Digimon, Dragon Quest Monsters or recently, Youkai Watch, redefined the genre. The kids literally ate all that shit up.

Gamefreak is just trying to catch up. And it turned out awful.

Enjoy my ban.

They've popularized it actually. SMT predates pokemon. There might be others but I dpn't know of them. The point is that they didn't create it.

Digimon and even Tamagotchi hav been around since Pokemon started, so no, pokemon didn't start the virtual monster genre

But girls can't mating press girls!!

>MFW i'm the the one that requested the Lusamine pic
>An anons liked the idea enough to do it and others to use it
>The pic looks great

Does this artist think that rubbing vaginas against each other is pleasurable or even enough to achieve orgasm?

>Pokemon still gets away with selling two copies of the same game with "exclusive" changes to one another
>Pokemon still is just the same rehashed garbage with minimal changes
>Pokemon still sells like crazy

Proof that weeaboos are more cancerous than CoD. CoD has declined in sales, so even they have a breaking point. Weeaboos have none.


>Waah waah I can't take two minutes to make a post on a trading thread and I literally have no friends

CS was boring as hell. I don't get why Digifags revered it as the revival of the series.

>when you fight morimoto

Why are digimon fags so delusional? your games don't sell and only you like them, deal with it.

Pokemon fusing will be next gens gimmick

>I'm a huge faggot

Gratz . . .?

>Pokemon still gets away with selling two copies of the same game with "exclusive" changes to one another

The differences between versions are so minor it doesn't even matter anymore. It's basically just picking which cover art you like better.

When will we get to date Pokemon?

That's my fucking point, it still just enables retards to buy both. They're not constrained technically in any way from having all of the content in one game. They're just fucking greedy fucks and you retards enable them.

And yet this is the first Pokemon game I've wanted to play since Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, so they clearly did something right.

The game itself is beautiful, especially considering it's running on a handheld with weak hardware.

My only real complaint/disappointment is that I wish they made more Alolan forms of 1st generation Pokemon.

That and I guess I wish your rival was more like the classic games instead of being like your friend that can't compare to you in skill level. He even picks the starter that's weak to yours, instead of picking the one that's strong to yours.

Why does it bother you if retards waste their money?

Because the way retards waste their money affects the industry, perhaps, and allows retarded companies to continue their cancerous, anti-consumer policies and regurgitation of trash titles knowing no retaliation could ever come from their dogmatic fanbase?

The original point of doing that was to encourage people to trade pokemon. Of course with online trading its moot, so its just tradition at this point. A company is trying to make money, boo fucking hoo

It's just video games, bruh.

Gladion is basically the dickhead rival of the game

Gladion is the defined as the rival according to the music titles. Hau is more like this version's Bianca or Shauna.

>digimon invented generic shonen

WANDERER MIROR B. would like to battle!

>Pokemon still is just the same rehashed garbage with minimal changes
On the contrary, Sun/Moon has significant changes that make it somewhat refreshing while still resembling Pokemon.

I buy both because I want to play the campaign a second time

Two different copies of the game promotes and encourages trading and interaction between players.

Ctrl+s dude

>Calling for help is a free action
>Version exclusive legionaries
At least with starters they could just keep starting a new game until it was time to trade but good luck finding a kid willing to part with legionaries. Gen 3 was the worst for introducing that.

You can get a second one of your version's legendary by training the Cosmog you get from the other reality in the post-game, and then trade either versions for a Solgaleo/Lunala with someone who has the other game, retard.

>good luck finding a kid willing to part with legionaries
GTS is magical, user. Get a high leveled rare 'mon, set it and forget it, and claim your prize in a few days.

If that's not enough for you, they actually give you TWO Solgaleo/Lunala, and FOUR of each Ultra Beast so you can trade all that shit left and right. No excuse, S/M actually fixed this issue.

Chicken-chan is my favorite player character ever so Sun & Moon is one of the best pokemon games

>Discount Digimon

Where do I start if I want to get into Digimon, 'cause Sun/Moon has easily become my favorite gen

Cyber Slut is the most recent digimon game

You don't. There's literally no good Digimon games.

Digimon games are all different and the more traditional RPGs play more like SMT than Pokemon.

Watch Digimon Tamers

It encourages players to trade with each other

>Best story
>Best cast
>Best soundtrack
>Best region

Best gen

I just wish it was slightly harder. I was like 5-7 levels higher than almost every encounter in the game without any grinding. Evened out right at the end where I fought the Elite 4 with a level 57-59 team

the anime
the games are kind of rough for some people to get into

Did you keep the xp share on.

I was like 3 - 4 lvls behind everyone with it off

>dae le digimon?

>Pokémon has become a discount Digimon.

The only difference is their games don't discount after a week or less.

I really hope Guzma comes back in a later game with a reformed Team Skull being good guys

I think ya boi and Plumeria were the only ones in the team capable of doing anything successfully. They were my favorite team tho. I liked how there was supposed to be a gauntlet of grunts to fight before meeting Lusamine, but the last one just backed out without battling because he knew he'd lose

Yes. I did use 'set' battle style though. Never lost a fight

The closest I came was the flying type E4 member. Crobat near swept my entire team

Yeah that's probably why then, the xp share gives you a retarded amount of xp

Their gimmick is that they're incompetent, but it works out

There's a number of them in po town that start getting a bit philosophical about the concept. I remember one said something like "Guzma is a complete bully, but I'm an incomplete grunt. I want to take over the world, but I'm scared of it"

Guzma comes back as Alolan bug gym leader

Some grunts are training on Melemele to become a rescue team called Team Reskull

Great idea.

I wish they would reference the Orre games. That would be the ultimate fanservice.

They referenced Pokemon Dream Radar for fucks sake

The question is when those games happened.

Every gen before Gen VI is non-canon.

Is it LITERALLY the best Pokemon in ages?

Its the best mainline Pokemon, sure. But its not the best Pokemon game.

I don't even care about Pokemon canon but those 2 games are DEFINITELY not canon.

What about them makes them definitely not canon?

Digimon was so fucking better to watch as a kid, i loved thatémon_world

Shadow Pokemon are never referenced outside it despite that being a big deal

>>villain wants extra dimensional beings to rule the world
No, she wanted to live in the extra dimensional beings world.
She was looking for her husband who sold his family to a parasitic race of space jellyfish for a pokebean

Let's just get this outta the way.


It was in Gen 5 with the dragons.

I want Lusamommy to Stomp on me!

that already happened twice. Or maybe three times but that's a matter of perspective


Are you talking about game series that has people that don't age? Or Pokémon trainers and League Champions that stand there 24/7 waiting for people to go challenge them while the new Alola Champion can go around playing detective?

Sure guys, it's not like video games designers pull these things out of their asses. It would be like if Akira Toriyama, creator of one of the best animes in the world actually made and arc which he wasn't supposed to make because Goku was supposed to die with Freezer so when he had to come up with the new villain's name he just used some random quote from a Disney movie woops


>people don't age
>Anabel, Red, Green/Blue, Colress, Grimsley shown to age
>game referenced to take 10 years after Emerald and after the events of XY
>no aging

and before you bring the Ashnime into it let me remind you that Ash's adventure started 6 months ago in that universe.

It was the revival. That is just how mediocre the series is.

I felt so sorry for them. Wish I could donate money.


Also Guzmeria OTP.

Go back after you beat the E4

I REALLY want to fuck that female grunt

>Ash's adventures never happened and it was all a dream.
The anime is the only thing that cannot be considered canon.

So where in the timeline are we now? The game referenced the events of R/B/Y being 7 years ago with nugget bridge and Emerald being 10 years ago. Pretty sure B/W2 have passed since Red is aged as well


Fuck genwunners

Who knows ever since ORAS they said it's pretty much whatever Nintendo wants to be in the timeline at that moment

Gen 1 had merits

>Best rival
>Best gym leader theme
>2nd best 'Team'

The only reason 4 is so low on my list is because it's slow as fuck by the way. Even fucking surfing feels like a chore.
When people talk about how good Gen 1 was, they're really taking about FR/LG. RBY is unoptimized bullshit. Your damn poke balls can miss legendaries.

I like first gen because it's focused and straight to the point. No mandatory tutorials, no larger-than-life story, Legendaries are actually legendary and not forced on the player, and the antagonists aren't here to take over/destroy the world.

Movepools sucked though. Why can Voltorb and Electrode not learn electric attacks naturally?




>intrusive cutscenes

Oh you're another one of those I beat the game in 10 hours people right.

R/S/E -> R/B/Y -> G/S/C -> D/P/Pt -> B/W - > B/W2 -> XY -> Sun Moon

Diamond Pearl is a stretch but I'm inclined to believe it because of Jasmine appearing in them. Also some fucked up version of the Ashnime is going on because Alain and Ash are both canon. I guess Ash is just a literal who