I want an N64, where should I buy one, how much would you spend and what color would you personally go for?

I want an N64, where should I buy one, how much would you spend and what color would you personally go for?
transparent black for me

Jungle Green is the only answer

I want to lick the orange one

Also I got mine pretty cheap from a local shop

The red one ran faster


Thats pink gay boy

Its lightish red dummy

Of you want to use the expansion pack you'll want a regular black one unless you feel like using the jumper pak with your controller.

On the topic of controllers, what do you plan on using? Because you're honestly going to want pic related.

Oh god I want one so bad.

Ice blue one is the coolest

I actually want to mix controller colors
make the bottoms all black and the tops a color
Where is the Z button on your pic?

>lightish red

thats pink

Its below the L and R bumper.

Got mine from a homeless guy that hangs out by my bus-stop, pretty sure he stole it, but I got it for 20 bucks.

Is N64 emulation at a place where you can emulate the whole library? I remember it being really shitty back in the day

hell of a throwing arm

It's still shitty and now the "official" emulator is plagued with spyware. That's why I want the real console, I seriously doubt N64 emulation will ever be good enough. Even Nintendo can't emulate at 100%
I just want to play Gauntlet Legends ;_;

No. Ever drive is the only answer

I still have mine. Sadly most of my games have degraded and don't even work.

Is there anywhere to buy new or "like new" consoles from previous generations?

I'm not talking about some dudes old crusty ass PS2 he dug out of a box and hasn't turned on in a decade. I want like pristine older N64, Xbox, PS1/PS2 etc

I tried to play my n64 recently

Everything is blurry as fuck and has a terrible frame rate or has aged badly. The rare games were way to big for their own good

I fucking want the orange one.

Frame rate depends on the game. F-Zero X for example runs at a solid 60. There are plenty with good ones. Blurry could have a lot to do with the monitor and the built in AA on the 64. You can get it modded to remove that. It also has a lot to do with your TV. Also, don't try it on a modern display, you really need to use a CRT.

How? All of my games still work.

Did you play on a HD monitor or a CRT tv.

Still have my old shitty crt i keep around for older consoles, mainly dreamcast, ps1, and gc. The draw distance is pretty laughable and everything outside of a small radius is extremely blurry, like loading into an unreal game before the textures finish loading up. Really noticable in banjo 2 (as well as the terrible frame rate)

N64 love

>good condition boxes
top jelly

>pal boxes

Eurocucks always with their shitty covers

look at that rogue squadron though

Damm, when i was growing up seeing these boxes behind plexi glass at toys r us would get my attention quick, especially Goldeneye RE2and Turok 2

Sexy as hell.

This is by far the sexiest N64 I've ever seen in my life. Makes me wish I had the patience, knowledge, tools, and skills necessary to do something like this myself.