Has he ever been more irrelevant?
He hasn't produced a single interesting video in months, and has only been engaging in contrarian soapboxes. Who the fuck cares anymore
Has he ever been more irrelevant?
He hasn't produced a single interesting video in months, and has only been engaging in contrarian soapboxes. Who the fuck cares anymore
he was never relevant
stop making threads about him every fucking day
cut him some slack man
I get that he has cancer, that it's very restricting and I can't begin to imagine the stuff he is going through.
I'm looking at it purely from the content standpoint as someone who used to watch his stuff quite consistently.
I mean, I no longer see a message, or value in what he produces
>fakes cancer to get money
>never shows evidence of him being sick
>was supposed to die after 2 years
>it's been 4
>hes suddenly getting better
Biggest scam? Biggest scam.
>Be extremely salty to your wife
>She now has cancer of the Ovaries as well
Is anyone more cancerous than TB?
>He hasn't produced a single interesting video in months
And seeing as he has 80.000 views after 6 hours, on this rather questionable theme, how exactly is he irrelevant?
>waaaah why didnt they give me the trending gamer award waaaaaaaah i have cancer i deserve it
>8 billion people
>thinks 80k is something special
>all 8 billion have leisure internet access
>all 8 billion are interested in vodeigaemz
That's how retarded you sound.
>never shows evidence of him being sick
have you seen his ugly goblin face?
He was always a ugly hobbit.
and the chemo turned him into a goblin
I will now X for Y minutes meme is getting boring
I don't think chemo does that
Really? I want my money back.
> a message
he just makes videos about videos to show them off, whats wrong with them and w/e
that's all he needs to do to be of value
>fakes cancer to get money
>never shows evidence of him being sick
You normally dont see cancer, aside from losing weight.
And he had the facial rash that you get from the chemo treatment.
>was supposed to die after 2 years
No, the 2 years is the average lifespan of the afflicted, with the most people afflicted are 60+ and they simply do not survive the poisoning by the chemo, or the regular infections like flu that have easier play with chemo weakened bodies.
He is young, he tries to keep as healthy as possible, with a little luck people who do that can live with this kind of cancer for 10 years.
>it's been 4
Its been 3+ years since he was diagnosed with colonic cancer, which was removed and in remission, but then metastasized into the liver, which was 1 year ago.
So he has, on the average for old people, still 1 year, AT LEAST.
>hes suddenly getting better
No, the cancer is simply not getting worse atm, while he is still chugging loads of poison, which also shortens the lifespan considerably, even if he should defeat the cancer completely.
>Biggest scam.
What exactly is he scamming?
He gets his money by views; since he does less videos he gets less money, and there is no way he is getting money for his "supposed" cancer.
and yet here you are dedicating a thread to him you faggot
>You normally dont see cancer
We just want him to rip himself open and show us the tumors. Is that too much to ask?
I'm gonna laugh when he dies. I hate all Twitch and YouTube faggots equally.
7 and a bit billion.
most of which are not interested in any kind of youtube videos.
80K views on an opinion video about a boring award show, on such short notice, after 6 hours, even before main view time, is definitely more than someone who is irrelevant would garner.
The official video of the awards has less than 10 times as much.
His body tried that a while ago.
It was not really that interesting.
You see the contradiction in your statement, right?