God, i love GTA IV

Why is it so gud Sup Forums?

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It seems like you either love it or hate it. I've rarely seen a neutral viewpoint on IV.

because your GAY

IV had a way better story than V

i feel the same way OP, it's my favorite game, period. it's like a crime drama and he world is so dense and carefully detailed, pedestrians always say new lines i've never encountered after almost a decade of playing it. it's just easy for normies to over look all of the detail and beauty because admittedly the color palate and draw distance and are terrible, doesn't bug me though.


I'm currently playing it for the first time and it's like sinking into the most comfortable chair every time I boot it up.

The game is very detailed in some parts, but also drop the ball of many great additions SA made into the series.

Plus i liked GTA characters when they were closer to a caricature (Tommy, CJ,) than real life drama

Not that it is bad in any way, but isnt my favorite.

Oh yeah, thank god for all that BOWLING, COUSIN

(But f'real, gta4 is pretty dang good)


It's a fucking classic what can you even say about it? Great story, amazing dlc, likeable protagonist, physics, missions, online, it had everything

It was not what I wanted when it came out, but I am absolutely loving it now.


The fact that it's in Liberty City makes it extremely hard to enjoy for me. NYC and anything based off of it is the essence of anti-comfy.

>it had everything
except customization, country side, military, planes and tanks
no fun allowed the game
i don't care about online

[Spoiler]V was better.[/spoiler]


It gives the player more freedom with regards to clothing options that V ever did.

>tanks, countryside etc
Surface level shit that adds little to the game. Blowing shit up gets old fast.

>no fun
The fun comes from playing around with the physics, exploiting the social systems and learning how to handle cars.

>didn't play BOGT
>missed some of the best Gta missions ever
>missed wrecking everyone with the tank
>didn't play online
>missed hours and hours of chaos at the airport
>complains about no fun
Newfag who can't even spoiler, having shit taste what a surprise


Play Mafia 2 and then say that.

>before V comes out
>most people on Sup Forums shit on IV for many reasons and praise VC/SA
>V comes out
>WTF I LOVE GTA IV NOW threads almost daily

Really makes you think...

Better car physics. GTA is named after car felony. Car physics is important.

Is there really anything comfier than Winter in Mafia 2 senpai?

The obvious conclusion is that only the fans still play/talk about.

literally "go here and shoot these people"

Granted, but that's Mafia 2.

This is GTA IV and IV isn't really that comfy. It also felt like a step backwards from SA in many regards.

>GTA4 introduces GOAT physics
>RDR improves on them
>GTAV throws it all out the window
The fuck happened

Sup Forums is full of contrarians. Literally everyone else unanimously accepts that V is the better game.

Because It came out before GTA5 which attracts the idiots who are all suffering from nostalgia

>ignoring The Date mission
>ignoring Three Lead Clover
>ignoring the Senator escort
>ignoring the funeral mission.

Besides, it's hard not to like all those shootouts when the shooting mechanics are that good.

>literally every credible site gave it lower scores than IV
>anyone else = le 13 year old online fanbase

>complaining about physics for GTA

Fucking kek

>rating sites only matter when it fits my agenda

Every time.

>say literally everyone else unanimously accepts that V is the better game.
>get defensive when proven wrong

What's wrong with that? Those are the main mechanics of the game. I personally found it refreshing how grounded a lot of the missions were, made them more immersive. It's fun to have shootouts in different environments like a museum, construction site, and take cover behind different parts of the scenery.

I don't like wacky, shitty missions like using a submarine or skydiving just for the sake of "variety". With GTA IV they knew what was good and stuck with it.

>I only follow rating sites and don't have my own opinion

The best missions in GTA V (the slaughterhouse shootout, the sawmill shootout,) were the ones that most resembled IV.

I don't care about rating sites but if you're gonna say everyone thinks Gta V is better of course I'm gonna cite them to prove you wrong


That's part of why I actually prefer the contact missions of GTA Online to the main story missions of V.

The simplicity allows for greater freedom of approach.

people say this for every game ever (the zelda cycle) and here's why it's bullshit. when a game is released, emotions and hype are running super high so there is mass amounts of hate and love for it. as the "dust settles" emotions get more relaxed and people start talking more about what they liked or disliked about it

>literally every credible site gave it lower scores than IV

What are these "credible sites"? Places like IGN and Game Informer both gave them the same reviews. In fact most publications have given IV and V perfect scores.

In regards to actual fan reception V is generally seen as superior to IV, I mean that's one of the few things most people except for hipsters on Sup Forums agree on.

Reminder that GTAV outsold the Battlefield, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Halo series and was still more forgettable that GTAIV. No one will give a fuck about any of the characters or story after the next mainline title drops. NO ONE. GTAIV was simply a more powerful and better GTA game

>If you aim at a group of policemen in V, they just open fire, if you do the same on IV, they split and cover your blind spots


Metacritic, of course the PC version was a mess but in consoles it rekt IV

>being this delusional

The vast majority of normies will remember Trevor, Michael and Franklin before they'll remember fucking Nico and his shitty cousin.

I'm not that guy you replied to, but does it really matter what a bunch of people thought? Can't we just talk about the game without people saying "hmm its suspicious how so many people like it now" or talking about consensus? At the end of the day people will think what they think.

Except I'm referring to the console versions, specifically PS4.

Metacritic uses a bunch of gaming publications and some games listed on that site have more input and reviews than others. You need to be more specific than just going off the aggregate rating.

>implying bowling isn't the longest running gta reference
Everyone fucking knows. Stop being retarded.

Hahahah what's next? "It has great vehicle controls"?

Gotta love all those 20 year old retards who grew up with IV.

It has cool and funny characters and all that but the story itself is a fucking mess. Nico is the worst protagonist and manages to be even worse than all the clean slate guys who came before him.

>Huuur gotta stop doing bad shit, start a new life
He says as he keeps doing progressively worse shit and the plot refuses to ever acknowledge the irony of it.

Ones born in the 2000s maybe. Gta IV: Hey Roman let's go bowling. Gta V: Oh wait it doesn't have anything memorable

I think GTA IV has a lot of underrated, understated missions. They may have simple setups but they reveal themselves to be really fun and interesting. Some examples:

>the scooter chase in Middle Park
>the bike chase where you're riding in the subway tunnels and dodging trains
>the mission where you blow up all the crack vans
>the mission where you follow the train across the city
>the one where you call the guy in a public park and have to shoot him

Missions that may not seem like much at first, but they manage to be unique and interesting despite having rather plausible scenarios.

Also a lot of the classic shootouts were just fun. I loved the shootouts in apartment complexes and warehouses. Just because they're not the most original setup in the world, doesn't mean they can't be thrilling. Their design was really good.

>Niko is the worst protagonist

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You said that V will be more forgettable than IV when the reality is literally the exact opposite. Nobody talks about IV anymore, especially the bland characters in the main game. People STILL talk about V.

but it seriously does have the best and most fun driving controls. not even being contrarian, i really have the most fun with IV's driving. They have a delicious heavy feel to them.


He's right though. Absolutely nothing about Niko made any sense.

>you will never ever get to experience the comfy feeling of IV for the first time again

People only still talk about V so much because it's still online.

if you complain at the driving in iv your just bad honestly no way around it. Only thing you can say is that you prefer arcady driving

It was way more fun before it got patched to be less arcade-y

Niko made perfect sense, just because he had conflicting feelings that doesn't mean he's an illogical character. He was trying to start a better life and turn over a new leaf, but his experiences in the war made him a really cynical, fucked up person. He has a good heart but killing was really the only thing he was good at

Not to mention that Niko was just a really boring dude.

>the mission where you have to snipe a guy so you call his phone just so you can get him to line up perfectly
>the mission where you have to drive with a dead body in the trunk and the shit keeps opening making the cops chase you
>the lawyer interview
>the dial up for bomb mission
>the kidnap mission where you punch the bitch to shut her up
>the doctor mission
>the diamonds missions
>the mission where you follow the gay guy so they can't beat him up
>the mission where you make a gay Bellic profile to meet up with Gay Tom
>the trashman mission

I like the story more than V.

In V you're essentially someone's bitch the entire playthrough where every cutscene someone is whining at the player character while you know the entire time you can kill them off easily with zero consequences.
This just continues until the end of the game where out of the blue you decide to actually kill all of them and guess what? there are no consequences.

This is in stark contrast with previous games where you played a freelance enforcer character who is just going around town doing shit because he wants the money or some info.

I like the characters of Michael, Trevor and Franklin but I don't like what was done with them.

V is only popular because of online. No onever talks about the single player

>those graphics
Shit, it looked so real back in 2008

I want to play free roam gta iv with Sup Forums again. That shit was so fun at when the game came out. I can't even install the damn game now because I can't register my cd key on rockstar's shitty servers.

>that GTA IV mission where you go with those irish boys through the train station
might be the GOAT GTA mission for me

too bad GTA V fucking sucked with the big heist prep missions, jesus christ those sucked dick

Niko's dry humor in a lot of these missions was also hilarious. during the gay date tom goes "thank god, i thought you might be some freak" and niko goes "yeah you never know what kind pf psychos are online, you have to be careful". right before he shoots him.

also love those ironic jokes during some missions like the dead body in the trunk. "sorry i can't hang out, i'm already with a friend"

>they updated the game
>still haven't removed GFWL entirely

remember when the shadows made the game run at like 40 FPS on the best rigs and they looked like pixelated shit anyway?
good times

>People only still talk about V so much because it's still online.

No, I'm referring to the actual characters in V.

Go to any online forum and people are still chatting it up about Trevor and Michael and Franklin, whether they're praising any of them, criticizing them or just analyzing them. Niko Bellic is barely even mentioned anymore.

They're just more memorable characters, for better or for worse.

IV's main achievements came from it's technical features. Which explains why people don't care about it anymore. Because it is not impressive in 2016 and the game's a mediocre mess in every other aspect.

Niko's character development was masterful, when he lands at Liberty City he seems like a fish out of water, but the more the game goes on the more comfortable he feels and the more humor he has about the world around him.

/thread now fuck off.

GTA V is shit because the Houser Brothers went full Jew.

wow you managed to produce 0 arguements, grats lad

True, I remember that mission where you have to follow a dealer and have to be quite, then Roman calls you because he wants to play bowling, blows your cover and the dealer starts running, that was hilarious

That's literally all there was to his character. He doesn't even have a proper arc. He ends up precisely where he started off. Except with more money. Every single GTAV character had more than that. Even Franklin.

>the mission where you blow up all the crack vans
That is one of the most underrated missions in all of GTA. I love that all the game says is: "Destroy the Vans"
It's completely open how the player tries achieve the goal, even stealth is possible to some degree.

>tfw there was no ratman in the tunnels under the city

would have been the GOAT gaming mystery

>no one ever talks about Trevor

If it's so relevant why is there no single player dlc ? Because the majority of the GTAV community doesn't give a fuck about the story, that's why. Most of them are kids spending their parents money on cash cards to buy yachts or sports cars

Because, nobody gives a shit about physics, you autist

too bad it runs like utter and complete dogshit


so fucking slow

played like shit compared to vice or SA

feel like the only people who like iv are the ones who grew up with it/have shit taste

Read the thread and rethink your statement

The lack of a smooth arc is something I liked, when he confronts Darko he still feels just as empty inside, it doesn't give him any real satisfaction.

I honestly, unironically, love GTA IV.

Everything felt great. The TECHNOLOGYâ„¢ was outstanding and every little detail was spot on and well made.

The world felt alive and cops weren't no-fun mode.

Also the vehicle physics were great.

GTA V is a generic, bland, void and uninteractive open world game with a meh story and terrible police AI. The online was a big party of it too but it was a waiting simulator only with very shitty rules.

>low settings

Plus its just really satisfying. The way I did it was shooting all the guys first, and then when they were all dead I blew up the vans. So the end of the mission was just me walking around, blowing up each van, its a really satisfying way to end it

>why is there no single player dlc
Because they have been making RDR2 instead of milking out the game that is already out?

Because V already had 3 major arcs whereas IV only had one that was expanded with bikers and gay johnny?

This, desu

Sup Forums always praises the older game so they'll come up with anything to defend it. The best example is Watchdogs 2, it improved on everything but people are now defending the original despite it being an unpolished turd.

Also, V's driving is much better than IV, if you want realism get in your car, and realize how bored you'll be

Honestly I can tolerate any GTA fan except for SA lovers. They objectively have the worst taste and believe GTA should be what Saints Row currently is. What niggers.

And snowstorm was the biggest pile of steaming shit in the history of GTA.

The lack of depth is not a depth. Especially when it comes to AAA games.

I don't think anyone is praising Watch Dogs here to be honest

>barely, unironically

At least you seem to admit your opinion is unpopular. About half of the losers in this thread are delusional enough to think IV is even remotely memorable.

I unironically loved watch dogs, even the protagonist cunt.

That mission was kinda hard but only if you didn't know you could escape by boat. Also I can think of total dogshit missions like RC planes in SA, which don't come close to Snow Storm