Breaking News: Zelda BotW can run in 60fps 4k on WiiU Emulator CEMU

Breaking News: Zelda BotW can run in 60fps 4k on WiiU Emulator CEMU.

Tell me one reason why we shouldn't play this game on a super pc in 60fps HD when it comes out.

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maybe upscaled, sure

No, it can't.

why would you just go on the internet and tell lies like that

Is CEMU good yet?

Like 60fps good?

How would you know if there isn't an iso of the game out yet to test on CEMU?

Cemu still isn't good.

I'd say it's about 70% complete.

I have many reasons.

It's illegal. Emulators are a pain. Not everyone has a good pc. Support developers. 20fps is not the end of the world. You can't even see 4k difference.

Whether it's 60fps 1080, it still doesnt make up for the ugly textures, shit draw distance and constant texture pop uqs. The resolution of a game doesnt mean

Why are some people so desperate to get people to play games on CEMU? Do you get a cut of the Patreon money every time someone downloads it or what? I forget if makers of emulators can legally have Patreons.

They hate nintendo so much that they want to play it's games.

They should just buy a Wii U

I'm a cretin: the post

Yeah, they are too hard to use.

Good resolution makes textures look better.

by the time the game comes out? Yes

And even without good textures or any at all it still makes the game better.

That's what I don't get. They seem to want to play so many games, but simultaneously have decided they're all worthless and thus won't buy WIi U.

Silky smooth 13 fps

I don't understand how a bunch of students have the power to give us BotW in 60fps 1080p,

but a multibillion company called Nintendo can't.

Where is the logic behind this?

Not him, but SNES, NES and Megadrive emulation is like the easiest thing ever. Anything from the 3rd and 4th gen is a few simple clicks away. Something like PS2 on the other hand can sometimes be a major pain the ass.

I can see why he wouldn't want to mess around with that shit, and I say this as someone who has fucked around with PCSX2, Neo Geo emulators, Sega CD, etc.

>It's illegal.
This led to an effort by console manufacturers to stop unofficial emulation, but consistent failures such as Sega v. Accolade 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992), Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Connectix Corporation 203 F.3d 596 (2000), and Sony Computer Entertainment America v. Bleem 214 F.3d 1022 (2000),[28] have had the opposite effect. According to all legal precedents, emulation is legal within the United States.


Making cheap nintendo hardware prints money. Nintendo's target audience will buy those underpowered hardware because they are stupid.

If you want to play your game in sweet graphics on a pc that's gonna be costy.

>It's illegal
No its not
Emulators are not illegal in the slightest. They've been protected by several court cases, and by continuing to spout this lie you are holding gaming back.
You can support developers and buy the game and then use your own copy of the game to emulate it via Cemu.

I've played on Emulators since 1999-2000 and it's always worth it.

It is illegal.

The law says:
Nintendo software shall only be played on a Nintendo hardware.

Emulation is piracy.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's worth it too. I wouldn't have been able to play Thunder Force 6 if not for PCSX2. Just saying that some people have different priorities, and don't necessarily feel the same way we do.

To each his own, that's how I feel at least.

>It is illegal.

>Tell me one reason why
Only lonely savage fedora plebs use an emulator.

I would feel ashamed of playing BotW on an Emuator in front of my friends.

fucking cringe tier

we doing this for game that ain't even out yet kek

>Mario 3d world

>20fps is not the end of the world
how does it feel being fully and completely cucked by console manufacturers

What law?

The law of Nintendo?




If it wasn't why would anyone buy Switch or WiiU?!
Everyone would just buy the game and play it with better graphics!

I can't find that in my law book.
EULA/ToS ain't laws

That's why it's up to us to teach them how easy it is to run emulators.

If 12 year old me managed to build and install my PC, then configure emulators (win98) and play back in 1999-2000, then the people that can't run today's super easy emulators really need our help.
Though they really should seek a proper doctor or maybe visit the local asylum.

because even then it wouldn't be worth the time

because anything can run at 60 fps when you have the enough power , the Wii U has shit specs. Of course its gonna run better on better hardware.

Emulators aren't illegal, but downloading roms does constitute piracy, he's not wrong about that. It's just not really enforced.

If emulation was legal nobody would buy a console.
You have to be stupid to pay extra money and then play your game with worst graphics. I would just simply buy games only and play on the pc

>guy 1 quotes court decisions saying it is legal
>guy 2 says it's illegal because the law says so like a fucking kid saying that we can't do something because his mom said we couldn't
Gee, I wonder which one I should fucking trust

shitposting 2016, post something that's literally impossible to know as a stated fact.

>windows 10
>wallpaper with hideous art
>can't even spell entertainment right
>individual folders instead of using retroarch in the first place

Holy plebbery

>You have to be stupid to pay extra money and then play your game with worst graphics.
yet people still buy ps4 and xbox so there goes that theory

That's exactly what people did with Skyward Sword. It ran great in Dolphin.

Piracy is illegal, but Emulators themselves aren't piracy. You can still buy the games legally to play.

I still don't get how people like to shill the CEMU, do you get a blowjob everytime you make someone install it?

You're thinking of Terms of Service. Not law.

I don't think Nintendo will allow the developers of Cemu to develop a 60fps HD version of BotW.

They will probably stop them during the hype.

Certain games are really playable if you have cached all the textures. Otherwise they stutter too much. Pretty much pointless to play anything through because it will be horrible the first time around. MK8 runs great though and given the nature of racing games, you can play through each map once and have it playable

You're assuming the general public would do research on the subject.
You are living proof that they do not.

You've just described every PC game that comes out on console downgraded to shit.

>It ran great in Dolphin.

I still can't get proper motion controls for that fucking game

I don't think you know what emulation is or how it works you retard

Why are Nintendo consoles always so easily emulated? Whereas the OG Xbox still doesn't have an emulator, and PS2 emulation is shit

pcsx2 is great faggot

Because Dolphin is the only one who did away with the plugin system, so that everyone was working with the same toolset instead of a random clusterfuck.

cemu gets 59 fps with some sound hiccups in markio kart wiiu

>windows 10
Impressive, you knew that?
>wallpaper with hideous art
An Opinion, but not an argument.
>can't even spell entertainment right
Here's your entertainmennnnnnnnnnnnnt
>individual folders instead of using retroarch in the first place
I don't use it, got a problem with it?

Can we really say it's 70% complete when only 30% of games are in "playable" state or better?

because nintendo knows, the real gamers, us, want to enjoy their games in best graphics. So they make them emulator friendly.
They are about us, the gamers

they sell their consoles only to idiots, the general market.


>[citation needed]

If so, that's great news, but I'm not going to just believe you cause you said as much.

I'm pretty sure the CEMU developers will put it to priority to get BoTw run perfectly on the emu.

It's like the biggest game.

I hope they get it work in less than 3 weeks after the release

i dont think any emulator even back then was difficult to use
the hardest thing i've found about emulators is finding revisions that work well with specific games, especially for dolphin/pcsx2

Those cases just prove that emulation itself isn't piracy. Downloading roms however, is illegal. That much is clear. It's why companies like Nintendo have been able to shut down things like AMR2.

It's just that for the most part it's not enforced. Police don't really care if some kid downloads BOTW in his basement. They're more likely to go after the distributor.

Why aren't Dolphin's developers making a WiiU emu?

What's so hard?

Just copypaste the code from the inside of a WiiU hardware and put it in a folder on your pc and make an .exe out of your folder and let it run.

Oh they definitely will prioritize it

CEMU can't do higher resolution because the devs are going for accuracy

Because they are faggots

There's not enough demand for Wii U emulation apparently.

Breaking news!

>Zelda won't be released along side the Switch.

Prepare that noose nintendrones

I thought some of Dolphin's developers were already working on Cemu. And there's already a second Wii U emulator being made called Decaf. We don't need three emulators.

Nobody said we would download BotW.

I would gladly buy it it and play it on Pc with silky smooth 60fps

But Nintendo is one of the few companies that usually prioritize performance over graphics. Games like MK8, 3D World, SSB4, Pikmin 3 all run great. If Zelda runs like shit it will be an outlier.

>MFW I buy a Switch and the game and Emulate it anyway if it's better.

Damn it feels good to be employed

>Prepare that noose nintendrones
so we can hang niggers like you while we play the switch in our comfy homes?


There is no if. It does run like shit.

look at all the gameplay videos

Because CEMU is using stolen documentation

Also Xbox is really hard to emulate being x86, lacking documentation & interest

PCSX2 is getting better, but Gabest fucked it's foundation with how he designed the texture cache & only now is Gregory starting to fix it

>not using launchbox as a frontend to retroarch so you don't have to reconfigure your gamepad for every emulator
>Not having your emulators automatically launch on a TV you double as a second monitor for games/emulators
Step up, kid.

>using stolen documentation
So how does shit like that even get out? Bought off a corrupt Ninty employee?

>not using this
>not using that

Emulation is illegal

Even if you buy the game

it is illegal, because technically you just played the game without putting it in the right hardware which is part of the price.

So you are playing the game for less money which is stealing

I agree with you but don't be a shitter and post that picture trying to claim it's a real example of upscaling. That game had the model you see on the right downscaled to play on the system, you're just seeing what the actual art looks like when you scale it up.

Turning up the resolution almost never looks that good because there isn't a natively higher resolution model hiding under the shit 99 percent of the time.

I know, but it's still not out yet and we still haven't seen the Switch version. I'll wait until then to lynch Nintendo.

>Turning up the resolution almost never looks that good because there isn't a natively higher resolution model hiding under the shit 99 percent of the time.

Skyward Sword says hi.

They are shit, but might worth a try for free. Not me, by the way, i don't want to play Super Mario Happy Bounce Castle VII.

So what does that mean if I bought the game and system but still choose to emulate?

This. Vita emulator when? I don't want to buy a console for playing weeb games

Having money is great. Finally getting a job feels good. But I still feel empty inside, even after all these games I've bought. Why is that Mr. Bateman?

BotW will run at 60fps on switch

Skyward Sword is among the the 1 percent of things

Left is native res, right is what you get when you run at a higher resolution, that's all there is to it.

that means you are a traitor.

In what sense? I still support the company and get to play the game in the best way possible.

No, you wouldn't want to play Super Happy Bayonetta Bouncy Castle VII at all, and neither would I my fellow gentleman of patrician taste. This, this is more my type of game. It's something these other *snickers* plebians couldn't understand.


>being this mad that emulation makes 99% of all games look better

No I'm not a nigger. I'm white. Which is why I'm typing this response in my comfy home and not off a McDonald's wifi

Whoops, replied to the wrong post

>the game isn't even out
>people take this thread fully seriously
is Sup Forums having a collective seizure

Isn't that a good thing? I thought you guys were saying it would screw Wii U owners over if this were to get released on Switch as well.

because you aren't looking for games, you're looking for purpose.

Where do I find it Batman?