Why is this game hated so much?
Why is this game hated so much?
it was boring
barely any climbing aside from weak-ass forest shit
it's ok cause dat fucking naval combat that ultimately became a whole game tho
American revolution is an important part of history but isn't interesting to witness in the slightest
To elaborate a bit:
• boring setting
• boring protagonist
• boring architecture
• boring plot that feels like a documentary
• literally only ONE proper assassination in the entire campaign
I liked the homestead missions.
Bad characters
New York and Boston look identical and have no real design flow and are the most forgettable cities
You motherfucking newshit redditards do understand that these "combos" are completely fucking meaningless if they're not done sequentially, right? reply chains don't fucking count
That game was fucking awesome
Calm down senpai nobody cares that you want to fit in
t. Charles Lee
baka desu senpai
>actually linking rules
lmao baka desu senpai
Extension integration was a mistake.
Fuck all of you
It's shit.
No fuck you leather man
Fucking boring.
Colonial America isn't very interesting to traverse and explore. The story was shit with incredibly dull supporting characters (nobody gives a shit about Paul Revere). Connor was the worst protag of the series up to that point. The overall metaplot also revolved around the ancient not-aliens doomsday garbage that should have never happened. And everything with Desmond was awful.
I hated running around in the snowy forests, the mc was one of most boring characters Ive ever seen thanks to ubisoft being unable to give an indian character any flaws or personality.
The indian/civil war thing was really lame.
because it is fucking awful
>indian/civil war
Burger education, everyone.
it will be free on ubisoft's ubi30 thing in a couple of weeks.
It's being given away for free through the UbiClub shit soon. So I guess that proves it's the least liked Assassin's Creed.
It's free right now on pirate bay and has been for 4 years.
in 5 days niggas
>The American Revolution =! Civil War
I feel like a lot of the events that happened in the game were just not that exciting if you werent american that was proud of the events of that era
>the tea party scene
>suppose to be the night the revolution started or something
>to me its just dumping boxes in water
>riding around with that dude rallying the troops
>to me it was just listening to an annoying cunt that couldnt get his directions right
also the game was halfway done story-wise by the time you got your assassin gear, main character and the open world to play around in
you fight against your own countrymen
sounds pretty civil warish to me.
>That sequel that had a shitty cover of Mike and the Mechanics in the trailer
lol got me there gg
maybe because is pure shit without any redeeming quality?
Looks like a good reason to me. If you like it, it's just because it was your first AC.
I am a proud American, and none of that shit meant anything to me.
There was no build up or investment in those events, they were just REMEMBER LEARNING ABOUT THIS?!!?! set pieces.
You're nothing but Native American Forest Gump in this shit game.
They could've made those scenes much better. Ubisoft just doesn't know how to make video games. There were like, twelve people on each boat.
>Native American Forest Gump
As an American I can tell you doing that shit meant nothing to me either.
I've read about these events a hundred times in school, so "press X to symbolically defy the monarchy" wasn't exactly a thrilling moment for me.
It's pretty poorly designed.
I remember when I played it as soon as you can get off the Indian territory as Connor I went off and started exploring and liberated a couple of the forts and got the whole "Raising the American flag" cutscene thing even though in the story the Colonies' rebellion hadn't even started yet.
It's free on the 7th
ah ok, fair enough, I get what you mean by being Forrest Gump, story would just namedrop people out of nowhere, I couldn't help but think half the time 'I feel like I would know who this guy was if I was american'
Sorta felt like a museum condensed into a game honestly.
This dude gets it. assassin's creed 3 was like a watered down version of the other games. Half the fun is climbing shit but when the tallest things to climb are only 2 stoires tall you get bored fast.
Can someone come up with a more boring setting than a brown coloured indian tent camp or a snowy forest with nothing but wildlife or an early american wood house city?
I don't care if you like AC3 if it's your first or whatever, but if you're someone who's been there since the original and somehow like this game, you're clinically retarded
Seconded. I got through the dialogue scene in the very beginning, in the theater, and then put the game down. That was like 3 years ago. It's honestly terrible and I have no desire to play it whatsoever. And it's not even due to all the shitty, correct reviews I've read about it being shitty. I could just tell it was going to be a shitty game and didn't waste my own time.
main character wasn't white
I loved it. Enjoyed Connor and most of the other side characters. Connor was a interesting change from ezio.
Because a bunch of retards don't have the attention span needed to make it past the young Connor sequence.
It's one of the best AC games.
>great setting
>improved fast travel
>combat looks amazing
>2 large cities, the frontier, and the Homestead
It's Ubisoft. Nu Sup Forums doesn't like Ubisoft. They are EA cucks.
>tips fedora
Literally the only thing you're right about is improved fast travel. All the other AC games have huge cities, and more than just 2, and the combat was fine.
>great setting
You're either wrong or they just did a horrible job executing the idea or both. American History is one of the most boring, ever. See
>all the other AC games
Brotherhood only had Rome, Revelations only had Istanbul, Rogue only had New York. Black Flag only had Havana.
>American History is boring, look at these other dolts who agree
Nice opinions.
How was black flag?
Havent played Assassins Creed since 2. I remember normies saying black flag was a lot of fun
Naval battles are cool, everything else is extremely unmemorable and boring.
non white protagonist
its the best AC
Amazing. Sailing the high seas is the ultimate comfy.
>no redeeming quality
>those fucking naval battles.
we wouldnt have assassins creed 4 without 3. assassins creed 4 was the last of the good ass creed games.
It's pretty awful but gets a free pass from shitters because "MUH PIRATES".
>asscreed 4
I too love tailing missions, shitty characters, and bland stories.
this made me laugh way more than it should have