Where did the RPG genre go wrong?

Where did the RPG genre go wrong?

Looking through RPG-Codex's list of greatest RPGs of all time it looks like most of them are from the late 90s or early 2000s


Take your member berries some where else faggot

Christ I wish you South Park kids would stop spouting this shitty fucking meme.


Is this for real? Not only you don't need the ruby to kill that boss (she takes a fuckton of damage from hitting her head), you need to be outright retarded to miss all that.

>all WRPGs

Rpgs are too focused on action combat now and not actual roleplaying.

In those days, 100000 sales was considered a success. Nowadays you need several million for a successful AAA game. Which means you have to dumb it down to appeal to as many people as possible ("Press a button and something awesome happens!!!").

There are still some quality non-AAA RPGs though.

south park sucks

you have to be 18 or older to post here btw

>100000 sales was considered a success
It's still a success, if your game doesn't have a budget of a small country. Video game industry is corrupted as fuck, millions of dollars are being spent on nothing.

>after dinging it a point for grammar

Never stops being funny.

AAA RPG gaming becoming too casualized, bogged down in modern mechanics that do nothing but take from the experience or having become vanity projects that only appeal to a certain niche.
The death of the mid sized developer and publisher backing for the smaller, more interesting projects, resulting in an indie scene that just doesn't have the time, funds or often manpower to deliver as vast and polished product as we got in the past.
An arguable decline in other science fiction and fantasy media from what was before/at the turn of the millennium, resulting in more stale ideas and motifs bouncing off on writers and other creatives working in RPG gaming (and gaming as a whole).
Sequels/"homages" to beloved past games that "fix" what wasn't broken.
The decline of tabletop RPG gaming and related media.

the divinity games being that far down the list seems objectively wrong to me.

To be fair, that game fucking sucked

>Rpgs are too focused on action combat now and not actual roleplaying.

Kek, that's exactly the path they should have gone down ages ago. Barely any of them had actually role-playing in the first place, choosing x or y from a dialog menu is completely inferior to being able to choose to go out of your way to try do stuff in alternate/unorthodox ways.

The whole genre would be much better if they sat down and realized that Kingdom Hearts has better gameplay than they do.

That's a really fucking awful list. Nearly all the AD&D games are awful even with nostalgia. Real time with pause is one of if not the worst forms of combat in the entire medium. New Vegas and KotOR2 have no business being anywhere that high solely due to their technical/unfinished issues.

Memba when South Park Kids weren't spouting shitty memes??
Ohh I Memba!
Memba oldfags? Memba moot?

>Real time with pause is one of if not the worst forms of combat in the entire medium.

Except how many turn based/ATB RPGs are there that really better it? Almost all the actual issues are with the randomness of D&D.

>Where did the RPG genre go wrong?

South Park kids were always spouting memes you old autistic faggot. The internet was just way less popular. "respect my authority", "screw you guys I'm going home", "suck on my salty balls" "mmkay" etc. etc.

>Planescape Torment
literally every system from inventory to leveling in this game is shit, the only worthwhile part are the dialogues. I'm kinda glad that I finished the game, I'm also glad that I will never have to play it again.

if you were born the day south park premiered and watched it every day growing up you would be old enough to post on this website

It's real. Somehow after gaining the ability to shoot fireballs, coming across a translucent chest with an unlit torch right next to it wasn't enough of a hint. Even more, you'd apparently have to be psychic in order to solve such a puzzle.

I should play the Ys games at some point.

ATB is also garbage.

I'm right at the end of this game but for some reason too lazy to start it up and finish. Oh well.

Nearly threw a fit at the lack of Underrail until I noticed the date.

As gaming grew in popularity the target audience shifted to one that does not want complexity and instead want cinematic experiences.

Why do you have some action game in your OP image when you wanna talk about RPGs?

Redpill me on the Ys series, where do I start?

Either Ys 1+2 or Ys 6. I guess if you really like Zelda 2 you can play Ys 3 first but it's not as good as its remake nor the other classic Ys games.

Don't start with any of the SNES games though, Ys 5 is abysmal and Ys 3 and 4 are worse than their alternative versions.

>"The real focus of Ys - pronounced "Ys"


>most of them are from the late 90s or early 2000s
Before that RPGs were only littel roleplaying and more dungeion delving with the occasional puzzle, and after that bethesda became wrongfully synonymous with RPGs.

Most people who made southpark as popular as it is are a lot older than 18, though.


>Kingdom Hearts has better gameplay than [anything]
>Spam heal and simply tank out any opponent, even sephiroth
I literally sat in the same room as someone doing that for 70 minutes, sora yelling "heal!" at a seconds pace.
Or you simply level enough to make the fight a triviality.

Sure has some incredible gameplay, that one.

Production costs skyrocketed, and the market became much busier than it used to be. Both of these made it so that small to medium-sized teams would be very unlikely to release a game on-par with the current industry standard, and developers would need to make sure their games appealed to as many people as possible to make a profit.

If you're really looking for good RPGs today, I'd try looking in the indie sector. Some are good, some are bad, most are mediocre.