Perfect games don't exi-

Perfect games don't exi-

Kill yourself for using this meme but Doom RPG was a great mobile game.

Oh shit I remember this. It was absolutely great.

I prefer Doom RL.

By the end of the game I had a nuclear powered BFG and Four barrel Missile launcher ala commando.

Still the only Doom game I've never played.

>the only other game like this is orcs and elves

My man! Heard about the bullshit involving Zenimax?

I can't find any download for the first and 2nd and i can't run them in my new cellphone
fucking shit, I loved them

Damn shame. I had Doom RPG on my phone & the DS port for Orcs & Elves ages ago. I found out there is a Doom RPG 2 and an Orcs & Elves 2 but I think they are either only on apple phones or too old for newer phones. I remember trying to use some malware phone emulator and it didn't work. Sad times.

Ever heard of a game called The Quest?

Actually yes, I bought it on android when it released. Still on the 2nd town, not too sure what to do from there and have since got addicted to pathfinder adventures instead (deckbuilding solitaire rpg by obsidian?). Magic seems imbalanced as fuck in the quest. I struggle with melee and ranged but burning touch wrecks everything.

do you think doomrl will be forced to take down

>tfw your Moto Razr is dead and you just want to play some Doom RPG

How can I play this on PC?

If they keep advertising their kickstarter, Zenimax might have a case, but beyond that I can't see it. Bethesda gave a public endorsement of Brutal Doom 64, so come on.

Had it on one of these.

Orcs and Elves is pretty good too. id software can make a great RPG if they felt like it.

Quake was supposed to be one. What could have been.
I found a Doom II mod that alleges to do the job, although I haven't tried it myself.

Played it on pic related and it was great

that game pissed me


Does anyone know where i can download the moon man mod?

aw man, it's that one ga-