What does Sup Forums think of this game? worth a torrent at the least?
Tyranny: tell em what to think, I cannot form my own opinions
I think it's shit.
It's good.
SHIT got boring real fast
also 90% of the females are MUH STRONK WOMYN
bad writing, bad game play, bad game.
I don't like the railroading, or how they handled the Chorus and Disfavoured factions (the two main villain factions).
>be me
>heavily favour disfavoured for the intro
>get to the final battle
>ok user, choose a faction to lead the final assault
>try to choose both
>no! we hate each other
>choose the Scarlet Chorus for once
>Disfavoured leaded enters rage mode, yelss about how I favour the Scarlet Chorus
>get teleported out of and banned from the Disfavoured camp
fuck that game
What's something like this that isnt shit
I thought it was great, but I also though PoE was good and Shadowrun was great so your milage may vary. I got 4 play throughs out of it.
While I wasn't a huge fan of how railroaded that part was, I did feel it was really abundantly clear that was the final decision and if you didn't anticipate the results you must be retarded.
not a single feminine woman
dat magic system
>What's something like this that isnt shit
Sorry I don't play Bioware garbage so I didn't expect moment-to-moment choices instead of respecting all decisions the same.
Def worth a torrent if crpgs are your thing. The story is the generic "hero unlocking ancient powers to combat a great evil" bullshit, but the combat is fun, if not as deep as say, PoE. Some combo abilities are cool, playing a 2H warrior and gibbing enemies with a 60 dmg critical is always satisfying. All in all, I'd give it a solid 7\10, enjoyable but I'm not likely to replay it
I'd bang Verse.
I think the magic system was pointless, there were no unique spells, all of them were pretty generic. Also kind of pointless, played on hard and the only spelll I assigned to a non-mage was a +dodge spell that I slapped on Verse.
it's good, you shouldn't listen to Sup Forums's opinion on obsidian games, they have a massive hateboner for them for some reason.
also ignore shitposters like
>the majority of people are wrong because i am right
>the majority of people that play crpgs are on Sup Forums
They hate obsidian games because Obsidian decided not to cater to waifufags
>moving the goalposts
I'm a huge fan of Obsidian but lately they've let their political leanings show a bit too much in their games.
>doesn't know what moving goalposts means
>just uses random 'debate terms' he heard elsewhere instead of forming an actual argument
>majority of Sup Forums says the game is shit
>now it's about the majority of people who play crpgs which is beyond the scope of Sup Forums
>definition of moving the goal posts
kill yourself.
Not worth a torrent. Nothing that grabbed me, full of the typical virtue signalling and tokenism that makes me yawn. Combat is boring as heck so there really isn't anything worth persevering for.
I'm having fun with it. Choices you make in the initial conquest stage factor into the game.
Dialogue choices matter.
The magic system is fun. You learn spell symbols that boost range, aoe, strength etc, but you don't have the stats for all of them. You choose if aoe is important or strength or duration.
If you like dialogue and magic in your rpgs, you'll like this game. If you don't like those things...
I think I finished few hours ago, just had no quests and all locations done, no ending tho
Spoilers obv
I am both mad because my way was misunderstood, but also satisfied because with how I got no ending it fits
I just wanted ashe and voices executed and to go back under Tunon and Kyros rule, but now I got manipulated into rebelling I guess?
I should just be able to successfully defend myself in the trial, then swear to stay under Kyros's rule and finish the two archons, over
I was pleasantly suprised that prologue actually let me choose what I wanted (decide both archons are at fault) but the game misunderstood me gravely
Also, wish the followers got proper quests or there were more of them
i love bg2
i like poe
i dont like tyranny
I know both armies are equally evil when you go further through the game but, at the point you're forced to choose disfavoured or chorus is there really any reason to believe that the voices of nerat isn't just a complete whacko and his army of misfits and rapefugees are way more unstable than a well trained army?
I don't know it just didn't seem like much of a choice to me at that point in the game.
I was leaning disfavored and chose scarlet too, i thought they woukd just serve as a meatshield as both weren't able to do anything so far
But i was really suprised by ashe ragemode, voices does the same I assume?
Rather than going ragemode he goes paranoid mode and how everyone's scheming against him.
But yeah, same result.
you're the one who moved the argument, idiot. i said OP shouldn't listen to Sup Forums's opinion on obsidian games (implying that, perhaps, OP should listen to sources elsewhere), and then you said
>the majority of people are wrong because i am right
>the majority of people on Sup Forums are wrong because i am right
and then I said, again, that the majority of people that play crpgs are not on Sup Forums. not my fault you're too much of a manchild to express yourself properly and the sum total of your debating skills consists of greentext and telling people to kill themselves. fuck off.
>get btfo
>use greentext to express outrage
it's okay user.
The game does a very poor job with Nerat and the disfavored come off as the good guys, which I think was a major flaw in the writing. In general, its important to remember that the Disfavored practice extreme execution, scorched-earth tactics, and rampant slavery even when entirely unnecessary as part of their war protocols. Individuals who are unwilling to perform these activities are not promoted, and this is all directed by Graven Ashe (200+ y/o), so internal change is impossible. Graven Ashe is kind of a dick and honestly isn't that clever.
The pros to the chorus are that a competent individual is entirely possible of enacting change. They have a vested interest in the quality of their domain because they have feed their large population. Yes, they pillage and rape but they still let civilians live, allow conquered civilians to continue living their lives, and give conquered soldiers an alternative. Nerat a huge fucking crazy dickbag with no super secret plan/agenda (which is an enormous disappointment considering he is the archon of secrets) but supplanting him is something the army can and will willingly accept because they have no personal loyalty.
>the Disfavored practice extreme execution, scorched-earth tactics, and rampant slavery even when entirely unnecessary as part of their war protocols
See this was never adequately explained until a lot later. Pretty big flaw in the game honestly.
>you get to be the bad guy!
>everyone is worse than you, though!
why even fucking bother
Much better than PoE which I couldn't get into due to a bland setting and all the kickstarter shit.
Also name aside, Kills-in-shadow is the best female party member by miles. Backed me up on every decision I made and was never much of a cunt to me, would marry.
>Kills-in-shadow is the best female party member by miles
you bought to catch hell, homie
i think she's pretty cool, but still, just warning you
Worst kit, worst dialogue, worst girl.
Siren > Verse > Eb > KYS
You can't even go full evil
Wait what the fuck, siren is in the game?
I completely missed her and "finished" the game
Fuck man, how did I miss that
House in Lethian's Crossing, ground level, right side.
All you had to do was check the map, the house is marked with her name.
Oh thank god it's not prologue area, will try looking there even if i won't have any options to get dialogue/rep with her
She's overpowered as fuck, just fyi
>Not feminine
only if she bugs out and starts killing everyone.
even if she doesn't she's still a potent caster with a lot of passives
It's not like i had to load since prologue end, difficulty dropped significantly after that even on hard