Where do you think Tales Of will go from here, as a franchise? Will it be kill...

Where do you think Tales Of will go from here, as a franchise? Will it be kill? Since Berseria only sold only roughly 250k in nipland, I wonder what Bamco will do in order to win back the audience that has been leaving in recent years. Obviously another game set in that universe won't be happening.

On another note, post favorite Tales.

It's on the path to extinction and we all know it. Especially if nips don't take to the Berseria cast enough.

I really like Abyss

It's my favorite as well.

>FFXV sold 5 million in literally 12 hours
>tales of shitseria sold 250k in 4 months

>one is World wide
>One only in japan.
FFXV with it's reputation should have easily done 10m

Atleast tales combat doesn't boil down to
>hold square to auto dodge
>hold circle to keep attacking

Didn't this game get tons of positive reception? Did Zestria being so bad just kill interest? Hard to believe they'd go from Xilla's sales to mediocre (for Tales) sales so fast.

Berseria won the good will of the fanbase back, which is what matters. Its low launch sales(the 250k number) was a result of Zestiria, which was like Dragon Age 2 of Japan.

Weekly sales for Ber are good. It's outsold Zest in Japan now, and keep in mind Zest's price is picture related

FFXV shipped 5 million, didn't sell 5 million. The distinction is important.


I had a lot of fun with Berseria, put a good 100+ hours into it. The game certainly has redeemed the franchise, even if it wasn't perfect.

I'm enthusiastic for the next title, but I hope it has less of the things I still dislike about their recent games.

>sold 5 million
>not knowing the difference between copies sold and copies shipped
This is my favorite meme.

It got mostly positive reception, yes. But will it have lasting power? Will Bamco be able to milk Berseria's cast? Will people buy merch of it? Good will doesn't really matter as much as sales do. For example, Abyss and Vesperia are still the Tales nip fandom most beloved cast/games years later.

Zesty made even my ass consider the series dead and I have enjoyed every tales game(even dotnw). No surprise the gooks don't trust them anymore. Hopefully the WW sales will keep the series alive and steer them in the right direction

literally haven't played a tales game since Symphonia. could you go into a bit of detail about what those things are?

Abyss sucks.

while i respect your opinion, im still gonna say fuck you

Berseria Merch is selling

I don't think you know what Zestiria was to Japan

Zestiria is the No Man's Sky of Japan

Just mentioning it causes a shitstorm

We need more games in the series like Vesperia, Abyss, and Hearts R.

>Hearts R

Playing through this now, most fun I've had with a Tales of in a while. Was expecting it to be a bit more low rent.

>I don't think you know what Zestiria was to Japan
Yeah, I do. It's a very polarizing title both overseas and in nipland due to the waifu controversy.

The anime is trying to recover Zestiria but it's failing at it.

You suck.

what do ppl think about this game

I might be missing some, but here goes:

- The dungeons are still mostly linear corridors. There was one or two areas in Berseria that did okay in that regard.

- World is huge but mostly empty, they tried to address this with the Rheaboard and Neko spirits which was a low budget solution to make exploration feel a bit rewarding, but it still isn't that great.

- Most costumes are DLC with ridiculous pricetags, which I can tolerate but it makes you miss out on story. In earlier games like symphonia for example you could attend a ball with 2 of your party members and got new costumes for them but also lengthy dialogue.

The things they nailed with this game was character development and story, and most importantly gameplay. They put in a lot of little things to keep it interesting and for the first time they encourage you to play on higher difficulty settings for better equipment drops and some techniques you can only use there.

neat. thanks.

I like it. I wish the second half didn't scrap the voice acting though, and the magic system was better.

Oh come on, you know it was terrible follow-up to Symphonia.

>Yeah, I do. It's a very polarizing title both overseas and in nipland due to the waifu controversy.

Nah, see, people salty over Kairi being replaced by Aqua, that's a waifu controversy

Zestiria advertised Alisha but had Rose come in from nowhere

And MORE IMPORTANTLY, Zestiria was a buggy incomplete mess.

It's funny because it's literally the best game in the series when it comes to gameplay.

It combined the Team Symphonia combat with the CC system and it's fun as fuck.

Of course it will not sell after the PR shitfest that was Zesteria's release.
When it gets released on the west/PC it will climb to more respectable numbers.

>Nah, see, people salty over Kairi being replaced by Aqua, that's a waifu controversy
Westernfags do, nips certainly don't give a fuck
>Zestiria advertised Alisha but had Rose come in from nowhere
Which is in part, a waifu controversy. How new are you? It was the director's waifufaggotry that was a huge problem for Zestiria in the first place.

It would be cool to get another tales in a moder setting like Xillia2, but one that leans toward the sci-fi side like Xenosaga, or Star Ocean

If they would just properly update their engine to fit the current gen graphics, even new zelda type graphics would be enough. And if they would just write an ok story with ok likeable characters and took their time with the game, im sure they would have as much success as they had with xillia.

>but one that leans toward the sci-fi side like Xenosaga, or Star Ocean
The last thing we need is to run around more boring futuristic tech facility dungeons. Has Graces taught you nothing?

>Nah, see, people salty over Kairi being replaced by Aqua, that's a waifu controversy
Everyone thinks Aqua taking over was a good decision. Aqua became far more popular than Kairi was, and Aqua didn't cuck Kairi out of a game.

If BBS was advertised as Kairi but had Aqua be the main heroine, you might be on point.

But Kairi was only main heroine in KH1

>The last thing we need is to run around more boring futuristic tech facility dungeons.
Obviously I'd like them to be designed properly, besides tales hasn't had the best varaiety either with its current settings, most dungeons are caves,forrests, or actual dungeons

>Has Graces taught you nothing
never played graces

Idk ps3 English?
Vesperia ps3 English?

Hard to tell

zestiria sold more than xillia 2 due to steam

>And if they would just write an ok story with ok likeable characters
That's exactly what Berseria is.
Except the cast and story are arguably the best in the series

Berseria's cast is great

Moana and the last third of the story really hit me hard.
Never cried so much in a tales game.

FF15 only sold 400k in japan, my little autismo

Good to hear, sadly engine still looks the same, it did not have the overhaul that it needs. Just looking at zelda and persona, they are running on old hardware yet they look so much better for the "anime" art style.

They have no budget and short dev cycles. Considering that the game turned out amazingly well.

If they upgrade their engine in the future I'm sure we'll see at least 3 games with it.

really? people like vesperia over symphonia?? disappointing


God DAMN did they nail how fucking TERRIBLE Shepherds are, as a concept

Berseria was the first Tales game I played all the way through. It was okay desu, but I wish there wasn't so much fujoshit.

Persona 5 is literally using the exact same gameplay as SMT 4
And it doesn't look very good, the model are pretty ugly and static
I played it, it just looks "stylish" but you can see the obvious limitation of the hardware when you play it

Berseria is one of the least fujo game in the series.
Go play Graces or Zestiria if you want to see fujo unleashed

They can still remain relevant by making hd versions of past games and nostalgia fags will buy them

Modern tales has been going on the path of re used assets, simplifying combat further and further, and more boring stories with graphics shittier than the last

Berseria seems to be the only saving grace after Graces f with it fixing Zestiria problems, but if they don't go back to their 2000's style of tales games with better graphics and having better gameplay with almost each installment, it will prolly die in the west but not in Japan

Also Vesperia is my favorite because it was my first tales

Im sure we will, but with ps4 being in the middle of its generation they should have done it with berseria when not zestiria. When it comes to a budget, namco makes quite a lot compared to some other japanese companies, it seems non of their major franchises are doing bad. Also naruto games have nicer graphics style than tales for some reason. Did not play recent tales games and never played naruto but from what i see in the videos and screenshots i like naruto graphics.

This screen i pulled directly from wikipedia, went to see when its coming out and its truly disappointing this is going to be ps4/pc for us.

I do as well, but what was up with Legretta? She seemed to have no character of note. Really disappointing compared to the other God Generals.

I know how it looks, the stylish is what berseria needs to be intresting to western audience again. And it is important, it would sell more so they would put more care into the games.

Tell me, why do you think birds soar through the heavens?

So on a scale of Lambda to Van, where does this guy rank?

she just really wanted van's dick, and was tear's teacher or something.

Don't care. Would've bought as PS3/PS4 game, now that it's on PC I can just play it for free.

I prefer what Berseria did compared to the "stylish but let's put the camera 10 meters away and make it static during cutscenes so we don't show the ugly models and frog life faces"

Absolutely hated the shit out of him from the beginning. I literally went to get my copy screaming "ARUTORIUSU" in my head because I was so hype.

Then you start seeing some flashbacks and you hate him even more, but 2/3s in you start understanding his motivation but still want to kick the shit out of him because the things he put Velvet through are just unforgiveable.

10/10 best villain in a long time.

His last line is one of the best line in the series
He really felt a lot more human than other villains in the series

I agree.

Hearts R was fantastic. Sucks that we never got Innocence R. I thought it sold well?

I hope we see more of him and Velvet in the Zestiria anime, if only by flashbacks from Maoterasu.

Theoretically Velvet and Laphi are still sucking each other dry somewhere in that world, so we might even get a gimpse of them

The Eizen flashback episode was one of the best.

??? It's a game pretty much devoid of anything but family love. The males are close but nowhere near Sorey/Mikleo tier from Zestiria. It's just manly friendship. I have no clue what you're talking about.

For her boss fights to be such a bitch, she was pretty much a disappointment. Asch too in a way.

>I thought it sold well?
They wouldn't dare release that in the west because cross dressing.

Rukorou and Eizen's existence = fujoshit

I benched those 2 the whole game(except for when I was forced to use them).

>Scamco wont release that Berseria demo in english
>Even though it already exists and has been playable at conventions

Gimme a reason to play it again

I got bored halfway and stopped playing it, i think i was on the way to get an airship for the subsiding city

Really? It's just bromance and both make it clear they're into women. I don't even remember any skits that would be considered fujoshit

Legretta had a younger brother who was a soldier under Van. He died in battle, and she later learned that the higher ups knew they would lose that battle and lose their soldiers because of the Score. She got really pissed and tried to assassinate Van, and he convinced her that she was really mad at the Score.

probably attractive men = fujoshit in his mind

Costs money to put it on the PS store.

It's long as fuck and honestly drags after Part 2, but I believe the worldbuilding and character arcs are the most fleshed out ones in Tales Of.

But that's still significantly better.

Tales of has literally a fraction of the money and power ff has. And Tales games combat is still leagues above any action arpg nomura or Tabata has managed to shit out

>It's just bromance
More like fighters that respect each other, Rokurou doesn't care about anything but battle really.

Vesperia has the greatest cast of protagonists of any jrpg. Hell of any game for that matter.

Symphonia was good and the characters were well done tropes but tropes can only go so far.

>Vesperia has the greatest cast of protagonists of any jrpg. Hell of any game for that matter.
The only character with an actual arc is Karol
If you think it's the best cast you obviously have no standards

Nice, maybe we can get an upgraded version soon.

>Vesperia has the greatest cast of protagonists of any jrpg. Hell of any game for that matter.
Yeah, no. Stop sounding like a gushy fan brat.

>benching the two best boys in the game

how dare you user, Eizen at least has Resurrection and Rokurou's moveset is pretty fun

Don't tell me this faggot ends up being right and you spare him

250k really isn't that bad for the series. For a main title it's not ideal, but other main titles have done near or as much before.

We're talking about a series that has only ever had 2 individual games become 1-million-sellers worldwide.

Worth thinking about what it means? Sure. The end of the franchise? Not at all.

>female protagonists
>game sells like shit in japan

Were people expecting any different? Girls can't carry series in modern games

It's bad retard.

Literally look at first month sales for every previous mainline tales, shit is the worst in ages and had 2 platforms to work with in japan.

Don't damage control it

What's the line?

No, he dies by Velvet's hands.

Mila is the best tales

It's pathetic for FF. FF13 sold a million in the same amount of time. If Zesteria wasn't such a piece of shit, Berseria would have sold 300-400k.

FF13 sold like hotcakes

Xillia 2 = Symphonia > Zestiria > Xillia 1 > Abyss > Garbage > Symphonia 2

Are Vesperiafags the most cancerous part of the Tales fanbase?

I'm fine with the cel-shaded art style and low res textures, but I cannot stand the horrible animations, cutscenes, and voice acting.

>it had two platforms to work with
This kind of statement only applies if a game is gaining an additional platform that expands the audience.

PS3 and PS4 have identical audience, especially in Japan, so the impact on sales is minimal.

And I'm not even fucking denying the sales are bad (no faggot, 'not that bad for the series' does not mean 'not bad in any way'). I literally said, they're bad enough to be worth discussing.

Vesperia's great, but Berseria's cast is better.

There's no single bad or boring party member in Berseria

Vesperia has fucking Karol

Fuck you Karol was great.

This user knows what's up

>mfw Xillia 2 has better combat than every AAA game released since
>mfw that video of the hardcore DMC fanboy playing Xillia 2

>it's not that bad
>other tales have done near or as much

Both factually incorrect

Explain me the combat.
I played the graces f demo from japan which i loved so i bought graces f.
When i tried the berzeria demo it felt wrong. No more normals moved with artes?
Normal moves are artes?
Any help with the depth? I dont get the combat

>even close to Xillia 2
>not right dead 2nd last after Symphonia 2

Laphi blows him out of the water

Never did like the combo with another combo and artes and artes as the enemy cant escape