64 or Hero, Sup Forums? They're 2 completely different games with the only similarity being the white bomber himself...

64 or Hero, Sup Forums? They're 2 completely different games with the only similarity being the white bomber himself, so it's really all up to your personal tastes

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Hero was a lot more fun

64 was a sweet action puzzle game, had some good music tracks, and the best battle mode in the series.
Hero was an awesome platform action game, with an amazing experimental soundtrack. I listen to both soundtracks even now.


64 has one of the best multiplayer on N64

I have more nostalgia for 64 but they're both great games

The real question is, did anyone even play Bomberman 64: The Second Attack?

agreed. that shit was fucking amazing. remember how at the end the levels would enter a sudden death mode and start flooding?

>tfw never had anyone to play multiplayer with
Hero all the way

I always set the time limit to 1 minute so it start off in sudden death

64 is better by far.
Hero is casual and takes no thinking or skill.
Hero doesnt even have multiplayer, you massive fucking faggot. dont you dare put them in the same sentence ever again

Hero without a doubt,
soundtrack is way better too

>did anyone even play Bomberman 64: The Second Attack?
Absolutely. I think 64 may have the edge in multiplayer (especially the maps), but TSA was still a great multiplayer game with arguably more fun singleplayer levels. I still think it has one of the best mixes of puzzles and traditional Bomberman gameplay out of all the 3D ones. Pommy was nice to have as an easy way for jump-in co-op, and evolving him was pretty fun as well.

Story got a little melodramatic for a Bomberman game, but seeing the reveal of this fucker again was awesome.

Did you actually own it or did you emulate it?

If emulate it, did it work well?

64 is so much better than Hero. 64 is one of my favorite games of all time.
>Unique boss fights
>Lots of secrets
>Great characters
>Interesting puzzles
>Incredible multiplayer
>Unique worlds

It's just really good.

Owned it back in the day. Never tried emulating it, but definitely going to look into it after reading this thread.

I played all the way through Second Attack twice. I did the adventure coop with 2 different friends. It's great. I liked it more than Hero, but less than 64.

Freaking awesome game. Too bad I totally didn't understand the Pommy leveling up system back in the day. But I absolutely adore 64 and The Second Attack.

emulated or not?
asking cause i dont wanna start a game that'll fuck up half-way through

Only ever played on N64

So cute

Hero for single player, 64 for that god tier multiplayer no other company will come as close to Hudson for Bomberman and I curse Konami to suffer everyday.

Don't other Bomberman games do the same thing?

Why was this loved but not Bomberman Act Zero?


>Shrimp buff
>Giant debuff
>Running in circles while possessing someone
>Running in circles while possessing someone who has shrimp buff
This game was THE FUCKING BEST

There's a difference between cool and edge

and bomberman didn't get redesigned

I don't know man some of those look pretty edgy. I have no idea why they made all these random guys.

Liked both, Hero probably aged better gameplay wise but it had a really shitty aesthetic. I have a lot of nostalgia for 64 though

>64 or Hero, Sup Forums?

The Second Attack.

You can't be short and edgy.
It's just crazy-talk.

I feel like some of the 64-designs reminds me of Kamen Rider, but I could just be retarded

Hero was pure kino.


Oh god they are both amaze-balls and way different, but I am going to have to choose 64.



>best map


Did anyone here play Bombernauts?

It tried to be the new Bomberman 64, but I wasn't feeling it. maybe the levels were too big or something


64 was that game, when going in without knowing a thing, catches you off guard storywise once you get the right number of gold cards

One day, Bomberman will be in Smash Bros. I know it will happen eventually.

Thread don't die on me now

64 > TSA > Generations > Jetters
THIS IS FACT. Hero is too different of a game to be compared with the others.

I think 64 was the better transition. It was way more true to the series.
Hero was completely different, it could've been a whole new IP.

For those reasons, I say 64, but Hero was still great if you wanted to see the big white in a platformer

The Bomberman Hero mirror level blew my mind as a kid.