How will console players recover after this?

How will console players recover after this?

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Why the fuck would you ask here? There's literally nobody here who owns a fucking xbox one, all you'll get are other pc shitters falseflagging to make fun of people who aren't even here, hoping that they'll make someone upset while talking to other fucking falseflagging retards.

wasn't there a game that released in like 08 that had crossplay and it died in a week because pc players obliterated console players?

Yes don't remember what is was though

Shadowrun and Lost Planet both had crossplay

The game was called Shadowrun

The game died because it had only 2 game modes and PC players were cheaters who used aimbots and played at 100+ FPS while consolefags were stuck at 30FPS.

ITT: People who think "PC" means "Windows"

Lel no thats just a shitty myth PC players like to say to inflate their obese egos.

t. Shadowrun x360 player

>inb4 console players get a much more accurate aimbot than usual to balance it out

ITT: people who reply to posts without reading them, hoping to get some (you)s

I stomped pcucks in shadowrun, i stomped them on gears pc with a controller, and ill stomp them again on gears 4.

Funny how microsoft is only doing this because gears 4 pc is totally dead because pcucks just play fotm shit or meme games on steam. Yall are a joke

I just played it some and I was the only PC player across 5 matches

Its easier to wallbounce with a controller though.


I can beat pc players in tps games with a controller no problem.

fps though, no chance.

I did well in every game of shadowrun on my 360

Shame it died so fast

It's dead because it's only on win10, nobody wants that cancer on their PC

Also the game being shit isn't helping

im sure you did user, and I bet you did it all on your own without auto aim too right?

Easy, nobody plays Gears of War multiplayer because it's complete and utter trash. The shotgun is pure cancer and takes any semblance of skill out of the game.



It depends on how much autoaim they give the consoles.

Since when is having a better input device and proper hardware cheating?

What the fuck are you talking about? Where did you ascertain that?

>inb4 autoaim

Are there actually good PC players when it comes to Gears?

I thought most of the tryhard, wall bouncing, no scoping crowd was on console.

Crossplay is fine in some genres, like racing games or fighting games (assuming the fighting game can stick to at least 60fps on consoles) or pretty much anything other than FPS/RTS/MMOs

I have an xb1. I only come here to trigger the xv crowd though. I'll be gone once that is over.

Microsoft did tests with CoD to determine crossplay viability in the past and they realized players with controllers always lost. Like, regular PC players against a team of "pro" CoD players on 360 controllers won handily.

>I have an xb1
Sure. And I have a PS4 and Wii-U.

I saw your fucking thread the other they were literally nobody cared about your fucking game and everyone made fun of you for drinking canned piss.

>PC players have a better controller
you kids really are autistic. and beating Xboner fags is the equivalent to punching a disabled kid. either way your platform will remain dead.

>that mouse pointer


sorry goy

That was easy.

It died because pc murdered console. Then this was 'fixed' with enforced input lag retardation that made all pc players aim slower than molasses and die before they slow as shit aiming would shift enough to be useable.
Camping became the only viable strategy

>He uses wallbounce

who cares

Lost Planet was the game that killed crossplay back in the early xbox360 days.

You literally cant play gears and not wallbounce

It does.

Mac is for looking like an idiot and Linux literally only exists for Gentoo memes.

They also made many weapons horribly inaccurate so occasionally a PC player could lose a fight by having most his shots randomly miss.

>tfw you're on PC and get destroyed by console players

Fuck I'm trash.

I don't see why they just can't set the game to controller only if you have crossplay enabled to solve the kb/m vs controller issue. Is it impossible to automatically unbind in-game (as in not the menus) kb/m controls or something?

You can actually play the game on xbox one with a keyboard and mouse

want to 1v1?

Since the day console player tears turned out to be the opposite of a cure for cancer.

worst game to use for this kind of playing field. gears of war is literally mash cover button and use a shotgun and call it skill

Nah, autoaim is so fundamentally mandatory now that it does not need bringing up, console shooters arent even playable without it; client side throtteling is the new equalizer.
PC players get input transmission lag to even the scales.

Pressing two different buttons at the right time is a challenge for some special people, donĀ“t marginalize them.

Only millennials think you can beat PC players on gamepad. What the point to play against them? It's not fun for both sides.
>someone using XIM4 on PS4

>it's another "it's literally (actually not but pls don't disagree) like this!" episode

People are vastly underestimating how good some Gears players are. KB+M is not going to help as much as you might think in this game.

>Tfw friend loves tf2 but is mediocre on pc
>plays it at a friends house on his Xbox juan.
>talks about he obliterates players there and is frustrated he can't maintain that kind of k/d on pc.

I totally get the feel too. I played bf4 plenty on 360 before getting it for pc and went from being routinely in the top 5 to being middle of the board if not lower on average.

Why do console players suck so hard at pvp?

they don't remember quake 3 on dreamcast? for a while you could play with console users and they always got wrecked.

Because they are casuals

This is why I want MW remastered on console. I used to always come top of the leaderboard and it was just easy. Being only alright on PC would not be as fun.

Maybe you just suck with M+KB? Palying on PC doesn't make you fatal1ty. Mlg pro in BF are not different on PS4

This is why the newer Halo games will never come to PC