What went wrong?
What went wrong?
One use dlc, lackluster story, boring levels and Sarif's shitty voice actor
Square Enix
shit "muh refugees" story
The story tries to ride current events instead of doing something interesting plotline that could only happen in the future.
Niggers everywhere in a white EU city because well, you gotta have niggers dont you? They're the most valuable things in society and elevate every game into glorious new hights.
Overburdened engine
half a game, stillborn story. Gameplay was alright, just not enough of it.
recasting morgan makes it unplayable
awesome game, loved to play it
Lackluster story is my main gripe. It really doesn't feel like a game they had worked on for 5 years.
Also only one hub, thought I have to say the one we got was very good, broad, intersting and full of things to see.
Ending sucked eggs. I feel like I didn't give the game its fair chance though, I only played it in small bursts once a week or so.
They jewed everyone by butchering content and saving it for the next game.
Shitty story and horrible optimization.
Season pass story doesn't work because the chapters don't carry over progress or enforce a linear continuity so every time you start one you get like 13 free praxis and it's exactly enough to get you through the entire DLC mission no problem, because you can effectively re-spec for the challenge each gives.
Also things like never needing crafting augs, typhoon etc when takedown and literally everything you trip over is more than enough.
the ending was the best for me, i was thinking helping janos was the right thing to do, making him to trust me, and in the end it was the illuminati plan all along
Also people say the microtransactiosn dont affect the game but you can tell they did everything possible to make the game difficult to mod.
second post best post.
>one use DLC
>cutting a mission from the game and reusing it as a pre-order so that it just feels incredibly fucking disjointed
>game ends abruptly to milk DLC
>don't even get to confront a single member of the Illuminati
Plotwise it didn't bug me, it just felt pretty abrupt. Maybe less so because I saw it coming since it was heavily discussed online.
Nothing, it had a great hub, gameplay and sidequests.
>thinking anyone plays Deus Ex for the main story
>the year of our lord 2029
Is it just me or is mini cutscenes like adam punching through walls look weird as fuck when compared to human revolution?
>he doesn't know
I like it more than HR because it seems to actually have level design. There's actually interesting things to explore and see in the hub unlike the hubs in HR. It's pretty disappointing that it carries over pretty much every other problem from HR like the nothing story and the awesome button. It's also pretty glitchy, the fake cops you're supposed to take out in a sidequest disappeared for absolutely no reason, making it impossible to continue the quest. Even though one of them managed to strike up a 5 minute conversation with Adam, with a disembodied voice seemingly coming from nowhere and the camera panning over where the NPC was supposed to be.
just beat the game
The ending is what went wrong.
You get to your literal first bossfight, thinking you're halfway through the game, 3/4 at most and you'd go to Versalife later or fucking anywhere, meet Megan since the game kept teasing you with her and her research
but no
you kill/spare the boss
ng+ unlocked
didju rike it?
And the ending:
>hey adam we saved the day
>yeah cool but we have to get manderley and bob and janus
>few minutes long of fake Eliza explaining how your choices mattered, nvm they didn't
>long as fuck credits to get a hidden scene showing us the obvious plot twist about you-know-who being the rat, which i was almost sure of already when i met that person in miller's office
It's an OK game, the gameplay was great, no game has sucked me in like desu sex lately.
But the fucking ending, christ.
Also good job for teasing the whole MD JENSEN IS A CLONE thing without explaining it or giving you any official clues
>didju rike it?
boring story and it was very short. the ending sucked but I'm kinda used to it now since every Deus Ex game seems to end on a low note
also the PC optimisation is ass. I don't know what it's like on consoles, but being in Prague tanks my FPS so hard no matter what my settings are. it's not like my PC is a toaster either.
>very short
that's the memest, if you collect things and enjoy the game it's gets lengthy af
I'm holding my judgement until the second DLC
Hope they learned their lesson and unfuck the ending
they won't
it's a trilogy incoming.
Shit story
Delivered half of what it asked you to pay for
Shit optimization
well maybe if you pay 60 $ for it, it isnt that good
>implying square enix is gonna fund the next game after MD and the fall flopped
>Thinking you're halfway through the game
You're right in most of that, but no one playing the game and actually watching cutscenes/listening to dialogue would think that's halfway through the game. They make it very clear that this is the end, granted in terms of length yeah I'd say it felt more like three-quarters of the way through what the game's length should've been, but it definitely doesn't happen out of nowhere. The last mission makes it clear it's the last mission from the get-go
>Shit optimization
I hate this meme, if it can hit over 60 fps on a 1060 using a mix of Ultra and Very High settings then I don't get what the issue is, just turn off MSAA and CHS. There's plenty of legitimate complaints to make about MD, optimization isn't one of them
Tried to take on Big Daddy Geralt just like CuckSouls
>implying they won't just fire half the people at Eidos and reduce the budget for the next game instead
Worst part was certainly the story and how it ended so suddenly. Every Deux Ex game before this has been about grand schemes on massive scale and stopping them, but here you just kill one Slavman who's trying to kill a conference room of people and is just a pawn in a bigger scheme. Like some user already said, it felt like a halfway point, a first chapter before the REAL stuff starts to happen.
But I liked the gameplay and Prague, so it's not all bad. It just could have been so much more.
Optimization and main story
Side quests,gameplay and level design were great
You haven't played DX1, have you?
>he thinks DX1 had great story