Choose your weapon, adventurer
Choose your weapon, adventurer
Fish, because it's a fish.
Normally I'd probably pick the sword, but I'm pretty hungry.
>eating seafood
>weapon that I can stunlock
>weapon that relies on rng to win
Only faggots would think aesthetic>function
Does the fish have a matching scale armor set?
The real question is does the sword have a matching pirate or skeleton armor set
>thinking the rng on the sword is referring to attacking the enemies
boy are you for a surprise
Which one now?
The fish. Who ever gets beat by it will never let it down and I'll be a legend of who beat his opponents with a fish.
The fish isn't a rare item, though
mystery box
it could have the chair in it
I used a fish in Skies of Arcadia.
Fish. Swords are for women.
obviously the sword, i play mount and blade a lot so i would just manual block and never get hit in the first place
anyone who doesn't pick the fish is an idot
Neither. I'd rather go naked.
Nerfed the mystery box
box, trick enemy into opening it
>skullswordpiratefags try fighting you on boat
>dive off and use high speed fish to destroy boat foundation
>watch them drown
swordfags are you even trying
>Implying you won't already be dead with that pathetic defense
fishfags actually believe this
Just try it, fishfag.
Sorry, could you speak up a bit? I can't hear you from underwater.
Which one now?
>pathetic defense
>literally using a sword that can let enemies instant kill you based on rng against godly stunlock aspd
>not going full fish and wrecking the boats of piratefags so they drown or are eaten by your ghostly minions
Boipucci destroyer for added salt, when I destroy shitters.
boipupcci destroyer
why would i want some generic shitter sword when i can have a dildo and it actually be BETTER than the best sword in game
would rather have a fish though
>boipucci destroyer is faster and does more damage than a +7 of the other, meaning once enchanted it is leagues better
What is there to decide, the dildo is the obvious choice.
Boipucci obviously, what am I supposed to be afraid by? Don't you know its CURRENT YEAR?
The fish in the Pirate costume, fish wielding a fish doesn't even make any sense.
>Not eating seafood
Only nonwhites eat Seafood.
>team fortress
>single use, effect;
>Summons a Nuclear Shark that will kill everything it can until it dies and detonates its nuke payload
I fucking wish Valve had the balls to make an all class Dildo weapon.
>weapon literally has a chance to kill me
Why the fuck would I take that piece of shit over the other one?
Where the fuck did you get that idea?
Have you ever been to Maine?
my weapon disables the nuclear shark
Fun > Stats
Except when playing an MMO
Well, Sup Forums?
What? Is this some sort of new meme? Blacks and Mexicans can't even afford shellfish.
>mmuh powergaming
If attack speed is based on how we actually handle the weapon IRL, axe all the way.
Obivously the right one. Boipucci is totally superior because it isn't upgraded and has better damage than the +7 weapon
Whichever one takes less time to do that amount of damage.
If that were the case you could probably swing the rapier around much faster than the axe. The rapier would out damage the axe by a ton.
Depends on a shit ton of things
>Is armor flat reduction or percentage
>Is there a critical system and if so how does it work?
>Is knockback in the game?
>Is axe a chop or a swing?
And more
These threads are fucking retarded because not enough information.
Always choose the fast weapon with this type of shit
If the game has enemies with 3.333... hp or less, you can kill 3 with a rapier in the same amount of time it'd take you to kill one enemy with the axe
If the game has enemies with 10 or more HP, they'd tie in time needed to take down enemies
Rapier is more useful overall
He didn't say one is faster you fucking seal. He said it deals damage 3 times in one hit.
>4x attack
>normal attack speed
>may die upon being hit
>1x attack
>ridiculous attack speed
>is a fish
Wow so difficult.
you dont swing a rapier user
>fucking seal
what the fuck is that supposed to mean
>not taking fish
No, I have way more experience with axes than swords is what I was trying to say.
Fish. I don't even care if it'd >lolsorandumb
I would slap bitches up with salmon for days
You know what I mean.
>[value] attack
>enemy hits may cause death
what did he mean by this?
>unspecified rate of attack
>could be faster than light
>could be a literally unfathomable speed of attacking
>is also a fish
I know which one I'm picking.
Forgot image
>All these retards who think that "ridiculous" mean good.
I'm going to be laughing when its only 1 hit every 24 hours.
>may die upon being hit
But isn't this always the case?
Boipucci Destroyer, because it obviously has better stats, but it also adds salt for my victoms will know they were killed by "a fucking faggot".
>3DM Hacker Godess 2.jpg
how's the current state on denuvo? is 3DM cracking recent games? are they doing it fast? is it really over for piratefags?
t. I haven't been in this shithole for months
Blue implies sanic speed
Blue implies ice. If they wanted to imply fast they would have used red because the reds one go faster,
At least I won't have a major chance to die any time an enemy hits me with even the weakest attack.
But seafood in Mexico is delicious and cheap.
Fuck that shit
I choose none
>Having your boi pucci THIS destroyed that you have to take revenge on a hypothetical joke scenario
Only by facing death every moment,can you surpass it
>hits 10 because cpu rounds to nearest integer
>if I have some kind of modifier that procs on hit, I have 3x chance to proc
I've made my choice
Fish, PCB's and Mercury for inflicting rapid poison
also style
>hits 10 because cpu rounds to nearest integer
Maybe in your shit game. This game uses symbolic arithmetic with exact rational numbers.
Sure thing bud.
Even then, that other user explained why rapier is better.
"The Humiliator," and I use it on myself.
>Everything is a negative
>Except the Humiliator which grants them free shit from lonely virgins
mystery box
The dagger is the only one that matters. I don't give a shit about anime girls or gay sounds, but getting an item deleted would buttblast me to no end.
No, he's right about that.
Boipucci destroyer. Even if it was the weaker of the two.
Dagger and Abasher are the only ones that actually damage a player.
Dagger if the game is f2p, Abasher if it has a subscription fee.
Defense doesn't mean shit if RNG dictates you get one shot randomly.
Chair. The only time you'd run box is if you specced into luck or illusion magic.
Both, transmog the Godslayer +7 onto the Boipucci Destroyer. If you change the rules like a faggot, run the Boipucci Destroyer anyway, because everyone knows it's the best weapon, and it'll become a status symbol more than anything.
Rapier does the same damage but deferred. That gives me 3x the proc chance, 3x the chance to crit, adds to my combo counter 3x, and looks sleek as fuck. The only time you should pick Axe is if you have skills that multiply single hit damage.
Godslayer of course, the Boipucci Destroyer has nothing going for it. Plus a free waifu, although enchant bonuses might have a higher effect on the Destroyer, since it has higher base stats. But stat changes completely neuter this whole thread, so this doesn't count.
Blade of Embarrassment, Pride Killer, Bow Down Bow, or maybe mystery box. It's not humiliation unless everyone knows. If I get the Salt Scimmy out the box, it is top pick.
Eating fish is honestly pretty annoying because you need to be careful for those tiny white bones that you need to watch out for.
>Axe: is just a normal axe
>Rapier: swords beat axes, efective against cavalry and armor
rapier is superior its simple FE logic
And tainted with disease. Nice try Pablo.