It had its faults, but overall I liked Fallout 4

It had its faults, but overall I liked Fallout 4.

dem ttz tho

coke bottle

yeah people like this love eating shit

boring as fuck empty world. lame as fuck chars and quest and nothing to do, like the shitty ass fuck fallout games before it, skyrim as well

It handle the continuity and lore a hell lot better than 3, but that about it

It had its faults, and I didn't like it because of those faults.

Almost as bad as Fallout 3 and Oblivion, literally trash tier

I played it for over 100 hours but was on the fence the whole time

not even the surroundings were intedasting for me. I mean, some bethesda games usually have some side quests that are fun or enjoyable, but fallout 4 was just top line boring and uninnovative.

you mean fallout 3 and skyrim right?


But skyrim is worse than oblivion

that coke would have exploded

I do wonder what can happen when people pass by women with huge ass tits in the cyrosleep pods.

Aside from the obvious quality issues(bad animations, terrible UI, etc.) i would have like the game much more if the wasn't made the head of his/her own faction and the whole settlement building. Why? Because making the player such a key figure gives him/her much more and far greater influence on the world which you can't afford to not take into account when designing the story, characters and world reactivity. Being a lone fuck wandering from town to town getting involved in peoples problems is fine when they're isolated from each other but applying the same level of consequences to a world in which the character has far reaching influence and his/her own army to command with which you can't really influence anything is this games greatest flaw.

nothing because when you open them you risk it exploding m8

Open the pod and fuck her

the main quest was the dumbest main quest in the history of gaming

i dunno m8, Skyrim's was pretty terrible

yeah but fallout 4s was even worse

Fallout 4 was just the same dissapointing garbage as Skyrim, literal shit


Skyrim is way more shit than Oblivion, both are shit tho

I treat 4 as an HD Remake of 3 with some mods thrown in and a different story.It makes it satisfying. But I wasn't one of those people who hated 3. I'd love a newer version of NV too. 4 doesn't feel like a real sequel though.

>It handle the continuity and lore a hell lot better than 3, but that about it

But how? Everything is mostly the same but now you have fridge kid and pre-war advanced power armor

in everything but grafix they exceeded

so morrowind?

Oblivion is literally Skyrim with less shit and in a more generic version.

The only great thing about Oblivion is its expansion. Everything else is inferior to Skyrim and Morrowind.
