is there any vidya character that can defeat 「BITE ZA DUSTO」?
Is there any vidya character that can defeat 「BITE ZA DUSTO」?
Is this a jojo?
Is this a reference?
Is this a motherfucking JoJo reference?
Plenty of them can
The point of Bite Za Dusto is to avoid conflict though
This girl
jojo is a good show idk it gets all the hate
FE characters with nihil
Hes literally invincible so no
Jojo is this reference a?
Could this potentially compromise a referential image pointing to a Japanese animated series primarily consisting of bodybuilders whom pose menacingly towards one another?
How the fuck did Jojo get so popular out of nowhere? Was it the to be continued may mays?
Is this????? A reference???
No one remembers muh WRYYYYYYY meme
what kind of newfag are you. Jojo has always been for autists even before the anime
>newfag wasn't around for za warudo shitposting
It's been popular a long time now
Maybe the first three parts is bodybuilders posing. All the rest are extremely metrosexual androgynous men.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Kill yourself
>joining an anime club in college
what did he expect?
literally no weakness
>being this new
>even among anime club fans Jojo fags still come on top as the most pathetic
makes you think
>literally invincible
>gets defeated
I like Jojo's, and there's NOTHING that Sup Forums can do to stop me!
Is this a monster hunter reference?
Literally any video game character that comes back from death via respawn.
>out of no where
It's been popular before Sup Forums was even a thing. There was even a western knock off made in the 90s.
>No one remembers muh WRYYYYYYY meme
Literally everyone does. It's babbys first meme.
That new intro was the tits.
kill yourself moe shitter
Someone wasn't around for WRRRRRY
So you got a ban from Sup Forums for shitposting? Don't worry our mods do fuck all here.
>series doesn't have a stand called Karma Police
I'm not getting into it until it does.
>not the "My legs ain't broke yet nigga" edit
massive amount of shame on your family
>kira's bomb erases any object it's on
>unstoppable force vs immovable object
Dumb reddit poster.
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure is a shit series and has one of the worst fanbases on this site. Just take a look at any of the Jojo generals on Sup Forums in the last three years. Take your "epic" references somewhere else.
I don't have it saved
Can't wait to watch it. I would now, but I have Final Fantasy XIV downloading updates on my PS4.
It died, canonically.
im upset because i want to read the manga but i really enjoy the week-to-week ride. but then if i dont read the manga i have to be super fucking careful of jojo related threads because motherfuckers drop spoilers everywhere (which makes sense, its kinda been around for fucking ever)
that being said i just watched this weeks episode and holy shit this ride is incredible
Not even the strongest in his own series
>delet this: the stand
I clicked to check if it was.
I will correct his mistake
wow! nice reference
every jojo including giogio and jhonny are all built, they're metro as all fuck but i wouldnt call any of them androgynous.
Not videogames. take it to
It's not a good show but it's not worse than most mangas
>one of the strongest stands is don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
bless araki
>What is Eyes of Heaven
>What is All Star Battle
Thank you, my friend.
You are not discussing the videogames so please take it to
JoJoBronies forcing their shit in a daily basis.
Is bites the dust basically "Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again" - the stand?
Seriously though, why do you Jojo fans have to shoehorn your series in to everything?
>Any pose?
>Character punching fast
Just shut the fuck up. The vocal minority (probably reddit or animewatchers) really give this series a bad rep.
They arent called jojobronies for anything.
Nice trips by the way.
>complaining about memes on a meme site
kys Triple-Q fag
Yeah it's pretty embarrassing seeing it everywhere
so fucking stupid
much better
You are right TROLOLOL. I love memes SO MUCH. U MAD BRO?
Wow, that sound like the dumbest possible way to say it but it is pretty much spot on. Pretty much yea.
>ebin Sup Forums ironic shitposting about le jojo refrances
>ugh why do people that like jojo do this
Is that Hamtaro?
There are shitloads of Jojo references in anime and video games. It's a hugely popular and influential series. Even on Sup Forums it's been known and liked for a very long time, far longer than the anime has been around. Deal with it, faggot.
I didn't think animeonlyfags were a real thing until part 4 started airing
I'm really glad I read the fucking manga when I did , 3 years ago
Why do JoJoBronies need to force their shit on the fucking videogames board?
>but it has videogames even though we only discuss the latest episode because we are secondaries.
You people can kiss my ass and take your shit to fucking
No, he's talking about the people that unironically shoehorn Jojo into everything. Not everything needs to be made into a Jojo defence. Not every character from another series needs to be redrawn into an epic Jojo pose.
Even this thread is some stupid smuck trying to discuss today's Jojo episode which is unrelated to this board.
I said I was sorry, you fool.
Why haven't you filtered the thread then?
Hey man, you stay here and keep complaining about it or move on. Either way, memes aren't going anywhere.
Name twenty (20) Jojo references in anime and video games before the Jojo anime came out.
Why are you replying to this thread then?
if you consider moe shit to be 'good', you can fuck off forever
and probably kill yourself
>out of nowhere
Why do you care about how much fanart a thing has? Just stop looking it up.
Is this thread a jojo reference?
Jojo fans somehow are literally in denial that they aren't as bad as Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail or any other anime series that lasted more than two seasons just because their show by their standards is good, just like how Naruto fans think their show is decent, just like how Bleach fans think their show is decent, etc. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how good the show may or may not be. Hell Sup Forums have a whole fucking copypasta as a banner explaining exactly why Naruto (not the show, the fandom) is bad, because it is a shitty gateway anime. Jojo is still a Shonen Jump shit anime no matter how you look at it. Just because a guy licking another guy became a meme because lolXDrandom doesn't make it any less shit.
They basically Naruto fans but somehow think they are "elite" enough to be above the cringe. They aren't.
That a good question indeed.
Im getting too flustered. If only i didnt had to deal with this shitty threads daily.
wtf are you even talking about you faggot
too many to list, do your own goddamn research
jojos a pretty fun show but gets ruined by ebin reddit meme kings
video games
Who the FUCK watches Hamtaro
The opening and ending were so damn catchy I watch it just to hear them.
>more than half are after the anime came out
The anime was a mistake.
Prince of Persia with time sand dagger.