Be Sony

>be Sony
>write Kojima a blank check to make a console selling game
>he uses all the money hiring big-name Hollywood actors

Didju riek it?

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Who will he blame this time?

Sony continued supporting the vaporware that was Last Guardian. They will support Kojima from start to finish

It's ok when Kojima does it

I always wondered how the fuck Konami let Kojima get away with hiring Sutherland. Did any Sutherland fans actually buy MGSV because he was in it? Did having his name attached to the game actually convince anyone who wasn't going to get it before to get it? Was it worth having Venom Snake speak almost no line of dialogue the whole game for more money than it would've cost to have gotten Hayter again?

I'll never understand his decision.

Is Mads Mikkelsen a big-name? I'd never heard of him until today.

If there was a budget concern they wouldn't have let him do it. Non issue.

Sutherland grew on me

He didn't do a horrible job, but the fact is he's too expensive for a game like this.

He starred in the TV series Hannibal which was well received. Only other thing you might have seen him in is the main villain from the James Bond film Casino Royale

bad guy in Casino Royale and Dr Strange

>I ruv you, Geoff


What is with this mother fucker and his hard-on for hollywood?

I agree, it really felt like a HUGE waste in the end. I guess Kojima was a huge 24 fan. I missed hayter.

Is he working as an independent now? If so, he'll finally be exposed like Schafer.

>I always wondered how the fuck Konami let Kojima get away
He got away with everything because Kojima became a celebrity. It got so bad to the point that even his mediocre games like PO and PW were selling like hotcakes. Too bad they weren't expecting him to get drunk on power.

Actually if we take Hayter's interview into consideration, he was implying that he would've cost MORE than Sutherland. Hiring a washed up Canadian B-list actor would've been cheaper.

Reminder that Kojima put boutique sunglasses as a higher priority for his game than finishing it.

Hayter doesn't work for cheap. For the amount that he gets paid, Konami/Kojima could easily hire a minor Hollywood guy who actually knows how to act. So they did

He hasn't blamed anyone.
Kojima hasn't uttered a single word about the whole thing.

What if Kevin Conroy voiced Venom Snake using his batman voice?

Why doesn't this guy just make a game staring himself as the main character? This is a serious question. Like all his recent shit has him plastering his name and face into everything he touches. Why doesn't he just make Kojima Quest and be fucking done with it?

>If so, he'll finally be exposed like Schafer.

For who, Sup Forumseddit?
MGSV was praised everywhere and made mad money.

What did he mean by this?

>Death Stranding tanks
>Sony wash their hands of Kojima

Who does he go to then?

im sorry your channel is dying phil, don't take it out on kojima he's alright

he just inserts himself into whatever Aryan ubermensch player character is in his game, no need to actually make it him

he'll probably start making indie films and be done with vidya

>be Sony
>write Kojima a blank check to make a console selling game
>he uses all the money hiring big-name Hollywood actors
>game makes it's budget back two times in the matter of hours

Yeah, why are they doing it?

i riked it

>the fact is he's too expensive for a game like this.
Do you have any data regarding how much he costed?

>MGSV was praised everywhere
Not really. Unless you're talking about reviews, but only the first batch came out very positive.

>big-name Hollywood actors

They're fucking cable television actors.

What's the problem? Sony's game division loves funding movies

Just like Lords of Shadow, right user?

>Unless you're talking about reviews
I'm talking about everything.

>only the first batch came out very positive.
93 on Metacritic.

>Not really
8.2 on Metacritic user score.
88 on Steam, and in fact the latest reviews, the last 3k of them, are 96% positive.

She hasn't gotten over Kojima-san's pixelated cock

they're "big name" to vidya which constantly gets literally whos doing all the work

Here is the price breakdown of Kojima's cast in MGSV

Sutherland -- 5 million
joosten -- 5.5 million
Troy Baker -- 2 million

I hope you're trolling or infertile because the thought of someone being this retarded and spreading their tainted genes is horrifying.

You mean a terrible subfranchise that no one gave a fuck about made by smartphone game developers, part of a franchise that no one has given a fuck about a long time now?

>I'm talking about everything.
t.weekend only redditards visiting Sup Forums for the first time.

Kojima made her rich and famous, and she's marketing a game that she's part of, not surprising

>Joosten, the literally who Japanese model that only made a bunch of ads
>more expensive than Kiefer Sutherland

Let me guess, the source is your own asshole.

ten plus million viewers a week, my fellow patrician. If only the masses could be as enlightened as we are.

sony actually cares about the quality of their games unlike another company that keeps rehashing the same 35 year old shit
profit is just an added bonus

>Kojima made her rich
How much was she paid?

The only people who still remember she exists are a bunch of neckbeards on Sup Forums who still waifu her.

I seriously hope you're joking. I mean, you're right in that Sony is much more willing to give a developer freedom and trust in them, but that's because it's good for business.

its ok since its an asset reusing game ala P.T.

What's up with MGSV threads where Sup Forums decides pull shit out of their own ass over and over again and prove that no one here knows absolutely anything about videogame development?

Seriously, Sup Forums at this point is Neogaf-tier.

>using social media to congratulate someone you know for winning a prestigious award

Yeah user, that is really weird! Who does that? Wait a minute... I think she may be a normie!

they're literally losing millions on developing games tho
they've only recently been not doing so bad

I like Norman Reedus. Was looking forward to seeing himin a horror game that wasn't zombie related. I guess it's just gonna be neoMGS though.

Even when you lose money on developing games, putting more exclusive games out there gets you more console sales, even if you can't prove the causation on a graph.

Her biggest gig yet.
Those neckbeards are also willing to give away their entire worth to some grill as long as she acknowledges them, so she's got it pretty good m8

he spent less on queefer though

He's probably a teenager and has no idea about business or money.

>Her biggest gig yet.
No shit when all she has done during her entire carrer is appear in restaurant menus.
Seriously, could anyone give a source to any of the claims you make in these threads?

>he didn't like "I won't scatter your sorrows to the heartless sea"
>He thinks Hayter could deliver a line like that


Exclusives are what get people to buy your console and then you take a cut of every other game they buy.

So you don't disagree, nice, glad we got through that! :)

He apparently costed less than what Hayter asked for

So wait, everyone who has ever congratulated me wanted to have sex with me? Is that how things work?

>No shit when all she has done during her entire carrer is appear in restaurant menus.
So is Joost a weeb? I like it when weebs move to Japan and fade into obscurity and find out it's nothing like in their delusional minds.

I don't disagree that MGSV is her biggest work yet, but it's going to be her biggest work in her entire life.
Also, 3rd time, source on all those numbers?

Kojima didn't work on Portable Ops. Peace Walker was great for a PSP game.

>he didn't like "I won't scatter your sorrows to the heartless sea"
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Hayter is perfect for the old MGS games where everyone was hammy and the story was over-the-top and retarded. But MGSV was magnitudes more subdued and realistic and he just doesn't have the experience/skill to deliver subtle lines full of emotion like that.

I mean the only reason besides playing your fifas and cod's for owning a console are exclusives, I don't think there's anything that would sell more consoles right now than having the next Kojimbles big thing after the Konami drama exclusive to your system.

>acting ability
Its still stupid to hire a random washout while the rest of your cast is the same as ever.

You can read the future? That's so cool! How did you learn?
(I'm not the guy you were even talking to you fucking moron LMAO)

She studied Japanese at Uni, they go to Japan for a semester or something and she liked it so much she decided to live there. After that she became a model

Pretty good in Valhalla Rising

No, I can see the obvious.
She's a girl who appears in japanese restaurant menus, and she will always be.
She appeared MGSV because Kojima is a dumb gook who wastes his money on muh waifu.

Waifufags, everyone.

>big bad of Casino Royale
>big bad of Dr. Strange
>he's going to appear in the Star Wars movie coming next month

>I can see the obvious.
The future is obvious? Tell me more, what will we be doing in 50 years? Will we still exist?

Other than The Walking Trash he's only known for Boondock Saints, a generally shit movie that I liked anyway because I was 12 when it came out.

Do I need to tell you how stupid your post is or can you figure it out by yourself?

aww poor widdle babby~
mommy no luv u anymore?~~

>This meme again

Quiet was always in MGSV, long before she was involved. If she didn't play her someone else would have

That's a lot of variables.
There's not many variables about Joosten's career.
Nothing changed.
MGSV was a one time thing, and she's gone to being irrelevant again.
Even her attempt at a youtube channel is a failure.

Oh, and I bet Kojima chose the restaurant menu girl because she was a very talented actress.

Kojima is actually a Microsoft double agent bankrupting Sony from the inside

She's like the face of Tokyo

>Even her youtube channel is a failure

What the one with like 5 videos? Obviously that's not a serious attempt if she never makes videos for it

>But MGSV was magnitudes more subdued and realistic
You seriously don't believe that a game that opens up with you being chased by the possessed corpse of your former enemy from 20 years ago while special forces sent in by a literally who that wants to take over the world with a walking tank and parasitic organisms that kill depending on what language you speak and grant peoe superpowers is in any way subdued or realistic... right?

There was auditions for it and she was the best of the bunch, try looking up one of her interviews

We would've gotten sniper wolf like we should have instead of some homely whore.

xDD upboated

I do.

>Guillermo Del Toro
>Norman Reedus
>big-name Hollywood actors

Actually no you wouldn't have you fucking retard.

Hell at one point she used to look like Paz

>one hit wonder TV actor
>mexican landwhale who has produced nothing but bombs the last 10 years

pacific rim made bank senpai

And that's why they kicked him out of the sequel's production, and why the sequel's production is frozen.
And why they don't let him make Hellboy 3.

Sony has film department, its easy to do to hire actors for games too.

It made bank and that's all that matters.

If it did, then you would already have a sequel directed by him.

>tfw they hire Seth Rogan and Melissa McCarthy for Death Stranding

You serious? you could hear the crowd roar when he appeared

>>one hit wonder TV actor
That sexy beast Mads or Norman?

Regardless how much Kojima burns on it, the marketing machine will practically guarantee it makes bank.