Hey Square: This is what an actual JRPG looks like, not your Skyrim with Jpop mods nonsense.
Hey Square: This is what an actual JRPG looks like, not your Skyrim with Jpop mods nonsense
I am up to chapter 3 in CS1 and I am having a blast.
When I saw the calendar system I was worried it would be like Persona 3/4 where you have to waste time through filler days to get to the actual plot.
CS1 just skips that crap.
>modern Trails
wew nobody cares about that generic school shit.
The only good games from falcom now are Ys
Calvard in Coldsteel 3. Make it happen Falcom
Could you go into a bit more detail about how Square has disappointed you? Aside from the load times I haven't seen any complaints about this, though admittedly there isn't much information available.
This game is so padded with dialogue it's not even funny. I don't appreciate any of the knocked off Persona elements either.
That's pretty likely now that you mention it; it's not like anything interesting's going down in Erebonia anymore
almost posted this, good taste user
there's still what, two weeks?
>Not appreciating the dialogue
Why are you playing an RPG?
>padded with dialogue
It's less padding and more of the focus. The Legend of Heroes has always been very dialogue heavy, even for RPG standards.
>shitsona invented calendar system and character relationships in RPG
How to spot a shitsona newfag
Who plays JRPGs strictly for the plot? That's stupid.
Jusis is best girl.
Which one did it first, then? I've played a ton of 90s RPGs and have yet to run into one that utilized those concepts.
TiTS is fucking garbage and I'd bet Cold Steel is too since the dev is still incompetent
>ywn plow laura, her dub VA and Jap VA
just end me bros.
Oh come on, how hot could she...?
Oh... Oh my...
Coming soon in Trails 3rd!
Speaking of Ys, do you need to know moonrunes to play VIII?
Unless you want to translate everything, yes.
She keeps falling in love with Erebonians. Liberl will be signed over to Erebonia one way or another.
is she best girl?
Only basic knowledge really- if you know katakana and basic kanji to read the names of places in dialogue and the quest log, you're probably fine.
It's mostly straightforward and not especially plot-heavy until near the end, but even then it's not hard to get the gist of things.
>thread devolves into waifufaggotry
Square may not be making the best games but atleast people shitpost about the game rather than about goddamn cartoon girls
Let me explain something to you.
youre a goddamn cartoon girl
Xeno and Leo are very protective of Fie but they know that no man can keep his eyes off of her because she is perfect.
Fuck of with your animu pedo bullshit.
kys weeb
>cant make a move on them
was so pissed.
You're goddamn right
>non Class VII girls from Thors exist
Never ever
Vivi is such a tease. I love her.
Also, Alan and Bridget ended up as my favorite couple. I remember always looking for them on free time just to see how things were going.
I really got to beat this game.
Stopped right before the Vermillion tower cause haven't had enough time to play.
He is one of the Ironbloods
Kenneth and Annabelle edge them out a little for me, but still those two are top tier couple.
>That last quest with both fishing freaks
I fucking loved that... I have a huge hardon for romance
In the real world, Makai Noble Jusis is searching for the Makai Prince Rean in order to assist him against Magic Girl Alisa and Magic Girl Laura
AKA people think he's a total weirdo.
Jusis x Nep when?
Also, where do I read this manga?
More like galge/LN hybrid.
Millium will be recruited by Good or Evil and become the White Rabbit, which is when she takes Jusis for her own.
Will Mona or will Blood and Iron get to her?
Also Falcom Magazine
Vivi is a slut!
thats lewd, user
Oh fuck off! The box art looks like the same generic anime shit ruining anime now days.
Let me guess. Twin tails is the tsundere
wow how did you ever guess
now I'll give you one chance to guess the personality of the girl holding the sword
Saber so a knight and noble
muh wind
Sorta, but pic related is the game's true tsundere
wow you must be psychic
okay lightning round, guess the personality of the girl up front with the blank expression on her face
Lol, no emotion doll?
But it's GOOD generic anime bullshit... to some extent.
well she technically has emotions, "deadpan" would've been closer
so 2.5 right out of 3, not bad if you supposedly didn't play the game!
>husbando dead
>no more field trips
>literally get fucked around by daddy
Cold Steel's characters are stereotypical as hell. That user didn't really need to do much guesswork.
I watch a lot of anime
You would be surprised how much shit is recycled
That means he'll fuck off and be brooding during CS3 so that we can have Fast Arts Guy as MC instead, right?
She loses her tsun pretty early in the game. She apologizes for been a giant bitch too.
Cold Steel and VX are both JRPG, it's just they both take entirely different art direction.
I liked CS more though, it's resemble traditional JRPG more.
>Play with ultra cute Lloyd
>Had to kick Rean's ass
I have to confess, I really enjoyed beating him down.
I still feel that she is a tsundere to the end
Toval is my nigga. I hope he gets the girl
It was all just a misunderstanding and she knows it and owns up to it but she still treats him like a pervert everywhere they go wow so whacky ha ha
you okay user?
Underage weeb detected. I'm not defending FF15 though.
Steam when?
she is a generic Tsnudere, so she is not best girl
Towa's english VA is really cute. Who was it?
Military School is tough life.
There aren't many girls to shitpost about in XV. Just take a peek at any XIII thread however, you'll be shocked.
I can only imagine some Vanille poster being an obnoxious piece of shit in threads like that.
>pseudo European imagery and raging homosexuality wrapped up in a cartoon style aesthetic.
It looks like shit, then.
Neithardt, please
Well Rean will always have Valimar until Falcom decides he can't have that anymore too.
Rean, control your edge, please
The best partner for Valimiar is Gaius, hands down. You spam Wild Rage + Counter stance till oblivion, healing here and there.
When all the dialogue is cliche garbage I would rather the game try to remember the one thing it doesn't fuck up
First weeb game I've ever played. The dialogue/voice acting is embarrassing, but it has one of the best turn based combat systems I've ever played.
>modern falcom
Since its very different from the previous Ys games you really do imo. There's a lot of crafting, installing defences like the catapult/fences for the monster attack event/explanation of the said events and mechanics/hints etc.
Its a very dialogue/text heavy game too. Even if it doesn't have much to do with the main plot at first you do also want to interact with the survivors as much as possible and see their development and how they're dealing with being stranded on the island. Not to mention you really should be able to read the equipment effects, materials and other stuff.
This is your love interest. Now go romance her.
I prefer Sara
I get the same style with Alisa. Hella better than 'muh wind' dude.
>this is the Reinford Company President
She will never be President. Alisa would drive that company into the ground so fast.
but she said that she was gonna be president in like a year or some shit
I like Cold Steel but it's pretty full on the anime tier stuff it has going on. Other than that eh true it's a JRPG at its core. Quests, hidden dialogue, scenes, level up system, etc.
This would be the dumbest thing to happen. The game has already shown on numerous occasions that Alisa impulsively acts on emotion and says shit without ever thinking of circumstance or even 5 seconds beyond the "now". Pretty much every single character introduced in the game other than her would be better suited to lead the Reinford Company. Even Rean's dog.