What does it take to change the nature of a man Sup Forums?

What does it take to change the nature of a man Sup Forums?


degenerate comics

I always though it was either regret or belief desu

a cube buddy with two crossbows

Thats belief

Thats regret

Is correct
But which one is more important?

what the fuck did i just

HUG MUMMY CURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you like it?

Watching your friend playing Planescape while he is completely stuck in Ravels maze but wont take any hints.

Isn't this from that one Steven Segal movie where he's some eskimo dude in Alaska and he throws Dr. Cox into a helicopter?

The will of a single man


You can't

Thats regret

And thats belief

Which one is it?

It was more rage, than regret.

A beautiful woman, user, as you changed my nature forever.

Save those tricks for ravel, cause they actually work

But is the game itself hinting that the answer is regret? You know with the fortress of regrets and everythi g.
But also in the final talk with tyour mortality you talk about belief

Why would you post an empty bench with flashing lights?

i must have missed the memo and have no fucking clue what this shit is, but it's fucked up so i guess it's somewhat worth my time to understand babbeh's or whatever.

>But is the game itself hinting that the answer is regret?
Regret was the first incarnation's answer.

I think you are right
Holy shit thank you

[Truth] Nothing can change the nature of a man.

A sale on GoG

Then explain this

I can keep posting them if you want me to

Belief overcomes Regret at a higher degree than the opposite.

The power of three

Updated my journal

Belief comes as a result of regret
Its why excons always go full religion mode

More like it's contained in the set of belief.

To regret, you have to believe what you did was wrong, and thus wish you had done something different. That belief can push you to change.

go ahead, i'll look into this faggotry tomorrow. must be some furfag shit idk but it's acceptable.

Classic Sup Forums

Post above is discussing the philosophy behind a game
And in the post right after somebody discovers a new fetish

Us channers amirite xD

Belief in this context doesn't mean religion, it means whatever you believe matters. If you believe you can change, then you can. If you believe you did wrong, you can be empowered to change.

The theme of the entire game is that things are in conflict with their own nature, often due to their beliefs, and coming to believe in something else can absolve them.

If you believe a man is unjust, you can defy death to chase him.
If you believe fire is truth, you can embrace flame.
If you believe Heaven is complicit in the Blood War, you can become a traitor that empowers the war.
If you don't believe anything, your city can shatter.
If you believe a man's answer matters, you can reshape your entire life to try to discover it.

PST is great because everything is thematically relevant.

Upvoted to the front page xd

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger xD

I still think that belief comes a sa result of regret.
Regret, especially in this context is the sudden realisation that waht you was wrong, kn this case anyway
The game pushes that belief itself using the exclusive sensory stone about the captain ordering the mass weapon to destroy a city
Thats my perception of it anyway

Sorry for the horrible typing im on my phone

> about the captain ordering the mass weapon to destroy a city
Given how some of those other stones were the Nameless One, my theory is still that that was the First Incarnation.

Anyways, we're not really disagreeing. As we said, to regret, you have to believe your actions were wrong. That's a belief. It's not that belief is the answer so regret is wrong, but rather that every answer is right so long as you believe it.

I dont necessarily disagree with your point either, its just I believe that regret is more of a sudden and reflex reaction, withoit the need of belief. Like when you start feeligh that weight in your stomach after you did something wrong which leads you to start thinking about your actions. Like in the captain sensory stone.
So thats why I think regret is the first step in the whole process of change

I don't think you'd have that reflex reaction unless you truly believed what you did was wrong and thus had the capacity for regret. If you killed some people and didn't give a fuck, or did it and didn't really think you could change anyways, then it wouldn't be enough.

There are also a lot of non-regret reasons that might drive someone to change their nature. For example, the Sensate who wipes his mind does it because he's bored. The do-gooder demon does so because he's forcibly bound to.

But the demons nature hasnt changed, he was just forced to act the way he does.
And the captain sensory stone clearly shows a sufden realisation that later leads to hindsight thinking about the whole thing, belief was not a pre-recuisite for that realisation

>he was just forced to act the way he does.
Doing good now is his nature. His case is an example that someone's nature need not be a voluntary choice, and duress can change you by force. He undeoubtedly believes in what Trias did to him, because it's a constant painful reminder whenever he does anything.

>a sufden realisation that later leads to hindsight thinking about the whole thing
ie: a change in his beliefs regarding the issue. If he didn't believe anything, his reflection would not change him at all.

The demon says on many ocasions that as soon as Trias is dead he will go back to his old ways and even punish you for making use of his charity
And all it took for the captain to experience regret was a moment of self reflection and just thinking about what he has done, no belief needed.

Sure, and yet here and now, the demon is forced to defy what he wants and do good. A geas is a hell of a thing. If the demon really didn't give a fuck, he could have found a way to destroy himself, but he didn't. He believed in the (legitimate) threat, and he believed that one day he'd be free, and so he went along with it.

If you think about what you did and don't see anything wrong, or don't see a reason/possibility to do so, you won't change. You have to believe there there is, that you can. And if you do, you will. That's the message.

Belief is a much stronger thing in the planescape setting as it is literally tied to existence itself, but the message stands regardless desu.

I still think that the nature of the demon hasnt changed, more like he is forced to wear a mask tbat makes him look like he has a different nature

Are you okay man?
I've seen this thread posted from you several times in the past couple days not getting replies and I'm not exactly positive what your thread's supposed to encompass.

I only started today
Is someone having a breakdown because of the game?
I dont blame them desu

> he is forced to wear a mask tbat makes him look like he has a different nature
I agree with this, but I'd argue that the mask controls his nature as he has no choice but to play the part or die.

Mask of the Betrayer expands on some of these themes: your nature undoubtedly is changed by force, but how you live with it is up to what you believe you should do.

What is this game like?
describe it using "It's like ____________ meets __________ but without the ______________"

It's like videogames meets a book but without the paper.

Its like baldurs gate meets a fantastic story but without the combat

I definately reccomend it. But approach it more like a story and not action packed rpg

That could be, or maybe I just saw it earlier today and assumed it was a few days ago? Is there any sort of optimism in this game? I feel like I had an existential crisis a few years ago and haven't managed to put myself back together completely. That's what having too much free time does to you I suppose

>Faggot gets in the way
>Does nothing but be a nuisance
Why do retarded American's love this image again? If it was an Iraqi and a column of American tanks they'ed be singing a different tune.

>Is there any sort of optimism in this game?
The best/true ending is bittersweet but has a powerfully hopeful theme, in my opinion.


Planescaape Torment is definately the best game for an existential crisis
If you want to dive deeper in it and give it some sort of vessel that is

>implying i have to play a game to read a book
it's called Crime and Punishment. look it up.

Nothing can change the nature of a man.

>Being so scared of dying that you literally hide in the negative planes behind a legion of shadows so you don't get your shit slapped
What was it that changed your nature to "little bitch"?

I've lost all hope. Not on humanity, or myself, but of meaning. I try and get by saying we create our own meaning, but even then, it still feels like a coping mechanism. The universal truth is that everything decay's and in death time no longer has relativity to my being. This may be read as extreme narcissism, but to me and to you the moment we die, everything goes along with it. How am I supposed to find peace in knowing my animal brain's one purpose will eventually fail?
I need a hobby

PT is the game for you

A big part of the story is that all members of the party are tormented by conflicts in their nature, ranging from disgust at the world to near existential crises. Through helping the Nameless One on his quest, they don't change themselves, but it helps them realize that if there's hope for someone as wretched as him, there's hope for them all as well.

Don't give up, user.

your hobby shouldn't be dwelling, it should be doing

This idea conceptually falls apart on itself, but my problem is I share a fear many people in their 20's do that I'm going to make my life and reach the end only to find out so late that I did it all wrong. I'm the youngest sibling so my entire life has been in the hands of the people around me while I get flung around feeling incapable of thinking for myself. I don't know how to escape these shackles and there's nobody I can talk to who understands my issue.
I feel the only reason I'm here is to support those around me when no one else acknowledges their pain, but then I get pushed away back into my corner as soon as they realize who's doing it. I've become such a disgusting excuse of a human being.

Yeah but you forget you can just find somethign to do, and if you don't like it, find something else
it's easy to sit and dwell, that's what I do, but I don't bitch and whine and justify it and want somebody else to fix it for me, I just do it and don't talk about it

Best advice I have is to get some measure of financial independence and move away to live your own life.

You're still young and can make changes, as long as you believe you can.

You have to do something. If you do nothing you will be nothing. [Know] what the last page of your life will look like. And in knowing, grow strong.


Taking away what makes a man- mortality