A majority womyn studio in the west

>a majority womyn studio in the west
>makes shit games with a "muh diversity and femimism" agenda

>a majority female studio in nippon
>makes great games
>makes great anime too
Just look at KyoAni, a predominantly female studio, and see the difference.
Why is the east constantly exemplifying how diversity should really be?


This is progress.

Turns out women actually can accomplish things when you judge them on their own merits, rather than giving them free pass through everything simply for having a vagina.

>majority womyn studio in the west

This exists?

Bioware and present day ubisoft
have you not seen the pictures?

>>makes great games
>>makes great anime too
nice joke. both make garbage.
>Just look at KyoAni

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ubisoft and bioware are two of the absolute worst, not surprising.


Nice meme. KyoAni is the best anime studio in the industry right now, Hell, for some time now.

>Just look at KyoAni
Consider me baited, friendo.

Why does Sup Forums suck kyoani's dick so much

>Nice meme.

Their last good anime was FMP Fumoffu


You mean the picture of a few employees among a company that employs thousands? They are far from being "majority female,"

Kyoani pays its animators a decent wage, unlike most animation studios.


Wasn't that also their first?

Ubisoft has a ton of studios, one of them is predominantly female, hence that picture.
And surprise surprise, they make shit games.

How about Bioware, huh? Since they started pandering to this diversity shit and became little by little prodominantly female, the quality of their games also fell to shit.

That's a misnomer.

>vita "gameplay"
No wonder it flopped in the west

What developer is this?

Look, user. Sunrise had their time in the limelight. So did Shaft. So did Madhouse. But we are in the era of KyoAni right now. They are the best and most beloved studio by the industry and by fans alike currently, and nobody can dispute this fact.

>studio composed of women in japan focuses on making niche games for a dedicated following of fans and supporters
>studio composed of women in USA focuses on pushing their personal agenda down peoples' throats while bellowing about sexism

One wants to make a game, the other wants to make a statement.

I don't give a rats ass about female/racial/cultural representation in my recreational free time. I want to play a game, not pay to get lectured at.

>Japanese Rubbing Simulator

God bless glorious Nippon.