Where do yo want the next TES game to take place?
>Elsweyr cause Khajiit master race
>Mammoth size cats
>Like 6 different types of cat homies
Where do yo want the next TES game to take place?
>Elsweyr cause Khajiit master race
>Mammoth size cats
>Like 6 different types of cat homies
Other urls found in this thread:
You should probably buy a PC that can handle a MMORPG at more than minimum settings before worrying about forthcoming singleplayer games.
That is exactly why it won't happen. Would take too much effort from Bethesda.
>thats a screencap from a youtube vid
>got a decent tower PC
Just leave
>Black Marsh
>Black Marsh
>Black Marsh
>Black Marsh
>Black Marsh
>Black Marsh
Either Black Marsh or Elsweyr.
I really want to know how wacky the Kajiit's homeland is.
I hate furfag races, so probably cryodiil again or valenwood
Bethesda won't remember the different types of Khajiit and how the moon affects them. Something about a transcription error.
I only know some basic stuff but I really wanna fuck around there.
This is a good lore video/series in general
There will never be a TES game in Elsweyr because marketing a game primarily about cat people in a desert isn't something for mass appeal like Dragons and Nords or Demons and Whiteys.
Morrowind was the last game to have a unique setting because TES wasn't mass appeal then.
Are you telling me that OP pic is actually from a gsme? I thought it's some badly drawn concept art.
Off planet in the 7th age.
I hope not, but I have been watching them slowly change into one of the most money-grubbing game companies out there.
Modded skyrim pic from
exactly this.
There will never be a TES game again where the hero isn't a human race or human like.
Bethesda will play safe now.
Morrowind could get alway with being morrowing because it was niche game.
Oblivion turned Cyrodiil in cookie cutter fantasy setting #16454 because of that.
Skyrim was Vikings vs Dragons on generic fantasy villages..
tl;dr: Bethesda sold out for the normies.
Every TES game ever, no matter where it takes place the player decides what race the hero is.
>argument invalid
came here to post this
It's just a fuckin' desert.
yeah breh look at all the marketing for Skyrim and the trailers and imagery showing off an Argonian. you know, not a nord in iron armor with sword and shield.
Yeah and also look at how different the beast races are, it's not at all like they just reskinned human races.
Never heard of Redguard?
Point taken
The game lets you be any of the races but what business executives at Zenimax would look at Skyrims success and go 'Yeah, but can we focus the millions of dollars we'll spend on marketing this shit on a fucking cat person?'
Go on and tell me what you think the three most popular races in Skyrim were player wise and tell me why they'd be different enough in a new TES game to spend millions and millions of dollars marketing non humans.
Just been playing Morrowind the last couple of days trying to pretend Bethesda still had their shit together.
A fuckin desert that resisted the Aldmeri, refuses the White-Gold Concordat, is independent, used to have dwemer, and its not all desert yah goof.
Hammerfell could be fun, I'm sick of stereotypical not!european settings.
Despite my cyncism I would love nothing more than a non European fantasy-style TES game again ala Morrowind.
But I just don't see it happening.
I love it when you try to tell someone that their argument may have changed your mind and then they just continue to argue. Fuck outa here
Sorry man i'm just passionate about the series and that leads to me being butthurt and cynical.
OP didn't ask what we expected.
He asked what we wanted.
And I want Hammerfell dammit.
I feel it, one of my favorite game series' is crashing and burning.
Already happened with Fallout, when they took a lot of what made it Fallout, ripped it out, then shoved some random shit in, like base building, survival, no fucking skills, just perks, etc.
Ticks me off.
Only a matter of time till they do it with ES
Implying that's necessarily a bad thing
Across all media there has to be some sort of human element to draw people in. That's why Star Wars isn't primarily otherworldly creatures saving the galaxy.
By your logic, no disney movie with anthro animals should do well, since they aren't humans.
>INB4 but they acting like humans
So a fucking lizard person in armor holding a sword with a bipedal humanoid body, and moving like a human, isn't fucking acting human?
I lost the warhammer fantasy setting which I liked and we got fucking generic fantasy shit for a new setting.
I love all the surreal mytholgy in TES that feels like mythology and I just know that if popularity has a say and it will, that shit will be diminishing game after game till theres nada left.
That's literally why I fell in love with TES
Makes me sad
I mean read that shit, it's so fucking cool. You can make a mind sword that can cut ideas. How do you cut an idea? Fuck if I know but a Redguard could if he really, really wants to.
How would you learn the art of sword singing if using it kills you?
Yeah, but how the fuck do you learn the ritual without dying? And if it's something that could be done mid-battle, what's stopping you from doing it accidentally? Or from never figuring it out because in order to show you how to do it, someone would have to kill themselves.
Woah, slow down there. We don't really need to do such assumptions. Elder Scrolls has always been good and I highly doubt anything you said you like will be removed or diminished. Take into account that those are the things that make the games what they are, and in this case, is why the series is getting so much attention in the first place, so there's no need to worry about them replacing or taking that out. Come one people, don't be so negative when there's no indication of shit going down.
Maybe it has an instruction manual.
>there's still a book in Skyrim that mentions the "lush jungles of Cyrodiil"
>you will never dress like a Roman Legionnaire and patrol the jungle
but only argonians can live in the black marsh. How would we get other races to work in the game?
As much as people joke about it just being "Skyrim 2", you'd better believe that option is being discussed.
At the very least the marketing will refer to it as "The sequel to Skyrim" instead of "the next chapter in The Elder Scrolls"
Realistically, we're going to High Rock
Now I'm just imagining someone picking it up and an instruction manual popping into existence in front of them, and it has all kinds of instructions that, for our time, are standard warnings, but for the person there, are just fucking confusing.
""Do not swallow" why the fuck would I swallow a sword?"
What about the Nerevarine? The reincarnation is just whatever race the player chooses. Or are you saying Dunmer are "human-like"? Fucking n'wah I swear...
>Entirely This
I highly doubt we'll ever have a game fully set in the Redguard lands ever again too. Majority of Elder Scroll fans are Caucasians and Asians. They wouldn't enjoy playing as a shitskin in todays time, especially with the political climate, it just wouldn't sell.
It's ether going to be a Elven area because normies love elves or it's going to be another prominent human, white land.
>but only argonians can live in the black marsh
Yeah, and Cyrodiil used to be a jungle. Bethesda throws lore out the window whenever it suits their marketing department.
But that game is literally Skyrim's prequel.
What tidbits we found in Skyrim, combined with today's 'lolsorandum' culture, Elsweyr is a Wonderland-esque juxtapose to the uber-serious Skyrim, harkening back Morrowind levels of interesting gameplay.
Shame Zenimax is going to ruin it regardless.....
I hope they have a climbing mechanic or something if they do go to Elsweyr.
I know most won't agree with me, but being in a rain forest and being limited to the ground just seems stupid.
Well, at least they kind of explain it, I'll give them that. They use the "it's been a really long time and shit changed man", but that's better than not saying anything.
Argonians can only live in the Black Marsh, but there are several areas on the outskirts that are survivable for other races.
And considering any race can become argonian, it wouldn't be hard to somehow work that into the lore/gameplay.
I mean, hell--a fucking Kahjit can become a Dovakin.
Summerset Isles with the option to take boats to the shores of other regions?
They'd have to do a little lore-gymnastics to explain why outsiders are allowed in the Altmer homeland though
>Black Marsh
Can't market cat and lizard people to normalfag CoD players.
>Summerset Isles
Too high fantasy to market to normalfags.
Consoles can't render dense forests and jungles. We'd end up with another Cyrodiil "transcription error"
Next game will be either High Rock or Hammerfell. Those are the only provinces normal enough for casuals to be attracted to and the only ones that can be developed for consoles.
Valenwood's a safe bet
um, you'd be taken there as a prisoner duh
They've already butchered the lore, they can simply retcon it again to explain why outsiders are there.
We could be spies that are captured and before they can kill us we escape or escape from jail or are on a slave boat to their lands.
TES VI: Landfall
we skip all the way ahead to the ragnarok of TES when Numidium returns to fuck the world to death
Doesn't matter because the game will never match what's set up in the lore.
>Omg! Meow! =D Kittys are lyfe!!
Stop pretending that you're a 16 year old gamer girl
In a world developed by a game company that actually cares.
Yeah the slave/prisoner thing could work. Alternatively you could be sent there as an ambassador or something.
Then obviously a thing happens that makes you the chosen one, so they accept you.
What was the reaction when Skyrim was announced? Did people expect it?
>user has an argument with himself
Thanks for joining us, Sheogorath.
>lol he lieks cats, what a fag
I like the Khajiit, fuck you.
Kharjo bro for life.
Plus enchanted gloves, ring, plus racial bonus = FITE ME FAGGOT
They'd probably just design it in a way that tree branches and trunks form ramps and pathways through the canopy.
Valenwood because it'd be a pretty cool place I suppose and it's the most likely out of any of the provinces other than Hammerfell to be featured in the next game.
Too bad there'll be no migratory trees because Bethesda is full of lazy fuckasses
Yeah, but can you imagine parkouring like a fuckin ninja through the woods.
I know most people would hate it, but I think it'd be fun.
Elsweyr would be the next best option since it would be a great compliment with the differences of Skyrim.
They could work in constantly changing landscapes where the sand dunes sometime engulf ruins, or reveal them. They should also throw in a dehydration meter, where you can't wander forever in the desert unless you have enough water or reach an oasis.
I want a desert or arid setting so Highrock or Elswyr, but I concerned by how much half-assing would be involved with the different Khajiit races.
I wouldn't want Black Marsh or Valenwood after how Beth handled Cyrodil's 'jungle'.
It's ok when Bethesda does it
Thats the best answer ive seen all thread
>Arrested for some reason or another--probably some random law you were unaware
>Guard is amiable and bears no ill-will against you
>As night settles, an especially bright moon shines overhead
>Khajit guard takes it as an omen, and on a whim, releases you
>Tutorial is you trying to figure a way out of your cell with the help of the guard, whether it be pickpocketing, lockbreaking, fighting and knocking him out, etc.
I always do my first play through as a cat focused on stealth. Tis a shame there's no throwing weapons anymore.
"Khajit Claws add 12pts
Fortify Unarmed Damage
This enchantment can be applied to your Gauntlets and a Ring. The base is +5pts damage.
Max Enchanting seems to be able to improve on the base to 362% the base which would give 18pts damage per enchanted item.
Adds 36pts
You'll want Daedric gauntlets which have a base defence of 18. However, if smithed with maximum smithing and wearing heavy armour you can get a much higher defence.
To get this number I will reference Min - Maxing Armor / Weapons using Crafting in Skyrim.
If you add up the base Daedric armour you get 144 defence.
Of the 144 base armour, 18 or 12.5% is from the gauntlets.
Full Daedric Armor: 2469 Armor
12.5% of 2469 = 308.625
Level 100 heavy armour = +40%
Perks = +150%
Fortify Heavy Armour (Neck, Chest, Arm, Finger) = 4 * 29% = +116%
Adds ~1250 Damage
Adds 18 Damage
Base Attack = 10pt
Khajit Claws = 12pts
Fortify Unarmed Damage * 2 = 36pts
Daedric Gauntlets = 18 Damage
76 damage per hit"
Kicking ass and taking names.
(Yes I know 76 isn't that much, but for unarmed, it's badass.)
Always play a sneak-cat, always will
I almost respected your opinion until you spoke that hideous word.
Skyrim makes for a mildly decent shooter if you play bow+stealth.
Sadly it's melee combat is shit
I wish there were more gameplay differences between the races.
As of now, it just feels like choosing which stat boosts you want.
tru dat
tru dat
no matter how much I try though, I somehow devolve into a sneaky archer, but when I'm caught I run in with a one-handed (Faster strike speed and lets you carry a shield, or use magic) and kick ass.
No matter how I try, always happens.
I can't help but laugh at this.
>add kickass unarmed finishing animations to your game, including a sneak attack suplex
>not a skill, no unarmed weapons
>I highly doubt anything you said you like will be removed or diminished.
>so there's no need to worry about them replacing or taking that out
Not him but Fallout 4 has told me a few things about Bethesda's current attitude towards staying consistent to lore and the decreasing involvement in implementing that lore, so I'm a bit pessimistic when it comes to them making the next TES.
Plus it's a general rule that the more popular a form of entertainment gets, the more watered down it becomes.
What tis wrong with how m'e talks m'y fine gentlemen?
For real though I have no excuse outside of playing lots of medieval games lately where they all use tis.
Yeah, it especially sucks when orcs are the best race for everything because their daily power is overpowered as fuck.
please look at
Unarmed is viable, it's just that I don;t think bethesda really expected people to want it.
I'm playing an unarmed khajiit right now, but i'm still annoyed at the lack of unarmed weapons, they have them in fallout why not in Es?
So, did the dwemer uncreate themselves or are they the skin of a giant robot?
My first playthrough I chose Breton because I just wanted to be a normal white guy. Everyone was like, "oh, so you're doing magic huh?". No, I was a plain old warrior, and they acted like it was a waste.
nah dude they are just hiding
Because they decided to casualize it.
Normies can't wrap their head around punching someone with a sword or bow.
bretons are half-elves renowned for their magic. Imperials are the generic white people.
In uninstallia
Well, I mean, there's Nords, who are made for warrioring, and look similar to bretons.
Imperials honestly look more Mediterranean to me.
They started poking the heart of Lorkhan with sticks and poofed themselves out of space and time.
Scalies please leave
Valenwood, if only for the chance for Todd to include the southwestern tip of Cyrodiil. I miss Anvil
Why do people like lizardroaches?