ITT: Good looking vidya devs

I''ll start with Skullgirls lead animator.

why do you care?

No te creo

I look better in a dress than her!

She is an asian goddess. Too bad she's a lesbo.

>vidya dev

Shes just a hot girl with deviant art tier art that got lucky because shes hot.

I want her to jerk me off with her thighs.

I grew up in an age where people were sucking each other off in the bathroom.

Do you really think that's going to separate men from their urges?

Every lesbian just needs a good dicking.

I thought she was dating a white guy or some shit?

You can literally see him behind her

>implying she does anything more than get coffees. No, you're right she's too hot for that, her assistant gets them.

>good looking

She might not be gay, but you've got to be pretty gay to notice that.


>butthurt shitkskin detected

t. asian


>being not fat
>dressing slutty for a selfie
>hipstershitz from the neck up
>"Good looking"

The sad part about this image is Jade didn't want to be whored out, she just happened to be authentically pretty to look at. And she still manages not to be a complete whore like op.

Made for bearing babies

Name 1 better looking jap male dev

>Dating Alpha Nerd: Tyson Hesse

You are the opposite of right.

they are engaged now
he has to have a huge dick because she is way to hot for him. He is really successful for being a comic artist though


I bet Jade is a freak.

I don't he can look very good with eyes that slanted.



>pre-dinner date photo
>developer office photo


Please give me more


Please buy his game he worked hard on it




I'm not picky.

>dinner date
>looking like a $200 a turn whore
She looks like she's advertising for an escort service and forgot to do her face.

too cute for video games

I'm worried you might have some issues, homie.

she overdressed for TGAs for the 2nd year in a row
thats all
why are you so triggered

Is this the one that´s actually an SJW or am I confusing her with other asian chick?

Is that a non mechanical keyboard

and you wonder why you're alone...

Attractive white girl, you're our poster child.

Black guy? Stand slightly off to the side but still immediately noticable. Asian woman? You're kinda old but we need those points.

Fucking white males (and single asian male)? Huddle together in the back somewhere.

>other asian "chick"

Now that I think about it, the one I was thinking about is chubbier.

It doesn't get much better than Mariel. She's a hot game dev chick that draws lesbian slime tentacle anime chicks on the side and is open about her guro fetish. Dem thighs, too.

Daisuke Ishiwatari

>she's getting married soon
why live

weird to find out her grew up in south africa


>that manlet whose face is covered by jade
i can taste the tear through time and space

Moderately attractive Asian girls aren't uncommon, though.

Sounds like you need to lift your game a bit, senpai.

Not too many pics of her it seems. She's pretty cute though.

She did the art for Bastion and Transistor so she's talented too.

Shizune a shit.

honestly i would

She wore a short-skirted santa dress for one of their xmas casts and her legs were driving me crazy.

huh so she doesnt do it for pyre?

Your a dumb ass if you think a dick matters that much to a woman.

>Tyson Hesse abandon boxer hockey for success and a hot asian gf
I feel so foresaken.

I want to creampie Kinucakes


Remember when she was a literal egg woman when she appeared on that one Mega64 video? She really did unJUST herself and it's nice to see.

used to have a huge folder but deleted it and now im working towards building it up again

Whenever I see cute girls I feel creepy as fuck.

I'm having a hard time holding back

i got no game dude

Tyson used to hang out here and on Sup Forums, I've always been a fan of his.


fuckin A mate


are u a gay ????????/

>he doesnt have multiple folders of cute girls to stare at in bed when you're sad
step it up

Ey yo who bitch this is?

Fuck I know dude. I work with a SHITLOAD of cute girls at my job, and I can't help but tease and play around with them. Makes me feel fuckin weird.

And if I go like a week without masturbating, I start to get really flirty. I need to get laid.

>Literal Egg Woman
Proof? Sounds cute. Fat Asian girls with cute faces are a bit of a soft spot.Man I fucked that up


what does fucking a mean?

I fucking hate women.

That's what you think.

Her hipster/whore mismatch? I don't know, pic related, she looks like actual trash trying to pass for human.

not mad

yeah... probably...

Am I being beaten up by a samefag?

She looks like a whore, and she looks like she made no effort from the neck up.

this thread has my boner on a rollercoaster


>Folder full
HA! What a loser. I'm not some sad pathetic Beta I just go to my waifu's instagram before I go to bed.
Get some self respect Bruh.

haha yeah man fuck girls self-righteous cunts all of em they can go to helim so lonely


It's time to become a trap mate.

You missed the old white woman.

She looks horrible w/o makeup

Go for it dude, as long as you're subtle. Couple of weeks and they get horny as well.


I'm inclined to agree. She has this weird thing going on where she shouldnt be attractive but is.

I want to suck Kamiya-san's massive cock

perfection in motion


>thick Asian

Yellow fever intensifies

>you will never have her thick thighs rub you

i used to but then one day one of them deleted all their online stuff. I need to future proof all my creep shit


what do you think his fetish is?

She's cute unless she's wearing just enough make up to cover major flaws but sparse enough that people think it's just how she naturally looks

I tried looking but couldn't find it. It was one of their skits where Mariel showed up at a door holding roses or some shit. She was really putting on weight then and her cheeks were bulging.