What the fuck was his problem

What the fuck was his problem

He knew he had the potential to be a good villain, but since FFXV is a clusterfuck of development hell and feels like three rough drafts thrown in a blender together with zero cohesion, he can never reach that potential.

Sounds about right. He could have succeeded in removing Noctis early on, but the plot demanded some convoluted reason for defeating him at his full potential.

At least the VA performance was excellent nomatter what was going on.

He was a great villain though.

>He could have succeeded in removing Noctis early on
His vengeance wasn't even against noctis it was against the light and the ring which denied him his ascension you fucking retard.

He didn't want vengeance against noctis he wanted vengeance against the very people who denied him which is what noctis became when he combined in them while staying inside the crystal for 10 years

He's wearing a fedora

From the looks of him, he probably got too euphoric.

Hello XV-kun.

>Revenge story for generic reason
>Good villain


His reasons for revenge were far from generic.

He was driven mad by things beyond his control.

Why does his fedora look shopped on?

>Good villain

>Literally pink haired cowboy with a fedora

FFXV done fucked up the antagonist

What's the reason he and the Kingsglaive Sauron general are as strong or stronger than Noctis/Regis? Like is there even a plot reason?

Son of Bahamut, first king of Lucis and fallen savior. After the war following the betrayal of Ifrit the darkness began spreading. It was then that two humans with Astral blood were tasked with keeping it at bay, the oracle and the chosen king.
They were meant to eradicate it, then die and ascend to become full fledged astrals. Ardyn however had personal qualms with killing people who had become infected, so instead he decided to take the darkness into himself. He became known as a savior to the people of Eos. This over time lead to his corruption and him gaining immortality. In the end the crystal rejected him and his ascension was denied, but he continued. The young king-to-be, his son was jealous of his father and declared that he had become a monster, spurned on by the crystal/Bahamut who now saw him as something worse than the darkness, something that needed to be destroyed.

That shot where he was walking through the ruined Imperial capital and turned towards the camera as a ghoul was pretty good

He's really more of an illusionist trickster, until the game drops the ball and makes him le generic swordfightign man

That thing on Regis's head is not a crown or an ornament, that's a horn.



When Noctis invokes the powers of the Great Kings his eyes turn red, just like when he invokes the powers of the astrals.


Ardyn was originally going to transform into Chaos, the astral of darkness in his final fight in the Memory of the Stars location and you would fight him with the bros and Regis, but it got dropped.

What is this DragonBall Z shit?

Eyehax has never been part of DBZ, this is Bleach-shit.
Ardyn and Noctis reeks of Ichigo vs Yhwach.

Bless you.

that's purple, not red

Eyehax is Naruto's territory more than it ever was Bleach's

You're color blind, that's actually a very light red, almost pink.
Noctis' eyes also very briefly flash red in the original versus trailer.

Eye powers, yeah. Bleach dominated eye color/pattern as a symbol though. Ichigo changes eye color depending on what power he is using. Lots of quincies, hybrids, God and Yhwach have freaky eyes as well.