Guillermo del Toro: 'Fuck Konami', 'cancelling Silent Hills is one of the most moronic things I've ever witnessed'

>Guillermo del Toro: 'Fuck Konami', 'cancelling Silent Hills is one of the most moronic things I've ever witnessed'

Based del toro

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literaly who


He has to go back.

Pacific Rimjob 2 when


Canceling Silent Hills was a necessary evil. Konami doesn't have the budget to do what these whackjobs want them to do. If Kojima and del Toro want to make a movie like the hacks they are then they should go make a movie. Kojima alone hasn't made a good game since MGS3, and some people would argue MGS3 wasn't even that good.

So, would you rather Konami be a pachinko company only?

Del Toro is an idiot, Konami gave Kojima free reign with MGSV and he completely ripped them off, of course they're not going to give him another 5 year $100 million project for him to jerk off with.

I don't care about Konami. Pachinko is a successful business outside of the west and it will always remain like that. I'd rather they make no new video game entries rather than churn out shallow "cinematic" games.

MGS5 made so much money, though.


you gotta be fucked in the head to enjoy horror

>some people would argue MGS3 wasn't even that good.
Some people would also be diagnosed with mental retardation.

anyone got that Silent Hill DL pasta?

>Pachinko is a successful business outside of the west and it will always remain like that.

Not if Japan legalizes gambling.

>not knowing who one of the greatest film directors on the planet is

You are one dumb nigger.


>we will never get a pacific rim 2

absolutamente basado

konamis pachinko business is doing terrible in japan same with mobile. they literally got rid of their money makers except soccershit


Any anyone should care.... why?

But he's white


What do you mean? They're filming right now. With good ol John "That's No Moon, But That Jedi's a Coon" Boyega in a prominent role.

Louis CK and James Roday are both mexicans, too.

There are "white" looking mexicans.

>We'll never get his version of the Hobbit that was supposed to be rated R.

You sad dense piece of shit, you.

Del Toro has never NOT been based.

Pfff, we will never get a pacific rim game

He's Spanish not white.

They just happen to look white, but if you're born in a Latin American country, you can't be white. Just like Charlize Theron is black, she's African.

Too bad they'll never stop trying thanks to the occasional big hit like Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Fate/Grand Order which literally never stop making money.

That's what I mean, that guy is saying he's white because he doesn't look like what he typically attributes what a Mexican would look like.

They literally started filming last month.

if they are so strapped for cash they cant make what their fans want, they should sell the licence and let someone else make it, sitting on an IP to spite the fans earns them a fuck you.

He's a berniebot. Who cares what that spic has to say?

He's going back

Pacific Rim was shit, way too much time wasted trying and failing to explain how their robots work and why they're the only option and too little robot action that was the only good thing about the film.

so nothing at all like the hobbit then?

del Taco is pretty cool

>there is somehow a Konami defense force

I would've preferred that over the shit we ended up getting instead.

Kojima and Konami are both failures who made good projects during the 90's.

They both aged and became irrelevant in the 2000's so who the fuck cares at this point. Konami whores out it's IP's and Kojima is a hack who can't make a good story progression to save his life.

>If you're born in Latin America, you can't be white

/polacks/ pls

Silent Hills is a niche franchise, and konami wanted a AAA+ budget


>Can their legitimate and beloved game production in order to fund literally illegal gambling scams
>Japan clamps down on illegal gambling

They made every mistake they could make.

meant kojima, not konami

Nah, it's just Sup Forums. Ignore them, they're being pissy because senpai Trump is ignoring the alt right.

He was whining about Trump, so we should hate him. Fuck Del Cuckoro

I wish.
Absolutely hated the first one and I was hyped as fuck for it. Even went for the IMax 3D. Ended up being one of the most cliched movies I've ever seen with lackluster fights.

Not that user, but I've hated Konami for years ever since they made it clear that they couldn't give any less of a shit over Silent Hill. The signs were all there, and you fuckers only started caring when they went after that hack Kojima, a man who has, by his own hand, started fucking MGS up ever since 4.

Konami is a soulless corporation that only cares about money, but Kojima is a hack who should never ever be allowed full creative control over games or else he'll go off the rails and we'll get a big mess.

>Kojima is the wackjob

More like Konami are the wackjobs

What fucking company puts a man on a different floor in a different office for the last 6 months of development and bans him from seeing his dev team, forcing him to communicate through a middle man?

He IS our guy, right?

Easy there alt right cuck, do you need a safe space from opinions you don't agree with?

>hates based President Elect


More like US burgers, they have the mental bandwidth of cheeseburger. Everyone who has half a brain and knows something about history knows better.

>you will never get rimmed in the pacific

jesus christ, we get it, stop trying so hard

That's a fucking shame. Would have been too good to be true

>whore out SH to western devs, thinking that the fans want a more western approach to a pre-dominantly Japanese game
>it backfires miserably
>instead of realizing the answer is to give it to a Japanese developer, Konami thinks people don't want SH at all and they more or less let it die

What did they mean by this?

>some people would argue that MGS3 wasn't that good

I'd give my life, not for honor, but for (You).

You clearly don't know much about Japanese business ethics because this is a thing they do all the time with manga artists and writers.

They're passive aggressive and generally awful. This is normal over there, but I imagine Kojima's case was particularly harsh because he must have pissed someone important off.

How is SH niche? It's the series everyone thinks of when they think of survival horror along with Resident Evil.

Peace Walker was a good game.

Not anymore, gray haired guy. Now they think of Five Nights at Freddy's and Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia hasn't been relevant in years, autismo. Now, if you would've went with Outlast I might have believed you.

>everyone shitting on konami
how are they even still trying

Hope his career bombs because of this.

This. SH is the old man's horror that peaked around SH2 and SH3 then had a bunch of shovelware level sequels.

Why didn't Kojima just make a cyberpunk mecha-kaiju game with Deltaco instead?

>Amnesia hasn't been relevant in years
More relevant than Silent Hill. It's a game current gamers actually played while the old Silent Hill games are only known through retro enthusiast Let's Plays, "Wow, they don't make em like this anymore best games ever URG THESE CONTROLS wow so good"

>mfw I see people say they hope they don't screw up the plot threads being tied up at the end
I just want to see giant robots punch giant monsters.

Imagine making so much money for a company that they get pissed off and do everything they can to try and make you quit.

This is not your everyday contrarian... this is... an ADVANCED contrarian!

I agree that it was shit but have you guys really only seen Pacific Rim out of his filmography? It's not a very good representative example.

Okay so

>del toro= automatically good

got it

>based del taco
What's based about it? He's a garbage director who only made one good movie by chance. If anything he only exists because he has a good special effects and design team

>Pan's Labyrinth is 10 years old this year

so Razorfist? he was in that 1% that thought SHboot was going to suck ass.

It's like they hate money.

All they did was make sure MGSV wasnt properly finished because the team didn't have internet at times and lacked their leader.

They still sold a fuckton of copies too.

>a ripoff of Labyrinth is a decade old

who fucking cares? Del Toro is a hack.

>It's like they hate money.

Silent Hills wasn't going to make "modern Triple A gaming industry standards" money. Fuck even MGSV was too goddamn expensive and it barely made bank back. Why do you think tbey released a definitive edition so early and are rehashing its' assets for a multiplayer game?

Berniebots aren't as bad as Hillshills.

The berniebots that turned into Hillshills are the worst.

Here it is.

SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
Also google sh2 xpadder there's a couple of buttons to set for comfort play.

If all else fails and you can't get your controller to work, lookup joy2key (make sure to get the right version, there's some malware posing as it out there.) it'll let you map your controller to keyboard and mouse.

Kojima has never made a bad game.

>Pan's labyrinth is a ripoff of labyrinth

U wot?


These fags blaming konami are just as bad as the nomurafags blaming Tabata for everything.

They all suck

wasn't he a producer on Castlevania Lords Of Shadow? Because fuck that game.

We have no way of telling how successful Silent Hills would have been, so stop it with these meme. It may have been great, or it may have been total garbage. We don't know, but going by what TPP ended up being plus how pretentious Death Stranding looks, I'm willing to bet that it sure wouldn't have been a true Silent Hill.

I mean fuck, you retards think RE7 looks like an abortion, and it's pretty clearly taking massive inspiration from PT. If a walking sim first person RE isn't a "true" RE to you guys, why would Silent Hills have been any different when the series has always always ALWAYS followed that traditional RE style of gameplay?


Unbased is all he's been since he made Pacific Rim.
It was such a pile of shit.

He didn't make it though.

It's okay, he's never seen either movie but they both have the same word in the title so the one that came later is clearly a rip off.

>the nomurafags blaming Tabata for everything

can we fucking stop with this "XV is bad" meme? I swear this has to be coming from assblasted Lightningfags mad that their waifus game got devastated in the sales and review categories by the masses.

>Implying Tabata didn't ruin everything.

>it's pretty clearly taking massive inspiration from PT.

If I had more tinfoil in my brain I would dare accuse Capcom of outright stealing ideas from P.T. after it was made abundantly clear Silent Hills was never going to happen.

>mgs3 (the first one with the shitty camera
>mgs: pw

Producer is not developer.

Not a bad game, also it came packaged with mgo2 which was godlike. It says something for your expectations for him that people would even consider calling mgs4 a bad game.

I'd say it and DMC4 were my GOTY 2008.

>I'm not saying it wouldn't have been a success but I'm saying it wouldn't have been a success

u wot mate?


XV is shit and so is XIII. They aren't mutually exclusive