Why do people say this game is the best in the series, again?

Why do people say this game is the best in the series, again?

>worthless lock on system
>bad camera
>clunkier combat than Burst
>fewer enemies on screen than Burst
>awful boss fights with obnoxious invincibility frames
>tag mechanic adds almost nothing to the combat
>story is completely inferior to Burst's

The framerate, production values, and customization are better, but Burst honestly had better gameplay and story.

just post the porn since we all know that's the endgame of this thread anyway

ninja tiddies!

Burst is the only game in the series even worth looking at, which is kinda pathetic since its still on the lower end of mediocre.
SK2 is really frustrating to me since it has all the ingredients to be actually good but they dropped the ball on pretty much everything

I totally prefer burst's 2d beat em up gameplay over the 3d musou shit. I wish they had kept that gameplay style for the 3ds.

>Why do people say this game is the best in the series, again?
nobody says that, stop lying, everyone says the PS SKs are better.

I never heard anyone say 2 is better than Burst, much less the best in the series.
Usually people say SKSV is the best.
I got much less hours from 2 than I did Burst.
But 2's got the cup size altering DLC so...

It also has an edge content-wise with Yoma's nest, special missions, and DLC that's actually pretty good if not a bit pricey. Still, I can agree to an extent - in terms of gameplay I really only put it above Burst because 2 has a good framerate. If Burst were remade with 2's production values and framerate it would easily be the best in the series, bar none.

They aren't, they're just more popular.

2 is commonly considered the best amongst the SK fanbase on Sup Forums at a bare minimum. Personally I think SV is the worst of the action games - story is completely throwaway, playing through 4 schools worth of characters drags after a while and the gameplay proper is the easiest to date, even on Hard. I honestly think that even EV had better pacing, difficulty and in some respects story, even if it took some hits mechanically.

>I wish they had kept that gameplay style for the 3ds.

Agreed. 2D for 3DS, 3D for Vita/PS4.

Because theres actual effort to tell a story, develop the characters, and not rely on cheap fanservice--its a bonus instead.

But oh well, guess we'll never see that again, huh?

the gameplay isn't the best, but the game itself is a giant upgrade to burst.
it also has the best story and extra content.
also the best boob physics.

estival obviously has the best gameplay. personally my favorite is shinovi.

>estival obviously has the best gameplay

Said no one ever.

Is the Busticated DLC worth buying?

Probably because it's an overall improvement over Burst aside from the story and maybe the music? Like you said the lock on and camera are completely worthless and boss fights are pretty obnoxious but those are all problems in the other games and even with those issues it still manages to be the best one overall in gameplay.

Also, it added in a lot of neat things like different styles for some of the girls, air ninpos, tag ninpos, different weapon skins, shinobi stones and the best DLC the series has seen yet.

Yes, if you can only get one DLC pack, get Busticated.

>it also has the best story

I'd say Burst's story is better than 2's but they work in tandem to create something that blows the Versus games the fuck out in that regard. 2 mostly felt like a suitably darker follow-up to Burst but I think Burst had a better arc in its back half.

>estival obviously has the best gameplay

Unfortunately, it's not a straight upgrade from SV. Yes, it added some cool things but it removed some solid fundamentals as well like infinite dashing and cancels (though the latter was patched back in), not to mention it's probably the slowest, weightest game in the series which would be fine if the superarmored everything weren't at complete odds with that design. I still like it more than SV but it's hardly perfect.

Very much so.

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

>Why do people say this game is the best in the series, again?

Because they're salty nintendrones that will never play the best ones so they rather lie about their own games being the best one.

>senran kagura on the 3DS
Does it not have potato framerate

I've played all 4 action games to date. 2's the overall best, and the beat-em-up direction of the 3DS games is generally better than the musou-lite direction of the Versus ones.

The framerate is surprisingly good even with 3d on, its only shit when you're in the Hub area for some reason.

2 has a good framerate. Also has the best artstyle in the series so it looks the best too.

And it also had fmvs, while EV only had three cutscenes with the atrocious OVA artstyle.

>that lip sync

I doubt we'll ever see that kind of dedication in this series again.