MMO tank thread

MMO tank thread

Why is there so many MMO tank games but no single player tank games?

Reminder that tanks and healers only exist to give shitty players a role in the party and DPS is for patricians that thrive on the competition that comes with the role

>this is what dps players think

i'll keep soaking damage so you can shine on, my little star :^)

>tfw healer for a bunch of BRs
>the tank refuses to block
>the very squishy DPS doesn't evade
>The other DPS doesn't move the boss out of the way so I can rez anybody

Using instance matching instead of partying up with guild members was a mistake.

you can just as well replace that with "actual mmo players" and it would be just as accurate

Yeah that competition for group and raid spots is pretty intense.

>needs the game designed around giving him something to do
>y-yeah well my hp pool

>needs to have a class designed in the game to protect him because he's too stupid to attack and evade
>b..but muh dps

>tfw gf almost always exclusively plays healer
>tfw she always only heals the tank
Should I be worried?


>literally using how the game was designed to give him something to do as his defense
Vindictus had the right idea with its combat, it just needed to be better implemented

>2 tank spots
>15 dps spots
>this means dps have to compete more

>implying the game isn't designed around each role having something to do
You are a special kind of stupid.

maybe youu should play tank bro

if you're not just baiting, you're retarded and don't understand game mechanics at all. or you play a very badly designed mmo.

no, shes choosing the alpha, enjoy it.

I literally said in my first post it most games designed those two roles to give shitters something to do so they would feel like they were helping and so others would be forced to bring them along
I know as a tank pressing 1 2 3 is the most complex thing you can do but try to keep up
>inb4 but guild wars 2
Literally the only argument I ever see in favor of a strict trinity system

>5 tank players
>100 dps players
That's why they compete more

It is so much easier to get into a guild as dps or healer. Tanking is only easy if you do nothing but pug.

your first meme arrow is applicable to every single person who plays the game little retard

>getting into guild = getting into the raid
How small are these guilds you run in to

I'm a tank player, and this image offends me so I won't be contributing to your thread.

self heal tanks > mitigation tanks

My Gf doesn't play video games but I convinced her to play through the swtor story line.
She picked a fucking male cyborg DS sith juggernaut because she wanted to be Darth vader.

>I'll never know the gf healer feel

>tanking gets tedious and gearing is boring
>healing is whackamole
>dps gets repetitive and has long queues

Just fuck my shit up.

Been the guilds back up tank since cata as a DK and this is not fucking true, the only time sustain tanks are better is when they're broken or can cheese mechanics, spike damage always makes one of the healers shit their pants and blow something on a big melee hit.

>pally in MoP
>more sustain than dks
>best mitigation in the game
The incompetence of blizzard always amazes me.

Who here like classes and skills that don't revolve around damage?

>You deal damage
>You take damage
>You heal damage

One of the things I love about lord of the rings online is how every class get some kind of non-combat skill is useful or even just fun

>warlock mains crying about Blizzard changing how they worked during MoP like it's because they liked how it played and not because it was ludicrously OP
every fucking time

Don't forget that blizzard nerfed demo by 25% on everything because, "we don't like how they play so no one should be doing it."
I really like the new demo and never understood the complaints though.

I've only ever seen two things kill a guild:

Drama (GM invites his girlfriend, friends IRL bring drama into /guild, etc.)
Tanks leaving for whatever reason.

I think I soft killed at least three guilds when I left them. When you're MT, you're basically admin of the guild: People depend on you that much.

They nerfed it so meta would seem new and exciting when legion dropped.

Which is only a 50/50 scumbag move; Nerfing a spec to oblivion for a tier just so your new class looks better is bullshit. On the other hand meta is DH's by rights and locks never should have had it.

Getting into a guild is a matter of saying: "Add me, fucker."

Most people will accept you on the spot if you aren't brand new to the game. Getting into a party with people FROM that guild is a different story.

what kind of non-combat skills?


Dont praise yourself too much brick. Youre easily replaceable

Post the other pic

Everyone is easily replaced, but, for some reason, when a Tank leaves the guild suffers more than if a DPS or Healer does. Just an observation.

DHs are just a more reckless and suicidal version of warlocks. I used to think they wouldn't make it into the game because they have that tendency to go insane or die from their magic that warlocks are immune to.

Hunters can teleport you and the party all across the map for free, this is lord of the rings so you can guess travel is slow and fucking boring. Loremasters can bring up advanced info about the monsters you wish, sure you could just check the wiki but there is something to be said about roleplaying and not being flaming homo. Minstrels can teach you how to play the drums and other instruments. Burglars can summon a NPC to sell your loot at campfires so you don't have to travel back to town. There is a lot of little skills like that

the best part is that the entire DH campaign is all about how DHs are all doomed to get mind controlled by the demon inside them and join the Legion, but somehow they're all heroes because muh sacrifice

is it a tank's role to lead the group in a dungeon and be the only one who really fights the boss/enemies?
seems like healers can just alt+tab and heal when needed while dps just facerolls and never has to worry because its my job to keep aggro up.

i thought i'd like being a tank but its like im playing singeplayer with babysitting

Tanks are leaders on insomuch as they are good at setting the pace in a dungeon. If someone has to say "slow down" or "speed up" to the tank, they're shit. Just as healers have to consider the entire party's health, tanks should be keeping the whole gang in mind when engaging.

Its a combination of two things; 1. Harder to replace, you only need two fulltime tanks in your roster so guilds are never recruiting tanks so people want to raid don't play tanks there simply is no pool of raid ready tanks like dps and heals.
2. Tanks have to be willing to stand up and take control of a raid and most people in the west will avoid conflict with people they know if they can avoid it so if everything goes to shit it always looks like the tanks fault because 90% of the time on a wipe you die first.
When we lost one of our tanks I had to fill for a bit because as the back up tank I had the most experience, on Mcenarius prog I was constantly falling over to the point people were telling me i had the wrong talents and shit. Turns out the beta cuck healers weren't healing me (there was an attempt where the only heal I received the entire time I was tanking cenarius was a 2.5k ping from the dps monk) they were all healing the other tank (yes shit like this happens in a top 500 guild). After I spent 15 minutes calling them out we killed cenarius that night.
If I'd just bent over and accepted it was my fault I doubt we would have killed it.

Can someone tell me what's the appeal of being a tank? What's fun about just standing there and taking damage like a sponge?

Here is the big thing tho, the whole point of the trinity is to get players to work together. No DPS around then you and your fuckboi healer is dead from adds and the boss. No healer then you're hooked up to a potion iv drip and you risk getting spiked while it is on cooldown. And I'm sure you know what happens to a party with no tanks

Requesting the animated legend of zelda comic with the fight

Heavy movement/add fights are pretty fun.
Tanking heroic netharion as the skeleton tank was always really enjoyable for me.
Some fights are very dull though.

>Warlocks are immune to getting fucked by demons
The warlock story in legion starts with the black harvest getting cucked.
Not to mention picc related.

There is a big difference between picking a fight and losing and getting raped by your own flesh and soul.

>Sitting in the corner and dieing to adds while everyone burns Nef after he lands.
Those were the days.

Tera had a fun tank that wasn't based around getting anally fucked and instead actually blocking/evading.

This would have more impact if dps players weren't so shitty.

pick one, tanks are punching bags and that's all.

>crying about classes
>still playing shitty class-based games
Your own fault really

Gotta say, in my experience tanks seem to have a lower average number of retards compared to other roles in casual or midcore content but in high end content or statics they become the worst kind of prima donna faggots who will literally bring the entire raid to a grinding halt for 20min while they sperg out because someone dared criticize them.

>877 Warrior
>Guild I'm in isn't good enough for mythic
>PuG heroics don't give shit
>Haven't upgraded my Prot Artifact at all for Mythic +
>Spend entire weeks without my ilvl going up just one point