Limited lives

>limited lives
>no level select
>incredibly short levels

Did these idiots think they were making an NES game or something? This is shockingly ass backwards.

>it's a neo/v/ episode
>it's a go back to plebshit episode

Back to plebshit contrary gayboy

Neck yourself viewtiful Joe thread

3 never

You forgot the most important problem

>shitty awkward goddamn horrible controls
Why this game was praised, I have no goddamn fucking idea. Proof that gaming had no soul and was a fucking zombie by the time the GC came around. Zombie "gamers" that don't know what the fucking hell a good game is.

Notice you didn't refute anything I said. I'll take that as you admitting I was correct.

>3 never.

I will always be upset about this, especially after that fucking cliffhanger on 2. FUCK.

It's supposed to be a movie parody you fuckwit. If it isn't continuous then it's not being played correctly.

Better bitch?

1 & 2 on PS4 when


>reversed dialogue for slyvia/blue mode

Except it's not a movie, is it? It's a video game. Therefore it should be designed as a video game.

Sorry you don't know what the hell makes a game good.

It's really sad to watch gaming go down the shitter over the last 20 years.

What makes a game good? Tell me.

>Video games should be designed as video games
>Believing there's such a thing as too much creativity when it comes to video games
Are you an imbecile?

So bad design choices are creativity?

Nigga does Mario Brothers have a level select without needing shortcuts?

If the levels are so short, why do you care about limited lives?

In all seriousness, the focus of the game is the combat. And, given it is entirely 2d, you may not be too far off thinking they were trying for an older game feel.

Either way, your opinion is frustrating and life is viewtiful.

>no port to ps4/xbox
>no viewtiful joe 3

Nigga that shit was on GameCube first think about a Switch port too mmk?

I figured they (capcom) would want to expand their sales a bit. If the switch did have viewtiful joe 3 as an exclusive. It would give me more incentive to buy it.

Bad in your opinion you dumb sack of shit. Fuck off.

You consider no level select a good design choice? Really?

As does everyone else in this thread.

Every video game doesn't need to be the same :^)

>no level select
You think this is good? really? Too lazy to work your way up?

Viewtiful Joe is a great game

need to replay 2 for that sweet ending

RIP Joe but jesus does anyone remember that TV show they made? christ it was bad

Except it is a video game. You play the video as a game.

>Did these idiots think they were making an NES game or something?
That was probably the idea, yeah.

Fuck all of you, ps3 port when you shits?

What is a motif, Alex?

He will never EVER work at The New York Times.