Anyone else think they should have added this with the fucking game? This explains so much fucking story. its like leaving Sin's attack on Zanarkand in FFX in FFXV
Anyone else think they should have added this with the fucking game? This explains so much fucking story...
I still don't get it. Luna kept talking about saving the world but she didn't say from what. Niflheim? That doesn't explain why the world's in danger. Also, what's the point of Luna and Noctis getting married? Doesn't seem like Tenebrae has any power. It's just another kingdom conquered by Niflheim. Why is there even still a princess or anything like that in Tenebrae?
Conan wouldn't have watched it. If Harvard educator genius doesn't watch it, I wouldn't watch it. Harvard educated genius is always right. Why haven't you went to Harvard?
The starscourge and the daemons, basically Ardyn and his plot. Luna and Noctis getting married was a condition for the ceasefire agreement between Lucis and Niflheim. Then Ardyn said fuck it.
sign the versus XV petition
Are you libtards so triggered about people getting an education? jesus christ
Then you could get TWO pieces of shit.
What does Japan even think of XV?
>Being this butt hurt over nothing
They think it's shit
I watched it in cinemas and I don't remember a single thing of note happening. The whole movie could be summed up in like one in-game sentence. Definitely not required to understand the game.
Imagine being this autistic.
Look I want the original, but looks at mgsv it ain't happening
>tfw Advent Children outclasses KG in every way, including the action
>directed by Nomura
It's just too much to be in the game. 2 hour cutscenes in vidya has always been a mistake.
>This explains so much fucking story
Get with the times. If you gave a fuck about the story you should have watched the movie long before the game came out. There has been a HD RIP of the movie for awhile now.
It's not necessary. I think the anime is more needed, as it makes the characters likeable.
On that topic, how did it not get ripped to shreds as promto's story is to be friends with a popular kid you need to be thin. Also going from fat to fuckboi is the most unrealistic thing associated with the game
The the developers gave a fuck about the story they would have left the original intact, since it was perfectly paced and organized.
>literally taking the best opening you could have, the city attack, and placing it into a shitty movie
>3 hour cutscene is a mandatory watch before beginning the game
Wasn't there also a tie-in novel or some stupid shit set after as well? Ridiculous.
It's tanking there
They've already cut the game price in half
Anime I think.
They basically took a cutscene script and pitched it as a "novella"
This game's writing is a fucking disaster and they know it too
She wants to save the world from the bad JRPG plot.
everyone dies
>waaaaah, that red haired funny man on tv made fun of my anime broship simulator! Call the cops!
Protip: The section of the show is called "clueless gamer" not "neet fat anime Connaisseur gamer with extensive knowledge of shit games"
>A novella explains why the boy band is even on a road trip in the first place
Why couldn't this be in the game? What the fuck?
No, what they should have done is not made the movie at all and kept most of it in the game in some form. Not all of it needs to happen at the beginning.
You are retarded, no wonder shitposters are going wild with this game. Yes, to get a better experience of the game you have to watch some movies and anime, big deal, stop being so autistic over some media that can be acquired for free, it's not like you are busy right?
They should just release the script for Versus so people who wanted the actual story can have it.
t. I eat shit and pay money to do it
Nice not being btfo anons, very good replies
>Lucis and Niflheim
She's not the princess of Niflheim though. Her country was fucking conquered. How does she have any power? Am I missing something? It sounds so fucking dumb. Yo, if you marry your son to this bitch who's country was taken over by ours we will end the war. Good deal?
What the fuck
Its game of thrones tier politics filtered through a broken FF plot
dont try to think about it too much
Most accurate post in this thread.
A video game should stand on it's own and THEN add on the movies and shit.
I can't imagine how much money Kingsglaive lost them with all the big budget actors and CGI, It's kind of weird how understated Kingsglaive is as a disaster and colossal failure
Honestly, they should have. The main game is weakened by having all this necessary context split apart from it. It's like taking chunks off the main course and mixing it with the entree
It wouldn't have fit in the game. The game is over 52 GB out of the box. More than 62 with DLC and updates. It will probably balloon into 80 or even 100 with the coming story DLC and the DLC events.
They're a province of Niflheim and her marriage would mean that Lucian lands came under imperial control. Lucis would be just another province.
Yes. Very much so.
People claiming vs.XIII was good are just stupid, at this point, that old story is all hype, there isn't even a story, just some speculations of what could've been and people just have a very vague idea of what it is based on the trailers, only pretending it's better than current XV
So you don't know what you're talking about, good stuff.
>It wouldn't have fit in the game.
If you take out all the utter bullshit, yes it would have.
It's true tho, people just hyping up something that doesn't exist
not even japan's massive fujyousi population can save this piece of shit?
but user, the movie did come with game
if you picked up the deluxe edition
>If you take out all the utter bullshit, yes it would have.
Different guy here. I imagine those things that you consider "utter bullshit" are actually things that take up no space whatsoever.
Oh, like the open world and bizarrely detailed models for the main 4 even though you have no reason to see them that close up? Not to mention all the terrible voice acting?
Having to watch a movie, some anime shorts, and read a wiki to understand a plot is a prime example bad storytelling.
You wouldn't sit down with a good book and expect to have to refer to a fucking dictionary to understand it, right?
How triggered are you that I like this movie and the game?
Does it explain why Square removed Cor from the fucking game? He shows up for 10 minutes and fucking dips, what kind of shit is this? He even works like a normal party member.
>You wouldn't sit down with a good book and expect to have to refer to a fucking dictionary to understand it, right?
Some very good books would need a reference guide to be fully appreciated, like Shakespeare or Cervantes, but that's more of a question of the readers own literacy than anything.
Skipping out essential chunks of your story to sell separate is just bad craftsmanship. It's not really the best comparison.
>le good book meme
This is such a broad statement you might as well call yourself a faggot and save us the time.
should i watch this after chapter one
Did someone do the secret dungeon near the volcano already? That's some crazy but fun shit right there.
And here you have it folks, a neo Sup Forums specimen defecating the hive main memes, because he doesn't have an opinion of his own, trying so desperately to fit in with the cool and funny kids.
Don't worry Murricuck and Eurocuck will save it, they're dump enough to enjoy this pieces of shit.
>like the open world
Yep, that would be an example of something that doesn't necessarily take up much storage space.
When the fuck do the Brotherhood episodes take place?
They're all budget TV actors and S-E makes their CGI on the hella cheap with borderline slave labour. That's why ALL their games including their western Eidos properties have amazing CGI trailers.
>Advent Children outclasses anything
What the fuck am I reading?
I will buy this blu-ray on one condition
Is it in 4K?
shitposters, they will say anything just to hate on XV
>What does Japan even think of XV?
Why would you want to know their opinion? They usually don't really care much about FF, and their opinions are usually shit too. I mean, their opinions are the reason why we have Vahn and Penelo in FFXII. I might not have hated the game so much if it wasn't for them...
I can believe it, Witcher 3s PS4 version is actually only 10gb in in digital ( dead serious)
So what about this game is hefty? Voice acting and graphics definitely are a thing.
>selling a 4K edition of your primarily-playstation game
oh im laffin
Advent Children tells an actual story with character development, while KG just has shit happening with characters they don't even attempt to make you care about or develop significantly.
Even the action scenes are better in that they're coherently directed while being flashy; you can actually tell what the fuck is on the screen unlike KG.
Watch AC Complete and KG back to back, the difference in quality is very significant.
Even if that's true, you're still just comparing different flavors of shit.
Someone is probably more knowledgeable on the subject than me. Voice acting is stored as data so yes it would be one of the big things that takes up space. In old days, pre-rendered graphics would take up space, but now it should be rendered real time meaning it's just bits of code now that takes up no space. Create a text file, fill it with 100000 sentences, and see how little space that file takes up.
CGI scenes are all prerendered and stored locally. The sheer strain on the PS4 required to render one of those things from scratch would kill it. Not to mention, it'd take fucking forever.
You see, these are some of the things that consumers don't notice in CGI animation.
They just see a pretty scene.
Not really, Amazon's reviews are low because guess what, they shipped Xbox One versions instead of Ps4 versions, of course japs are mad as fuck. And as square said, digital downloads were the highest of any FF title
>Advent Children tells an actual story with character development
A terrible story
>Even the action scenes are better
Are you joking?
>Watch AC again
Can't you use a good movie as an example?
This absolutely should have been in the game. FF is known for either starting in medias res or getting to the point extremely fast. There's some opening hook that gets you interested quickly.
IV - You begin with a fucking genocide
VII - You're a merc with a terrorist cell on a bombing mission
X - Godzilla destroys the World Cup
XIII - Rip off VII
And so on. XV starts with four unlikable faggots breaking down on a road trip and you literally have to push their car. Meanwhile, Kingsglaive is an insane fucking political backstab that leads into a royal capital being destroyed by a kaiju battle. Without the context and intrigue of Kingsglaive I can't imagine doing anything but turning XV off after about ten minutes.
I know right? That was pretty rotten of them to do
>tfw you are one of the few people that actually enjoyed AC
Fuck, the only things I didn't like about the movie was annoying shit like that "dilly dally shilly shally". Fuck, just thinking about those words piss me off.
>Unlikable faggots
Nah, that's just prompto, the rest of the gang is good.
Spirits Within is still the best Final Fantasy movie.
It's called release week discount. Happens all the time. I think west only has 15% discount at best though because JEWS.
>annoying shit like that "dilly dally shilly shally"
This forever turned me off Tifa.
I thought that was fine honestly, if anything it was the delivery
>rendered real time meaning it's just bits of code now that takes up no space.
Ahaha, sadly no. Modern high end CGI animation uses graphic engines that determine the state of each and every single polygon and how they interact. That means hundreds of millions of polygons interacting in a computer created world with its own set natural laws that mimick ours. In the old days it might've been possible to store all scenes as data, nowadays that's a little too low end. FFXV uses real time rendered scenes for simple cutscenes and interaction with NPCs and the world. Certain scenes however are entirely prerendered and optimized for 4K viewing on the PS4 Pro.
Maybe I'm just a retard and forgot why, but was it ever stated why Ardyn wanted to kill Noctis and make the world full of daemons and shit
Fuck, 44 for SW is proof that this site is worthless. Shit shouldn't be above any other movie.
You hatin on LotC bro?
>Advent Children
>MEMES and GENES, basically if Kojima wrote a sequel to FF7, overall pretty fun/10, well balanced between action, humor and drama
>A very bad Die Hard script meets Pacific Rim, only good part is Drautos and the banter between the kings
>overall pretty fun/10
No. It was shit.
When all the Turk scenes alone are better than the entirely of Kingslaive then you know something's wrong, fuck outta my face.
This. FFXV had the shittiest start possible and it was so bad that even halfway through I could barely give a fuck.
>The king died!
But I never interacted with him
>The capital fell!
I've never even been there.
>You must avenge everyone!
Why do I care?
The ONLY good part was the last fight, the rest was just bad puns, generic dialog and just fan service garbage, KG at least had some relevant story and good action sequences, it was like a really long intro
>More than 62 with DLC and updates
The last update was 7 GB mate
>When all the Turk scenes alone are better
How old are you?
He probably only played VII
>He probably only played Crisis Core
To screw over the astrals who rejected him and to end his bloodline. Ardyn's son was a greedy and jealous bastard who wanted the crown and the crystal's power. Bahamut told him to kill Ardyn after Ardyn became tainted from taking in too much darkness from saving others. The kicker here is that Bahamut is also Ardyn's ancestor/father. The bloodline power that makes crystalline blades that the kings can manifest and freely control? It's one of Bahamut's abilities. Bahamut is an asshole and probably the worst parent in final fantasy.
The only relevant part of KG's story is "the king died" the rest is bullshit
And dont even get me started on the action scenes, when your camerawork is so shakey that everything is just a manic blur with no real cohesion it just sends the message that you don't give a fuck about what you're doing or why you're doing it. ACC had some real finesse and clarity to it's scenes so its laughably someone could say KG is better in that sense.
Played 7, 4 and 8
Has nothing to do with the fact that AC > KG
Yes, cutscenes may take up space, but cutscenes weren't mentioned. If user meant cutscenes when saying "graphics", then that seems like a gross misuse of the word.
>AC > KG
is Kingsglaive actually good
is there any other related media i should consume before playing this trainwreck
The brotherhood anime, which are just 5 episodes of 15 mins I think the movie of course
Kingsglaive is utter shit but good for a bored-on-the-weekend watch
FFXV also has animes too which are half-decent, but honestly they should've been part of the game.
Miles better than Advent Children
Japan hates rpgs they are all mostly fps guys.