Other urls found in this thread:
Not a horrible card. Underwheming, sure, but not horrible at all. I got Aya from my twelve packs. Great card, a bit reactionary, but a great card nontheless. These fucking Pirates though... Patches can go suck it.
>Puts Ysera in your deck
>Your only dragon
>All the stars align
>Ysera is the last card
>Mill yourself to death
r8 this dank meme
Read the card again.
Hahaha wow
Here's my current deck. Really awesome. It's catapulted me to 15. Devolve is the shit, like Mass Silence + Aoe. It isn't very reliable, but when the enemy pulls off some combo that is DO NOT WANT material, it's your card to be free.
Dammit ShareX
So wait, I can just never put a dragon in my deck and get all my cards drawn instantly?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Nono. Draw cards until you draw a NON-dragon card. So if your whole deck IS dragons you draw them all. And die. But you draw them all.
Other way around, 29 Dragons and Wrathion, draw your whole deck.
>people still play curvestone
why haven't you switched to shadowverse?
No, you dumbfuck. If you make a deck of dragons ONLY you would draw all your cards, but this isn't possible.
Because I'm not a gay weaboo.
Because you are trying too hard.
read the card again
Yes it is.
I had the same reaction until i saw the "isn't" part.
anime titties are illegal where I lack
or rather, the lack of said titties
Hearthstone is objectively worse than Weebstone
Weebs are objectively worse than people
Sup Forums
Why do people always post shitty cards in these OPs? Are we supposed to complain about them or something?
DAE Blizz Bad card design despite the fact that not all cards are going to be some kind of Yogg-level coolness card?
Looks like most of the boards aren't related to weebery partner. Looks like Sup Forums wasn't even a starting board but was made as a containment board to keep weebs under control, but much like /cgl/ it's never enforced because the jannies do it for free.
Hello newfriend!
Go back to Sup Forums. If you want to talk about your weeb games make a seperate thread.
>This argument again
Tripfagging was also normal when Sup Forums started
>Make HS thread
>SV shills flood it instantly
Like clockwork.
I mean I don't care either way since the game is dead in the West, but still. Why not make your own threads?
>he still plays smorcstone
Remember when all the HS threads would always be derailed? I do too, it happens hourly.
pic related, the spell all HS threads cast
The whole game is one big joke to Blizzard anyways. HS can be fun, but it really is a bullshitty game by design.
>he says this, while promoting a game where you can go face in too.
Iunno a 6 mana 4/5 that draws 2 on average in the deck it jas synergy with seems good
You could also say it's Smorcverse too. Just climbed to A finally and everything before that was either aggro or elana bullshit.
I just realized the art is actually depicting the leaders of the 3 factions, not just some randoms. I wonder what wacky situation could have the leaders of all three gangs turned into murlocs at the same time?
Also, is Murloc!Aya the only female murloc ever?
Shadow Rager isn't that bad desu. I might run it for free damage. People seriously underestimate Stealth, 4/5 of the time I see it I can't respond.
Yeah, I noticed that today too. Uh, I think the health buffer Murloc is female, but don't quote me on that.
>Get Shaku in my starting 90 packs twice
>Attempt a few rogue decks of varying kinds
>Rogue is still trapped in auctioneer-powered combo memery
I think it's possible rogue got the worst cards overall of all the classes in Gadgetzan, and it's not even a particularly close call. Some of the other classes got shafted too, like paladin, but after toying with his cards his cheap hand buffers (The 2 mana 1/1 and the 1 mana spell) actually work beautifully in midrangey decks. They're actually pretty bad in aggro since you'll still get blown out by most of the same sweepers, and they're bad in control since having a 7/7 Tyrone doesn't much matter, but it helps a ton with midrange shit and you're less concerned about sacrificing a turn or two early on to pump everything up.
What is this weeb you people speak of? Did it change meaning when a lot of newfriends infected this place?
Paladin is still a bitch to fight. Rogue has definitely not gotten the greatest of cards this time around, but Miracle can definitely do well with the new Red Mana Wyrm. Have you seen that thing in Rogue? With Conceals and Cold Bloods I got it up to 26 attack.
>Starting 90 packs
I still have a hard time processing this. Its a game HEAVILY dependent on complete RNG bullshit, and your willing to dump copious amounts of money into it?
Haven't tried it in rogue yet, it has potential but it's not much different than mana addict, and more expensive to play.
In the olden days of miracle rogue before Leeroy shadowsteps took over and Leeroy got nerfed, the preferred method of bullshit was playing questing adventurers and mana addicts. Could still do it today, the biggest disadvantage was tempo mages and shaman being loaded with sweepers that could kill even with conceal, but who knows if they'll still be around much after people settle in with the new cards.
They probably will. The expansion is feeling a bit weak like TGT.
Didn't spend a dime on that, user. It's not like Hearthstone releases addons on an unpredictable schedule.
How much gold does everyone have ATM? I saved up 800 for Gadgetzan. Have 85 now :(
Seriously blizz, don't give 5 gold at the end in packs. It's BS.
>average hearthstone player's level of comprehension
I think there's a few female murlocs in WoW, they just look the same
There's even a quest chain in Legion where you help a murloc get married
Why can't shadowverse be that pretty?
Raza The Chained is a load of BS. Not one priest doesn't have it up their ass along with Shadowform and maybe a heaping of Sir Finley too.
i think the prest cards are pretty meh sure they got some power creep but they still lack decent early game answers that dont invovle gimicky spells being comboed or playing dragon memes hue hue hue great class design there blizzard.
Raza can be really good or underwhelming as sometimes ill find myself with mana left over on turns and the 0 mana heal does nothing.
Priest as a whole seems incredibly situational in terms of getting lucky on the cards they draw it can be incredibly powerful sometimes but more often than not they just lose to faster decks. Another issue is they cant compete with the jade golem late game which makes their hero power practically useless forcing the preist into aggresively burning their oppponent down in some weird mid game position. I honestly think blizzard fucked up with the jade golems in druid being infinately respawning and avoiding mill permanently as one of the worst fucking designs they have ever done because it makes druid literally impossible to beat in a late game control scenario.
Does that carry over if you change hero powers? That was the one thing I wasn't sure about with the card. The wording of things can be so fucked in Hearthstone it was hard to trust it. Just like I learned that Noggenfogger's ALL MINIONS actually does influence absolutely everything.
Yeah, it does. It's balanced but still a piss-off for sure.
He's ridiculously op. I won this game too.
To be fair even non-dragon priest got some good toys from the set. The 3 mana 3/4 bird man is rock solid, the 5 mana 5/5 silencer is pretty great since silence is as such a premium (Though it's a smidge less viable since jade golems don't lose their pumping if silenced, but jade golems aren't a huge worry either), pint size potion opens up a variety of shenanigans, dragon potion is a powerful sweeper even if you're a non-dragon deck, etc.
They definitely focused it more heavily on dragon priest specifically, but I would say even the non-dragon priests got more toys than rogue, paladin, maybe druid. Priest definitely needed it though.
Oh, that makes it more viable then. Only downside being you have to play a singleton deck to leverage it. And the problem with that is priest's natural hero power is favored for midrange/control style play, and singleton decks tend to favor control since you're less naturally consistent and have to rely on a big turnaround to take over, but having a 0 mana natural priest hero power more heavily favors aggressive tempo play. So the card isn't even that special unless you're running shadowform or manage to Finley something better, at which point you may as well just play warlock or mage for singleton.
At the very worst he's 6/4/5/taunt/draw1, so I don't see why people are complaining.
This card sucks. In all of 12 games with it its effect triggered once. It turned into a worse card than it already was. What the hell.
Its a 6 mana 4/5 that draws two on average in a dragon deck. I'd call that a solid addition
>Still playing Hearthstone
>Two thousand and sixteen
Yep, I toyed around with it too. Pretty much worthless, if you're going to meme you're much better off running doppelgangster and evolve for a "I play 3 random 6 drops on 6 mana" combo and then make a druid instant concede when you get emperor Thaurissan, savanna highmane, and boulderfist ogre.
Well yeah. Look at all the six cost cards and decide what your chances are of something good. Its not meant to be a powerful card just a neat effect
Sounds like a baller combo if I could get some Dopplegangsters. I know that Big Time Racketeer is also good with Evolve
Sorry, but anime looks like shit.
Yeah it's an amazing card. As long as they don't have any random damage or aoe it's like you have a Wolfrider in your deck that attacks a turn late.
So the opposite of a wolfrider?
It's a bad card but you're not supposed to attack face with it straight away. You let it get damaged then transform it so it heals itself.
>I won this game too
no you didnt you fucking liar
thats from reddit you fucking liar
>try hearthstone today
40 pirate warriors in a row
>finally get something else
>its Jade golem Druid that fills the boards with
Pirate Warrior is BS, tech a couple of oozes in and you'll be fine.
>losing to a deck slower than the titanic
Jade Druid is Ez, just don't have shit draws.
It's still better than Shadowverse.
>Playing Hearthstone instead of Shadowverse
Can one of the weaboos go make a Shadowverse thread and get the hell out of ours?
Do you even know what that means dipshit?
Kripp is on a win streak right now with a stealth rogue deck that runs this card
Fuck this guy. Annoy-o-tron rotated out for a reason. Undoes earlygame damage and is just annoying as all hell.
I hate that everyone wants rogue to have a standard midrange deck. I'd just be happy for miracle, malygos and n'zoth rogue to all be viable. Maybe with some shadowcaster memes.
Yeah, and I think that Blizzard has done a great job staying steadfast in how all classes don't need to have all abilities. Rogue has a very unique play style.
At least shadowverse has quality waifus
Here we go again
Ayyyyy lmao. Weasel tunneler is fun, there isn't much to kick his memes into overdrive, but he works tolerably in a grimy goons midrange paladin. It's all fun and games until the weasel gets buffed from goon shit or regular paladin buffs.
Considered running getaway kodo and redemption and shit for max-weasel but if your opponent falls for it once they won't do it again. I think you just have to live with it being a shitty minion that is raised into mildly tolerable due to your meme-deck, and then you have the chance of giving your opponent a crap draw.
I was desperate, I got two of them from packs so I had to play them somewhere. Just slapped a hunter's shit.
Incidentally, crowd favorite is pretty solid in that memedeck. I always tried to build a deck around crowd favorite but nothing QUITE worked, but he's solid here in large part because if he gets any of that goons early-buffing he hits the board fully erect and will only grow bigger. Shame TGT's going to be phased out so soon.
I think the entire new set is pretty much just fucking garbage. There's a couple of cards you'll see in literally every deck ever from now on though.
Like Otherwise I think the current meta is going to stay roughly the same.
I can't even tell what the idea was for any of the rogue cards that came out. One card for the cardsteal concept, a few for stealth cards, and then attempting to buff miracle with free coins.
Overall: Miracle is still the only strat unless that pirate legendary with gang up created some new retard pirate deck.
Priest cards are entirely unhelpful. The 6 cost aoe nuke is pretty good, but otherwise all the cards are still worse than any other class.
Druid cards are meh. Malygos will remain.
Warlock is the same, one or two cards I have an eye on but likely won't change much.
Mage got a bigger push to run secrets. Which I can't for the life of me understand. I guess they didn't get their dicks hard enough with secret hunter.
This is the new TGT
>still playing rngstone
its like you guys hate fun
keep fueling brode and keep him thinking he went in an awesome direction with his card design
Now they just need to print lab maniac and we're in business
Because they're Blizzard shills or have spent money on this clusterfuck and are too deep into Stockholm Syndrome to quit now.
Looks like shit
Sounds worse.
>Druid cards are meh. Malygos will remain.
Are you crazy? Jade Idol is insane. There will probably be Druid decks that run just that, and then arcane giant, swipe etc. Druid probably got the second best cards this set after priest, maybe tied with Paladin.
>come back from a hiatus
>game gives me 10 classic packs and 6 new packs
>I'm so far behind that I doubt I can compete with the top netdecks
>No API available for hearthstone deck sites
>can't upload my collection to figure out if theres some niche decks I can try
API when
Why have YOU switched to Forgotten Lore??
Yeah, go back to Sup Forums if you want to discuss real videogames!
This isn't a Japanese website or anything!
It isn't, sperglord
>unironically playing the worst card game in existence
Why do you hate yoruselves this much?
You have to go back
>Generic anime
Unless it gets fucked by something anime is boring.
I'd rather have generic boring anime than Hearthstone's garbage artstyle
So many newfags infested this place in just 2-3 years. What happened?